2015.10.24 A类Task2 范文
Some people think that people should not use mobile phones in public places, but others think that people should be able to use mobile phones anywhere. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
As technology develops, new trends, behaviours and laws must also keep pace. The widespread use of mobile phones has brought about debates on where the use of a cell phone is appropriate, with arguments for and against the use of phones in public areas. Holding safety concerns aside, I personally believe that the use of mobile phones should not be restricted from public places.
【这个题目相信大家都不会觉得难吧?其实观点非常好构思,只要用手机不影响生命安全,任何情况下都不应该限制使用手机~Holding safety concerns aside这个表达可以学起来哦~】
The first consideration in this argument should be that the use of a mobile can put lives in danger. There are certain public places, or rather activities, where the use of phones should be outlawed, and driving is the best example. I vividly remember a public campaign that showed the text messages of a young driver right before she was in a fatal accident, and banning the use of phones on roads could prevent other senseless losses of life.
【作者觉得,在某些地点或者情况下,使用手机确实是非常危险的,比如在开车的时候使用手机就是一个非常好的例子,在开车的时候避免使用手机可以避免无谓的牺牲,就如作者所用的那个短语prevent other senseless losses of life。】
However, mobile phones help connect people regardless of location. The entire purpose of having a mobile phone is to be able to communicate with others, no matter where a person is, and restricting the use of phones in public places basically removes the utility of a mobile phone. I was in a public area in Australia when informed of my niece’s birth in the United States, something I would have missed if phones were banned in public.
Moreover, mobiles no longer act solely as a telephone, but as valuable information sources. Life often presents challenges and circumstances where people need information that was not readily available prior to the creation of the mobile internet services that come with mobile phones. Location services, directions and maps are one such example, where getting lost in foreign countries was likely for travellers, ultimately creating safety concerns. However, the use of my mobile in Bali allowed me to safely navigate the island.
【这两段都是在阐述使用手机给我们带来的好处。首先,使用手机可以让我们随时随地都能联系其他人。其次,手机的用途不仅仅是打电话,它还是我们信息的来源,并举出他在巴厘岛旅游的时候用手机进行导航来阐述这个问题~readily available, ultimately creating safety concerns, navigate这类词完全可以列入你的摘抄本哦~】
In conclusion, today’s technology, mobile phones in particular, add incredible utility in the form of connectivity and instant information from anywhere, and that should not be restricted from public places, but only so long as lives are not put in danger.
无忧小雅哥微信: mr_51ielts