【mid level C# MVC .Net Developer】
FULL TIMERequirements for the role:1) Min 2 years experience with .NET, C#, SQL, ASP.NET, MVC etc
2) Experience with WebAPi, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS etc
3) Experience with LINQ and Entity Framework.
4) Experience with Bootstrap,HTML5 & CSS3
5) Experience with Social Media integration APIs
please send resume to [email protected]
Permanent Client service Representative role:
What to do:
Liaise with vendors and clients
Proactively assist and support sales team in all sales and marketing queries/initiatives
Prepare and update listing of customer records
Follow up on customers’ inquiries
Draft proposals to potential clients
Coordinate advertising and marketing campaign
Market research, prepare marketing proposals, organise, manage and implement sales and marketing initiatives
Other activities as directed by the management
Proactive, take initiative; always looking to improve process
Self-directed and able to complete projects without limited supervision
Ability to prioritise task, multi-task and meet deadlines of multiple events
Ability to identify and troubleshoot problems in a fast-paced online payment market environment; adaptable to change
Solid verbal and written communication skills in English and Mandarin
Experience Required:
A minimum of 1 year experience in a similar role within a sales environment, experience in Financial & Banking Industry will be at advantage
Intelligent self-starter and have outstanding communication and relationship skills
Demonstrate high standards with the desire to continuously improve
Resourceful and creative problem solver
Able to work as a team player
Email: [email protected]
要求:英文好, 28岁以上, 要求有本地工作经验, pr优先
发resume至[email protected]
有意者联系: Frank:0451533188
Email:[email protected]
【Hurstville 律师行征全职文员】
【Surry Hills Cafe招聘全职Allrounder】
诚聘有咖啡和冷饮经验的cafe all rounder. 要求: 守时,做事爽快,积极性和主动性强 -较强的责任心和团体合作精神 -较强的学习能力和适应能力 -良好的英文沟通能力和绝对的工作热忱 -能长期稳定工作。 只接受邮箱和短信投递简历。请注明包括: Name Age Gender Address Visa type/expiration Work experience weekly availability Salary expectation 请发到[email protected]或0433988305
Zetland eastvillage shopping centre里的Zetciti亚洲超市招聘女收银员
1. 有责任感
2. 刻苦耐劳
3. 诚实守信
4. 高服从能力
5. 有耐心
6. 英文表达与沟通能力强
有意者请携带简历进店咨询或发送简历至[email protected]
【Granville 广告公司会计兼Office Admin】
大型数码印刷广告公司招聘 会计,全职, 要求精通电脑, 有平面设计(会使用 Illustrator,Photoshop) 和 sales assistant 经验。英文必须留利。简历至 [email protected] 电话 02 9632 1880
工作環境良好,有興趣請發短信至 0402131807 謝謝
【宠物用品公司招聘全职 AllRounder】
仓库管理, 接单发货
有意者可发简历到 [email protected]
诚聘木工(中工/大工)需要有半年以上相关经验,持白卡,税号,有车为宜,工作签证需半年以上有效.工作时间:一般周一到五工作! 薪资面议有意者,请电0435551988 或发信息(包括简要的个人工作经验及薪资要求)
位於Hurstville律師事務所現招聘全職conveyancer 1 名.
需中英文流利, 有3年相關工作經驗及相關學位
如有興趣請將履歷發至[email protected]
【legal secretary】
We are currently looking for 2 enthusiastic legal secretaries to join our firm on a full-time basis.
1. Experienced legal secretary
To be successful in this role you will have a minimum of 3 years’ local experience as a Legal Secretary. Applicant should have a sound background in all aspects of conveyancing practice and procedure in NSW, commercial leasing and other related matters.Your main duties will include but not limited to manage file matters on a day-to-day basis.
Attractive salary package to the applicant with the appropriate experience and skills.
2. Entry level legal secretary
To be successful in this role you will have law background either in Austrlia or overseas and at least 6 months local office experience. Your main duties will include but not limited to assist senior legal secretary on a day-to-day basis and other office administrative duties as required.
