
2020年05月14日 中国驻澳大利亚大使馆

引言:美国前驻华大使马克斯•鲍克斯Max Baucus周一接受CGTN主持人刘欣采访时指出,美国政府中一些人对中国的攻击十分过火,让人联想起历史上的麦卡锡时代。上世纪50年代,美国参议院约瑟夫.麦卡锡曾通过煽动性的言论,四处散布红色恐慌,煽动公众对共产主义的仇恨,迫害共产党人。鲍克斯还将美国当下的对华舆论攻击与希特勒时期相比较,认为这些言论将挑起中美两国人民之间的相互敌视,导致双边关系进一步滑坡。

Anti-China rhetoric in the U.S. today is reminiscent of the McCarthy era and Hitler in 1930s Germany, says the former U.S. Ambassador to China, Max Baucus.

"I think the main point I'm trying to make, is somewhat reminiscent, nowhere close to that, yet, some are reminiscent of the McCarthy era, and some are reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s. That is, each person, Joe McCarthy, Adolf Hitler, made many, many statements based on nationalism," said Baucus.
博卡斯认为,虽然当下情形与麦卡锡时代和上世纪30年代的德国相去甚远,但现在美国针对中国的舆论攻击的确会让人联想到那两个时代,当时麦卡锡和希特勒 都发表了很多民族主义的言论。

In McCarthy's case, it's more anti-communism, and riling people up, making people believe things that really were not true.

Baucus said that the U.S. government today, and the White House, and some in Congress, are making statements against China, that are so over the top, so hypocritical, they are based, some of them, not on facts. Or they are based on facts but sheer demagogy. That's what McCarthy did in the 1950s, he was a proper demagogue.

If that continues like that, Baucus believes that there are going to have deep, deep problems between the U.S. and China. It's going to get worse. It's going to stir up American people against China unnecessarily, and it's going to stir up Chinese people against America unnecessarily. 

"I'm trying to say right-thinking people who want to talk about the facts, who care about relationships, speak up. Then we can have a discussion based on facts but not on demagogy."




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