以下是澳洲内政部移民局官方信息:Do I need a visa to transit through Australia?
You may need a Transit visa (subclass 771) if you plan to travel through Australia to another country.
If you are transiting though Australia for less than eight hours and you do not need to leave the airport transit lounge (except to board your connecting flight), you may not need to apply for a Transit visa (subclass 771).
根据澳洲法律:如果你在澳洲转机时间不超过8小时且按照规定好的转机行程,不离开机场转机处,你将不需要办理过境签证,仅限下列国家名单中的护照持有者 (中国护照不在豁免名单之列)
If you are going to stay in Australia for longer than 72 hours, you cannot get a Transit visa and you will need to apply for another type of visa.
If you belong to one of the categories and meet the criteria outlined below, you can transit through Australia without applying for a visa.
Categories of eligible travellers
The following categories of travellers are eligible to transit through Australia without applying for a visa if they also meet the criteria below:
Citizens of the following countries:
Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brunei, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kiribati, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Monaco, Nauru, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Samoa, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tonga, Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom (including its colonies), United States of America, Uruguay, Vanuatu and Vatican.Residents of Hong Kong holding a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) passport or a British National Overseas (BNO) passport.
Residents of Taiwan holding a passport issued by the authorities of Taiwan (other than passports purported to be official or diplomatic passports).
Indian official passport holders.
Diplomatic passport holders, excluding holders of:
Arab Non-National Passports; and
Diplomatic passports from the following countries:
Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Bahrain, Comoros, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Madagascar, Mauritania, Morocco, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen and Zimbabwe.
Eligible travellers must be able to meet the following criteria to be permitted to transit Australia without applying for a visa. Travellers must:(以上国家公民免除办理过境签证,需要符合以下条件才可)
enter Australia by aircraft
hold a confirmed onward booking to leave Australia to travel to a third country on the same or another aircraft within 8 hours of arrival in Australia
hold documentation necessary to enter the country of destination
andnot need to leave the airport transit lounge except to continue their journey.
Important information about certain Australian airports (澳洲一些城市入境处的重要信息)
If passengers are required to pass through Immigration clearance and check-in to their onward flight, including managing their luggage, they will require a visa to enter Australia. An appropriate visa for this purpose will need to be applied for and granted before travelling to Australia.
Passengers transiting at Perth airport (PER) will need an appropriate visa for Australia if flights are departing from different terminals.
There are limited transit facilities available at the Gold Coast airport (OOL).
Overnight stays are not permitted at Cairns (CNS) and Sydney (SYD) airports. Passengers transiting overnight will need an appropriate visa for Australia to leave the airport to access overnight accommodation.
Transit facilities at Adelaide airport (ADL) are only available for passengers arriving and departing on the same aircraft. However the transit lounge will be made available for other transit passengers if the airline provides advance notice.
Note: This information is not applicable to stateless persons and refugees.
人在新西兰如何办理澳洲过境签证?以下是详细材料清单(备注:填写纸质表格876和交纳TT Service服务费已不再需要,目前已经开通网上在线申请服务,更为便捷)
771 Transit visa 费用(Cost)
不收取任何费用(no application charge)
771 Transit visa 有效期限(how long your visa lasts)
预计逗留时间不能超过72个小时;不可续签 (valid for 72 hours after your scheduled arrival in Australia and a further Transit visa cannot be granted while you are in Australia)
What if I have a new passport? (如果护照更新了怎么办?)
If you have been issued with a new passport since your Australian visa was granted, you must notify us of your new passport details to ensure that your record is up-to-date. Failure to update your passport details may result in delays when travelling to Australia. You or registered organisations may be unable to check your visa details online.
We have two options with updating your passport:
from your ImmiAccount
complete Form 929 Change of address and/or passport details (260KB PDF) and email [email protected]
For more information see Electronic visa record.
1. 从你的移民局官网账户信息登录更新
2. 或者完成929表格,然后发送邮件到澳洲移民局护照更新专用邮箱:[email protected]
领航澳新留学移民,原领航国际教育服务中心,Top New Channel International Education Services Limited,英文简称:NZTNC,新西兰商务部 (Company Office) 公司注册号: 4499500, 澳洲商务部(ASIC)公司注册号:626329815,是澳洲,新西兰各大院校直属市场招生代理。(部分院校授权代理证书请见关于领航)。专业留学移民服务机构,专注办理澳新留学移民业务,专一服务澳新留学生!领航澳新留学移民汇聚专业咨询规划顾问,3位法定注册移民顾问分别专业办理澳新各类移民签证及疑难签证,新西兰 Jing (Horace) XU ( IAA: 201600416); 澳洲 Yu (Fred) WANG, MARA: 1801621, Kris ZHANG, MARA:1807354, 并先后有超过20名留学顾问通过新西兰教育部特许中介培训课程考核,3位顾问成功获得澳洲QEAC留学顾问注册,是澳洲,新西兰教育部认可的专业留学移民服务机构之一。
2015年7月开设基督城分公司,南北岛同时为广大留学生服务!2015年10月,成功举办“领航杯” 3V3 篮球赛,吸引来自奥克兰多所院校的留学生篮球爱好者的参加,广受社会各界关注,其中包括WTV等中文媒体,对该活动进行了专题报道。同时,领航国际教育代表新西兰国际教育出口产业出展单位,受邀参加中国广东21世纪海上丝绸之路国际博览会,设博览会专题展位,积极推广新西兰国际教育出口产业及留学新西兰的诸多优势。为更全面便捷服务广大在新留学生,2016年4月7日领航在新西兰首都惠灵顿开设新西兰境内第三个办公室!与此同时,领航国际教育成为新西兰第一家在全三大中心城市都开设直属办公室的留学移民服务机构。奥克兰,基督城,惠灵顿,全国三地都能为广大在新留学生都能提供课程咨询,院校申请,签证办理,实习就业指导,定居辅助等全方位的面对面服务!
自成立以来,领航国际教育教始终坚持以专业敬业,热诚友好,认真负责的工作态度服务每一位留学生, 先后帮助了数千位莘莘学子实现了留学新西兰的梦想,其中很多客户成功获得新西兰永久居留权,因此也赢得了众多信任与好评!应广大留学生毕业后办理各类工作签证,各类移民申请的需要,2018年领航国际迎来了经验丰富的Horace XU 作为领航的专属法定持牌移民顾问(请见以上左下方图片,全牌照,执照号:201600416)! Horace 具有多年从业经验,拥有奥塔哥大学硕士学位,BOPP移民法学士后文凭证书(所有课程均为全A),先后帮助了数百个家庭,近千位各国客户实现了移民安居新西兰的梦想!以其专业,严谨,负责的工作态度,赢得了众多的客户的好评!持牌移民顾问Horace专业办理各类:探亲签证,旅游签证,配偶访问及工作签证,雇主担保签证,技术移民,家庭团聚移民以及其他各类移民签证!办理留学,首选领航!办理各类签证及移民服务,继续选择领航!