To confidentially apply for this role, please send your resume detailing proven experience to [email protected]
【Mosman 兼职翻译】
请联系 monica 0409966052
【Haymarket 移民公司招聘全职文员】
悉尼近唐人街附近, 一移民公司诚聘一名文员。
1. 中英文良好,做各种移民留学类文案工作, 文书撰写,雅思分数7分以上,特别是写作7分以上,优先考虑;
2. 少数翻译工作,有NAATI证书优先考虑;
3. 态度细心认真, 独立工作能力强;
4. 有亲合力,善于与客人或者移民局等相关机构沟通;
5. 有相关经验优先。
1. 协助持牌移民代理整理资料,撰写文件,填写申请表格;
2. 在指导下递交申请;
3. 接待客户,做简单咨询;
4. 接听电话,与客户和相关机构沟通;
5. 办公室存档工作,打印复印或者扫描。
有意者,请发简历至: [email protected]
【Burwood 珀斯中餐馆招前台收银】
Perth中餐馆招有责任心,服务态度良好前台接待。需能跟顾客流利对话,一经录用一周六天,一周800。联系0430097181 steven zheng
【Uts 健身房招男清洁工】
city uts 健身房找男清洁工作轻松,要求认真负责 住city 的优先
15刀一小时 工作时间晚上9点半到11点半。
【招工 Mid-night Packing Job】
Early Morning Shift Only! ( start between 12am - 3 am)
Packing fruits and vegetables
Ex. Corn, Lettuces, Cucumber, Silver beet, etc.
The shift is 8 hours and 30minutes
In case of the workers have to do extra hours, you are going to get extra pay by hours.
Pay: $127.5 - $180
Company: Mates Workforce Pty Ltd
Contact No.: 0481 117 153
Add: L35/39 Auburn Road, Auburn, NSW 2144.
Email: [email protected]
工资待遇面议 需要立即能上班 持有可以全职工作的签证
有意者请将简历发送至:[email protected] 或联系:0421891109
【CROYDON PARK 西人超市招收银理货】
CROYDON PARK 西人超市招收银理货,要求为人诚实,流利英语。电话:0405240583
【女鞋店诚招 part-time sales】
Westfield Liverpool 女鞋店诚招part-time sales若干名。
需会使用基本MS Office 软件,如Powerpoint、word 等
Wendy: 0424 888 693
Tien: (02) 9734 9793 (English)
【Circular quay icecream shop looking for casual staff 】
适合学生 around $20/hr
Circular quay冰激凌店(the royal Copenhagen 6号船站附近) 招casual staff, 适合学生(需要至少还会留在悉尼1-2年) ,工作时间一周大概2,3个shifts ,然后要求周末能够上班, 有责任心,英语流利(因为老板是老外然后店里员工也是鬼佬比较多)。 时薪around $20/hr. 如果觉得自己合适 请联系mick:0404 013 650 (联系时请用英文 老板是老外) 或去店里直接投简历。 谢谢。
有意者请联系 Candy:0411177087
Eastgadens westfield 中餐馆诚招厨师和帮厨,会炒面炒饭优先,长期稳定,待遇好。
【City 公寓式酒店清潔人員】
【Hotel CBD reception】
招聘飯店前台櫃員,Sydney Hotel CBD位於雪梨市中心(near townhall station) 需有相關客服經驗, 流利英文,有效率,熱心服務,懂澳洲文化和著名地點。 上班時間週一到週日排班制,下午6pm至1am。免費提供員工住宿。 有興趣者請email 履歷至[email protected] currently seek for an experienced professional front hotel receptionist to join our team at Sydney Hotel CBD in Sydney CBD near townhall station. The position involves working shift Monday to Sunday. The vacancy shift is from 6pm to 1am. (free accommodation provided) Duty: Check in and check out procedures Assist guests with enquiries, Provide a high standard of service delivery Taking enquiries and reservations, site inspections Strong attention to detail Ability to multitask Applicants must have fluent English and acknowledged of Australian culture. Applicants must have the valid visa ( include student visa) to work in Australia. We are looking forward in receiving your covering letter and resume. Email:[email protected]
【Leader直招C sharp 软件开发工程师】
IT Leader直招: 公司是一家在悉尼从事多年零售和批发IT产品和相关配件的电子商务公司,我是公司的Programmer Leader。最近因员工离职,需招聘C#程序员一名。有意者,请发个人简历邮件到[email protected]。(中介勿扰)
1. 至少2年获以上的C#应用开发经验;
2. 相关技术:
a. Dot Net framework 4.0 (或以上版本), 包括windows form, LINQ and WCF等技术;
b. Entity framework 5.0 (或以上版本), code-first/DB-first 设计模式;
c. 熟悉Ebay API, Amazon marketplace API, 优先考虑.
