The 12th Australia China Alumni awards has made good progress with 44 quality finalists, and a great response to two new categories (Australia-China Relations and Community and Social Impact).
From here on in, we will announce the finalists every week. This week we are starting with the finalists of the 2020 Young Australia China Alumni of the Year Award.
Young Australia China Alumni of
the Year Award
This award is open to all alumni who are not yet 35 years old and are involved in fields of employment, community service or voluntary work.
This award recognises the achievements of our young alumni and celebrates their outstanding talent, accomplishments, and the contributions they have made to the wider Australia-China community.
This year, four outstanding candidates have been shortlisted:
今年, 这个奖项有4位入围者,他们分别是:

Christine Ding
Co-Founder, Head of Client Director
Brand Catalyser
RMIT Alumna
scoll down for the full introduction 向上滑动阅览

Yuan Chai
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Sydney
Australian National University Alumnus
scoll down for the full introduction 向上滑动阅览

Zhan Huang
President, Young Sparks
RMIT Alumnus
scoll down for the full introduction 向上滑动阅览

Yifan Wang
Founder & Director
Australia China Youth Association Women’s Network
University of Melbourne Alumna
scoll down for the full introduction 向上滑动阅览

澳中同学会(ACAA) 于2007年在澳大利亚驻华大使的主持下在北京成立,现任澳大利亚驻华大使是ACAA的新任代言人。一直以来,ACAA和澳大利亚大学、政府机构和商会保持紧密联系,合作开展活动。目前,ACAA会员遍布中国和澳洲,超过26,000人。