2019年6月21日墨尔本CCL考点-123 Queen Street
Dialogue 1:
A: Hi, Ms Lu, how can I help you today?
B: 你好,我想要申请赔偿,我的房子被烧了。
Make a claim---claim manager
A: I am sorry to hear that. Let me pull up your account first. Oh, I can see that your home insurance includes fire insurance. Can you tell me what caused the fire?
听到这个我也很难过。让我先找到你的账户,我能看到你的房屋保险包 含了火险。你能告诉我是什么导致了这次火灾么?
B: 那是发生在半夜,大家都在睡觉,突然客厅的火警警报器就响了,大家都跑到屋外。
Siren/ go up
A: I am sorry to hear that and I hope that everybody is fine. Did you suffer any loss or injury?
B: 有的。大家都没事,但是我的厨房柜子,衣服,鞋子都烧毁了。我的猫差点也丧命了。
A: Was the house itself damaged?
B: 因为是双砖房,所以房子本身没事
A: Your insurance policy covers the contents inside and we will give you the compensation with the same quality and value. Or we can give you a list of equivalents so you can replace those damaged ones.
B: 你们能尽快给我赔偿金么?
Can you give me the compensation as soon as possible?
A: We will first make an assessment about your loss and I will arrange an assessor to visit your home.
B: 好的,谢谢你
Dialogue 2
A: Good morning. How can I help you?
B: 你好医生,两天前我感到头晕恶心,并且吃了药(这里提到了一个药的名字),但是体温依旧很高。
A: I can see. It seems that you are unwell and your body temperature is very high.
B: 是的,我体温一直很高,即使吃了药也没有降下来,昨天晚上降下来了后来又上去了
A: I need to do a blood test for you before I can have the best diagnosis outcome. This is just a preliminary result. You need to take the medicine regularly to keep your body temperature down. You also need to take Vitamin C.
我需要给你做个血液测试,才能给出正确的诊断结果,你需要一直吃这个药(药名)来降低体温。你也需要服Vitamin C.
B: 我的体温一直不降,我以为是流感。
A: Sometimes, mosquito stings could also cause this situation.
有时候蚊子叮咬是会造成这类情况的 sting
B: 我尽力去预防了,也用了杀虫剂,但是还是被咬了几口。
I have tried my best to prevent it, and I have also used repellents but I still got stung by the insects.
A: Have you travelled abroad recently?
B: 是的,上周我刚出差回来。
Yes, I have just come back from my business travel.
A: Probably because you were stung there by some deadly mosquitoes. Some people was diagnosed with malaria when they come back from Africa.
B: 我该怎么办啊?我想这是流行性的,我还要工作啊。
A: I am afraid that all you can do now is wait and have more rest. There is nothing we can do to prevent it.
Preventative measures
Punitive measures