d. 掌握软件开发周期相关的理论、方法和工具;
e. 熟悉网页编程:PHP or Java, Html5, JS, CSS, 或其他流行的Web平台,优先考虑;
f. 数据库设计和SQL编程,基于MS-SQL Server;
3. 有零售流通行业或电子商务相关的应用系统项目开发经验,优先考虑;
1. 协同团队,开发公司内部后台应用系统;
2. 维护现有相关后台系统;
3. 设计和撰写项目系统文档;
1. Two years or above C# work experience;
2. Familiar with:
a. Dot Net framework 4.0 (or above version), including windows form, LINQ and WCF, etc.;
b. Entity framework 5.0 (or above version), code-first/DB-first design;
c. Ebay API, Amazon marketplace API, priority will be given.
d. Knowledge of theories, methods and tools of system development life cycle;
e. Website design: PHP or Java, Html5, JS, CSS, or popular web platforms, priority will be given;
f. DB design and SQL script programming by MS-SQL Server;
3. Project experience with application systems of retail/distribution industry management or e-commerce, priority will be given;
1. Develop back-office application systems with our programming team;
2. Maintain exiting systems;
3. Writing project documents;
【Silverwater Ebay 電商管理客服】
我們是一家在經營ebay網站的公司,需要英文能力好的人才 目前主要希望可以找到台灣人來工作 要求能及時回覆客人的問題(郵件或電話) 工資面議,依照能力調整(一開始起薪20.08/before tax), +public holiday pay/super/annual leave
1 大專以上學歷,英語 CET 6 或以上(或是有其他的英文能力檢定證明),能流利地和英語客人進行郵件及電話交流。
2 熟練使用辦公軟件。
3 需要有電商经验(如EBAY, AMAZON...等)
4 工作地方在SILVERWATER , 要求能夠自律,好學,有责任心,團隊配合。
資格條件符合者,麻煩請email到 [email protected], Please including a personal resume. Thanks.
Sydney 大型女装批发公司,现招聘经验跟单员一名。
熟练中英文口语, 写作;
有较强沟通, 学习能力;
有较强责任心, 和团队合作精神。
【Granville 广告公司招Office Assistant】
大型数码印刷广告公司招聘 客服,全职, 要求精通 AI, PS, 有sale 经验。英文必须留利。简历至 [email protected]
【Project Architect】
Grandview Ausbuilder is a multinational property development and construction company that prides itself on delivering cost effective, sustainable and innovative development projects throughout Asia/China and more recently Australia
Due to business expansion, we now need a Part-time Project Architect
Duties will include, but are not limited to :
Manage a team of other junior staff sand cadets to get the documentation delivered
Manage all aspects of the planning, design, documenting and project management of an architectural project.
Sound knowledge of Authority codes ADG and BCA
Deliver DA/CC documentation
Oversee the design and construction operations to ensure timely and profitable completion.
Prepare cost estimates for materials purchase, labor and general building requirements.
Make on site visits to check on project status and report on project
Contact municipal building department and government agency officials for approvals.
