SMH:银行担心新建的公寓房面积太小,不愿意贷款 投资者们被警告,银行有可能拒绝给那些在各大城市附近新盖的,日益流行的,面积非常小的公寓房。 这些新公寓房目前大量兴建在悉尼和墨尔本附近。 而从事地产行业的人士也呼吁州和联邦政府,制定国家标准来测量这些新建的公寓楼房。 物业顾问公司Wakelin Property Advisory的首席执行官Richard Wakelin介绍说,现在很多银行都有规定,不准借贷给公寓面积低于50平米的房子。 他说,银行并不拒绝贷款给面积大的公寓楼房,但是拒绝贷款给那些新”迷你“公寓。 银行甚至拒绝贷款给那些很好的二手”迷你“公寓。 据地产行业人士介绍,在市中心范围内,40-50平米大的公寓房很受学生和自我管理的退休基金欢迎。 而Destiny Financial Solutions的老板Margaret Lomas也说,目前"迷你”公寓也受到那些退休的老人们喜爱。 他们也不需要大公寓,小公寓对于他们也很适合。 Margaret Lomas说, 银行方面认为,任何低于50平米的公寓房具有非常大的风险,因为他们觉得重新出售不容易。 银行方面,有一些还谨慎愿意贷款给50平米的房子,但是低于40平米的,不贷款。 她给顾客们的建议是,如果没有足够的现金,不要买小公寓。 目前, 房地产顾问,中介和会计师们被建筑商们给予高达8%的推荐费来帮忙推销“迷你”公寓房。 这个佣金比推销普通的普通的公寓要高出3倍。 在维州,最大的问题是开发商和测量师在公寓房的面积是从内墙算面积还是外墙,墙中间点算起。 这马上涉嫌到买家买的被地产商告知的房子面积和银行测量估价师测量的不一样,面积缩水了。 开发商从墙壁的外面开始算面积,而银行只是从屋里的墙壁开始算面积,落差很大。 很多地产开发商也说,如果政府制定好行规,从里面算起,他们没有所谓,但是要统一。 银行也呼吁州政府和联邦政府一起制定好相关的测量制度。 另外,Richard Wakelin也说,银行对那些没有车位的公寓也非常感冒,不愿意贷款给这些公寓。 他呼吁购房者要和他们的律师小心看好购买公寓的合同,看看有没有什么特别条款在里面要注意的。 |
Banks wary of size may hurt apartment market
Property investors are being warned banks might refuse financing for increasingly popular 'micro apartments' being built around capital cities, particularly Melbourne and Sydney.
It comes as property professionals' row between themselves about how to accurately measure property and call on state and federal governments to provide national standards.
Richard Wakelin, chief executive of Wakelin Property Advisory, a property consultancy, said 'cookie-cutter' apartments less than 50 square metres are not cutting it with lenders.
Mr Wakelin said: “Banks' rules about apartment sizes are arbitrary but they are excluding micro-student apartments. They are also knocking-out some perfectly good smaller older-styled apartments.”
Apartments of between 40 and 50 square metres are being popularly marketed as accommodation for overseas students and investments for self-managed super funds.
Margaret Lomas, founder of Destiny Financial Solutions, a property investment advisory group, said the “tastes and life style needs” of the post-baby boomer generations are changing and that there is demand from small apartments. .
Ms Lomas said: “But the legacy opinion of the banks is that anything under 50 square metres is a risk because it might not have good resale prospects if there was a mortgagee sale. Some banks are considering under 50 square metres but under 40 is still very difficult.”
She advised investors or home buyers to have lending available when purchasing.
Advisers, property brokers and accountants are being offered commission payments from developers of up to 8 per cent of the sale price to recommend the property, more than three-times recommended payments.
The problem is biggest in Victoria where there is disagreement between developers and surveyors about whether apartments are measured from the inside, outside or mid-point of the perimeter wall.
That means a buyer could purchase the property at an advertised size larger than a surveyor's measurement used by the bank for assessing the loan.
Developers and estate agents usually measure from outside, resulting in a larger size than that considered by surveyors and banks, which typically measure from the inside.
Major developers claim they are happy to agree with industry-wide standards if introduced at the same time for all companies to avoid providing a marketing advantage to a competitor.
Banks have also called on the government to back national standards.
Buyers that have their loan application to the bank refused run the risk of delays while they find another lender, higher interest rates or losing their deposit, according to industry specialists.
Developers are concerned about a wave of breached contracts as buyers use it as an excuse not to complete on apartments that are worth less than their sale price, they claim.
Lawyers claim they are unaware of litigation but claim the huge increase in small investment apartments, some smaller than 35 square metres, could cause problems.
Mr Wakelin also warned banks are becoming “very uncomfortable” about apartment sales where any car parking spaces are not on the same title as the unit.
“Check with your lawyer that it is or that there is a clause specifying that dealing with the unit is restricted,” he added.
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