在土澳生活多年,虽然英文已经进步了不少,但有时候说起话来感觉直接地让自己都听不下去了。明明讲中文的时候还是很温柔、很委婉的,为什么一说起英语,就变得“硬邦邦”地了呢~相信有不少同学都存在着这个问题,今天无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐就来和大家说说,有哪些小改变能够让你的英语很熟淑女、很绅士~修饰词的使用是让表达是否委婉的关键。先看看下面两句句子:There will be a delay in the completion of the project.是不是感觉非常地生硬?第一句话中,very修饰hot,虽然凸显了天实在是很热这一事实,但未免太过了,非常地夸张。假如能用“柔软剂”软化一下,就会显得礼貌很多。一般来说,能够软化我们Tone的词汇包括以下这些:看起来似乎都是非常简单的“小词”,但小身材却有大作用,在日常生活中,尤其是要向他人告知坏消息时,可以考虑使用这些“软化词”,例如:We are having problems with the new product. We are having one or twoproblems with the new product. We might run slightlyover budget.The marketing campaign is behind schedule. The marketing campaign is a little bit behind schedule.当我们想针对某些问题、缺点提出建议的时候,除了毫不留面子地直接指出问题,反问句提问不失为一种恰当的方式。先看看下面这个例子: We should redesign the company logo!虽然这句话把你的观点说清楚了,但未免显得过于强势。对于上级、客户乃至同学说话、讨论时,我们应该避免这样的说话方式,倘若稍加改变,比较委婉的说话会变成这样:Shouldn’t we redesign the company logo?当我们把一个statement变成反问句的时候,既能以一种determined的方式把我们想说地表达出来,又显得委婉,何乐而不为呢?通常,以下词都可以用来组成反问句:We must hire a new advertising agency. Couldn’t we hire a new advertising agency? Wouldn’t it be better to hire a new advertising agency?Using the Past Continuous Tense这是个比较有意思的说话方式,却也是更为委婉,从某种程度上而言,更像是外交辞令。例如:I hope we can sign the contract today. I was hoping that we could sign the contract today.使用过去进行时能够让话语听起来有假设性和试探性,因此显得更有教养。对于即将步入职场的烤鸭们,这是一个非常重要的沟通技巧~想要显得更礼貌?过去进行时少不了。I think we need to hire more employees. I was thinking we need to hire more employees.I aim to finish this project by the end of the month. I was aiming to finish this project by the end of the month.不得不说,被动语态是让英语显得特别正式、特别“官方”的重要途径,如下面的场景,有人把你的电脑弄坏了,加入通过主动语态,那是:You have broken my computer!感觉太直接了!这样情感如此强烈地陈述句是一定会把别人吓坏的~我们的目标是要避免过于direct的表达。但换成被动语态就变成了:My computer has been broken!这里,我们没有直接指出是谁把电脑弄坏的,只是讲清楚了电脑坏了的那个事实,没有人要为这个事实承担责任。生活中,类似的场景有很多,例如:You said you were going to sign the deal today. It was understood that you were going to sign the deal today.You agreed to lower your fees.It was agreed that you were going to lower your fees.以上就是今天的内容,大家都学会了吗?从今天起,我们都要做一个有教养有礼貌的人哦~当然,如果有什么问题,欢迎随时联系我们无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐哦!友情提醒:新一期的无忧写作口语7分班下周一就要开始咯~所剩名额不多,欲报从速!
无忧小雅哥 mr_51ielts
悉尼无忧雅思姐 mrs_51ielts