Liaise with consultants, clients and other authorities
Prepare and check documentation during construction stage
Prepare basic architectural renderings to present the concepts
Able to sign off certification and produce the design statement
Essential skills and experiences**
NSW registration
A minimum of 3 years local experience working as Project Architect/Leader or similar
Excellent experience in Driving Projects from DA to Completion
Managed the tender process to engage contractors and managing the contractor and contracts administration through delivery.
Basic Revit skills, and advanced AutoCad skill, sketchup, photoshopand Vectorworks skills
Rendering Software such as Lumion, Vary etc
Excellent design skills
Experience of liaising with consultants and clients
Experience of leading a team
Proactive Attitude
Drivers License
If you are interested please call at 02 8004 5817, or send your CV [email protected] OR [email protected]
【Finance Operations】
We are now seeking an experienced Finance Operator to join our team in Sydney.
Position duties shall include but not limited to:
Processing & Auditing Creditors Invoices
Resolve invoice discrepancies
Liaise with internal operators and customers
Raise invoices & disbursements to customers
Landed costings
Customized Invoices
FPO Invoices
Upload customer invoices to customers data base
Ensure filters & MTD reports are up to date
Meet week/month KPI'S
Accurate data entry to minimise negative movements
Identify shipment losses with your manager
Position Requirements:
Verbal & written professional communication skills
Attention to details
Previous experience with Microsoft outlook/excel/word
Understanding of basic accounting principles
If you have the drive to take on the challenge and want to join a leading Logistics and Supply Chain organisation then apply now!
Please send your CV and Resume to [email protected]
Please be advised only successful candidates will be contacted.
【City 项目管理公司招会计】
誠意邀請良好沟通能力,组織力强,有責任心和擁有良好的溝通能力,必须有Myob 基礎,懂文書,试算表,有関本地经历或学历优先。學士以上学历免问。請電:0401292828
【Marrickville 老牌食品廠聘請全職女文員】
【Element Realty地产中介招admin】
Element Realty是一家集地產開發,銷售,租賃以及物業管理于一體的地產公司。現有4個分店以及一個物業管理分部,分別位於Carlingford, Rydalmere,Eastwood以及Parramatta。
1. 有办公室文职工作经验
2. 优秀英语读写说能力, 态度端正,工作认真负责
3. 外貌端庄,个性成熟细心,灵活主动,具有团队合作精神
4. 有车
周一至周六,上班3-4天 (周六需上班)
有意向者,请发简历到: [email protected]
【Graduate Accountant】
About the Role
This is a great opportunity to start your career, develop full corporate accounting skill with the support of the chartered firm. Full training will be provided ranges from basic reconciliation to month end reporting in addition to budget preparation, forecast cashflow and variance analysis.
About you
You will have excellent communication skills both oral and written and attention to detail. You will have exposure to the client and report directly to the partner.
Must hold the right to work in Australia
Grad Accountant: Degree Qualified
Absolutely fluent in written and spoken English
Strong desire to learn and develop
Proficient in MS Office
High attention to detail
Professionally presented
Duties & responsibilities
You will be responsible for A/P and A/R processing, credit card reconciliations, direct debit processing, raising of sales and purchase orders for the group. Your duties in addition to supporting the accountant will include:
Accounts payable/receivable
Monthly credit card reconciliations
Fortnight and monthly payroll verification
Assisting in establishing and maintaining financial control procedures.
Assisting with monthly balance sheet reconciliations
Intercompany loans reconciliation.
Assisting with month end procedures Assisting with monthly, quarterly and annual reporting to investors
About us
We are a chartered accounting firm providing business services advice to small and medium size businesses. Our focus has always been to understand our client business first, help them grows and work as a partner to their business.
Full training will be provided ranges from basic reconciliation to month end reporting in addition to budget preparation, forecast cashflow and variance analysis.
