下周3开始的写作口语7分保分课程还有 最后2个名额
「☆小作文☆」流程图再次出现!这次不叫逆袭啦,知道流程图及地图题会是2014的主流题型,之前无忧小雅哥有无数次提醒过,这次小伙伴们不能再没有准备咯 具体描述的是一个stages of small scale production of fish
「☆大作文☆」It is not necessary for people to travel to other places to learn other culture of other people, as we can learn it from books, films and the internet. To what extent do u agree or disagree?
「☆小作文☆」Write a complaint letter for a long trip bus to the company. Why the passengers are unhappy and explain the reasons. Then give some suggestions. 这是典型的Formal letter哦!~
「☆大作文☆」Many people think that the most important things in life are free – they cannot be bought. Do you agree or disagree?感谢@Momo桑_Nicole 的分享!~这道题要注意,Free是免费的意思,千万不要写成自由… 审题千万要仔细哦!~
雅思直播2014.10.18参与直播回复 「21」
「Miss Lei」又考了,今天是第一个考口语的。part 1是cloth, name,work or study. part 2是someone you know is good looking。运气好到昨晚看机经准备过!!!可是今天作文写的不好…哎。求碰到一个好的考官…
「jimmyfan」part 1 work or study, handwriting. part 2 describe an experience you wait for someone…谁能告诉我这又是什么东西啊!我是怪题吸引器吗!上周考了price you won,这周这个又是什么啊…跪了…
「黎思霓」给跪了,G类的大作文我写成了自由…这还能有分么?哎。口语是第一部分问了一些我个人的基本问题,还有购物,building。第二部分是famous person in your country。写作废了口语还行。
「cynthianting」someone in your family you would like to spend time with. 上次也考这个话题,这算运气好吗?anyway,part 1和part3不记得了。
「Felicia」hometown,food street market,weather.describe an indoor game you played when you were a child; do you like play with your peers or play games alone?how to become good friends? what do you ususally do when you were child? RMIT, 白人老爷爷,1点的口语考试。教室在6楼。
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