Ongoing training provided and encouraged
Highly competitive and negotiable remuneration package on offer
请将个人简历发送到:[email protected]
【Quay Newsagency】
欢迎新手。请电话:02 9247 9640
【City Cafe招聘厨房帮工】
city cafe restaurant 招聘厨房帮工, 工作内容包括:food preparation, daily cleaning, baking and plating. 良好的工作环境,提供培训,很好的学习机会,有经验者优先,良好的薪资,勤劳肯干,会英文,工作时间为白天工时,每周5天。 我们诚招有责任心,踏实肯干的 team member,如果你是合适的人请联系 0430 104 133
Main Responsibilities:
Liaise with vendors and clients
Proactively assist and support sales team in all sales and marketing queries/initiatives
Prepare and update listing of customer records
Follow up on customers’ inquiries
Draft proposals to potential clients
Coordinate advertising and marketing campaign
Market research, prepare marketing proposals, organise, manage and implement sales and marketing initiatives
Other activities as directed by the management
Proactive, take initiative; always looking to improve process
Self-directed and able to complete projects without limited supervision
Ability to prioritise task, multi-task and meet deadlines of multiple events
Ability to identify and troubleshoot problems in a fast-paced online payment market environment; adaptable to change
Solid verbal and written communication skills in English and Mandarin
Experience Required:
A minimum of 1 year experience in a similar role within a sales environment, experience in Financial & Banking Industry will be at advantage
Intelligent self-starter and have outstanding communication and relationship skills
Demonstrate high standards with the desire to continuously improve
Resourceful and creative problem solver
Able to work as a team player | Happy to muck in and also independently
招聘网站开发Asp.Net软件工程师full-time/part-time, 要求2年工作经验以上,要求熟悉AngularJS,MVC和sql 2012等技术背景,不要求英语程度,但务必要有项目经验。请联系: [email protected]
【CBD office assistant role】
PR needed, great English speaking and writing skills. Permanent role.
Pls send resume to [email protected]
本人女,30岁,住Auburn,想找份工厂打工的工作,希望时间稳定,吃苦耐劳,在国内做过质检员五年多时间,希望老板们可以给个机会 Telephone:0470242395
TracyJing 男 27 摄影师 导演 后期剪辑师 国内工作7年。广告,宣传片,微电影,栏目都有制作。现居Hurstville,有需要可以联系 微信17710131991 电话0434048650
本人是目前在悉尼科技大学读视觉传达设计专业的22岁女生,可熟练运用办公软件以及平面设计软件,如PS AI ID等,有一定的设计经验,参与过书籍出版设计,布展方面设计等。 希望可以找一份专业相关的兼职或实习~ 电话:0411101684 微信:KingdomHyou qq:630801822
本人清洁公司职员,现周末可以为您提供家庭清洁服务,其中包括普通清洁,和深度清洁,两种。每小时$30,长期合作可谈。有需要请联系 0405777061
本人男,想找一份电脑维修之类工作。居住于 rockdale。诚心找工作。全职可以。可长期工作。电话0420282442 ,微信:skyjuiceidrink
您好,我有做过bottle shop,有一些经验,想找关于卖酒的店的相关工作,有酒牌。大学生,时间自由,可以Long term. 英语过关,正常收银理货都没问题。联系电话0450490318 微信329773618 欢迎随时联络 Harold
主持人/访问记者 女 悉尼大学读本科 有过主持经历 性格开朗大方幽默 主持风格较为年轻,风趣,轻松。如有需要主持或节目主持或访问记者的 请联系:0426601014
本人女 22岁 就读于悉尼科技大学视觉传达设计专业,可熟练运用办公软件以及平面设计软件,如PS AI ID等,现正处于放假期间,过年不回家,希望能找一份兼职或是专业相关实习。电话:0452074787 微信:n_harmonia
Jacky 20岁 学生签证(uts在读学生)无工作经验 学习能力强 可做各种cafe 或餐厅服务,清洁工搬运工都可以 可工作至2017年1月20 期间full time 2017年3月17可part time 时间待定 联系电话0451231997 或微信1360919522
本人寻一份专业相关兼职工作,悉尼科技大学在读动画研究生,熟练运用Adobe 公司PS,AE,AI,ID,LR,PR等软件,以及苹果公司FCXP系列等软件。擅长二维三维动画制作以及绘画。独立摄影师以及无人机摄影师,平面设计师,个人网站xaviersdreamworld.com,微信mys1107,同时接各种动画,视频拍摄,特效制作,摄影,设计等单子
男,27岁,master of engineering 学生签证假期无工作限制有税号。有RSA RCG/forklift license.干过仓库能打包开叉车卸货,也干过酒吧赌场。工作经验丰富。希望有个假期工作五天的工作,开学后可兼职depends on timetable .为人工作负责,踏实,老板们不要错过哟。联系人:Damien 0426669308
unsw foundation 女学生,想找份兼职,每天四点半以后都有时间,最好在学校周围。微信:duyuzhu19970804
文秘、策划、咨询,行政、HR,培训 ,销售,收银,理货等兼职工作,16年11月-17年2月有空,北区优先考虑。
联系方式:微信essaiworld,邮箱newton0615@hotmail. com
i'm vincent 男 19岁 175cm,目前在读语言。住在zetland,想找一个兼职。周一到周五下午5点后和周末两天整天都有空。能吃苦耐劳上进。 本人就读 语言19岁 留学生签证,住在 zetland 想找份兼职 周一到周五5点后有空。周六周日两天都free 电话 0415 494778 微信 zzxVincent123
本人女,来自广东,悉尼大学在读media practice研究生,形象好,住在chippendale 曾在国内实习公司实习三个月,且在唐人街中餐馆兼职四个月,熟悉收银、推销、订货等销售或者服务流程,会说英语/粤语/普通话,热情开朗,希望能找一份销售类兼职,星期二三五都有时间上班,11月10号放假后更多时间可商议,我的邮箱:[email protected] 电话:0404363582
Hello,我是Carol,目前就读dental assistant,想找一份Hurstville的诊所实习,本人精通国语粤语,英文一般般。刻苦耐劳,学习能力强,对工资没要求,但求一份实习工作,谢谢。微信号:281776789
名字:hannah,广东女生 会说广东话 普通话 英文 ,来澳洲3年,想找兼职 available time: 11.19-12.19 2017. 4月,可以继续上班,我勤劳肯学,有责任心,踏实肯干,肯吃苦耐劳,对人友善好相处
欢迎找我,微信:1817783984 邮箱:[email protected]
想找 part time employee,这是我的简历:名字:hannah,广东女生 会说广东话 普通话 英文 ,来澳洲3年 想找兼职 available time: 11.19-12.19 2017. 4月 可以继续上班 banks town 或者shopping centre都可以,我勤劳肯学 有责任心,踏实肯干,肯吃苦耐劳,对人友善好相处:) 欢迎找我 微信:1817783984 邮箱:[email protected]
本人Lyco,家住Blacktown。目前是TR身份可打工。国内有过5年外资企业办公室文员工作经验及一年前台工作经验。国语广东话精通,英语良好,熟练MS Office办公软件。现想找一份文员工作,合同工,每周可一到五上班。假期不回国。请有意向雇主与我联系,谢谢!微信号:Chiu_Tingting
余嘉寶 台湾男生,今年23,来悉尼一年,还有一年的时间,有工地经验,但因手受伤无法做工地,目前很缺钱,只要薪高,不违法的我都乐意做,无论早班夜班,如有职缺欢迎找我。
广东女生 今年18岁 来澳洲3年 想找兼职 11.19-12.21 可上班 明年4月可以继续上班 想找服装销售或超市销售员类的 如有职缺 欢迎找我 微信:1817783984 邮箱:[email protected]
男,27,176,寻一份工厂全职工作,有4个月打包经验,速度快,体力好,如有工厂夜班更好,可以做满6个月,第二年继续做6个月也可以,麻烦请联系0416 762 754
微信号:@RealestateSydney 悉尼房地产
在您找工作的同时,需特别注意一些高薪、轻松的工作机会,不要盲目相信,需要登陆网站查看、以及需其他社交账号登陆才可以查看的岗位,请小心,正所谓害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无,2016祝您工作顺利!努力总会有回报的! 海外生活,有我陪伴您! You are the best!