学习“Zero-Based thinking”,及时止损,不做事后诸葛亮!(下)

2015年08月12日 图南英语

昨天给大家介绍了一个概念叫做 “Zero-Based thinking” ,同学们还记得这个方法的核心是什么吗?就是——如果你知道了最终的结果,你是否还会做出同样的选择吗?昨天我们分别介绍了 Step1 和 Step 2,他们分别是:Face up to those difficult decisions! 直面你的问题(困难决定)!和 Know when something isn’t quite right. 意识到问题发生了。想了解上期内容的同学请点击“阅读原文


How to Use ‘Zero Based Thinking’ When Making Hard Decisions

Step3: Make a decision to stop.


This is like grabbing the steering wheel of your own car and wrenching it, stopping you in your tracks immediately and giving yourself the opportunity to turn around. The key idea here is no matter how long you have gone down the wrong road you can always turn back. As they say, there’s never a wrong time to do the right thing.

You will be amazed at how creative you become when you do this exercise, examining every area of your life as though you could start again. Numerous possibilities will arise, difficult situations will be confronted and solutions will emerge.


1. grab sth 这个词我们在中国课堂里学的多为“抓住”的意思,其实在这边经常会在口语中听到,表示“拿”或者“叫来”

eg: Let's grab a sandwich before going to the movie. OR "I'll see if I can grab the waitress and get the bill"

2. steering wheel 方向盘

3. track 轨道

英语里有“on the right track”,表示行驶在正确的路上(doing something correctly or well)。

eg: I think he is going to help us work together and get us back on the right track for the final weeks of the baseball season.

Tax cuts for the rich will not put the economy on the right track.


4. turn around 我们昨天讲过还记得吗?

5. The key idea here is no matter how long you have gone down the wrong road you can always turn back. 这句是很好的口语表达,可以背诵哦~

6. As they say, there’s never a wrong time to do the right thing. 恩,quote 神马的,考场装13利器!

7. be amazed at 对sth感到惊讶

8. Numerous possibilities will arise, difficult situations will be confronted and solutions will emerge.

三个动词 arise、confront、emerge 是雅思写作词汇、要求掌握用法、并且会造句。

4 Learn how to cut your losses.


Zero-based thinking is a great decision-making tool when it comes to money management and investments also. If you know that a particular stock purchase or property investment is simply eroding your wealth now but you’ve had difficulty facing up to this realty, don’t waste a single second more, and ask yourself the hard question: “Knowing What I Know Now... would I purchase that property/stock”. If the answer is no, it’s time to make that hard decision and cut your losses so you can invest your capital elsewhere to get a superior return and build wealth.


1. decision-making 做决定的能力 decision-making skill 可用于雅思教育、工作话题

decision-making tool 做决定的工具。。。

2. when it comes to sth 当我们说到什么的时候 常用语口语表达,可作为“解释展开”领起句

3. stock purchase 买股票

property investment 投资房产

4. erode your wealth 减损你的财富

可用于替换 lose money 这么白开水的表达~

5. Sb has difficulty facing up to this realty 不忍直视

6. ask yourself the hard question 问自己这个艰难的问题

7. 经济词汇: cut your losses 割肉、invest your capital 投资、 superior return 丰厚回报、 build wealth 积累财富

Step 5. Study the opportunity cost and the law of comparative advantage.


The concept of Opportunity Cost and the Law of Comparative Advantage as attributed to nineteenth century English economist David Ricardo, is often associated with macro economics and international trade. However, it can equally be applied to personal development. The chief problem with holding onto a business, relationship or “investment” that does not serve you is not just the limitations it puts on you but the real loss is the loss of opportunity elsewhere, such as business endeavors, relationships, investments you could be making elsewhere that would serve you better.

Remember, every activity/situation has an opportunity cost, the cost of not participating/contributing to another opportunity. A good question to ask yourself to assess potential opportunity costs is, "What other opportunities am I missing out on that would serve me better than my current activities do”.

Each day we are faced with opportunity cost decisions in our business and personal lives. Another lens through which we could view the law of comparative advantage is the 80/20 rule (sometimes referred to as the Pareto Principle, named after Vilfredo Pareto, the Italian economist). Applying the 80/20 rule here might also lead you to ask yourself “What are the highest value (20%) activities I should be undertaking” and then delegate or eliminate the other low-value (80%) activities.


机会成本:The chief problem with holding onto a business, relationship or “investment” that does not serve you is not just the limitations it puts on you but the real loss is the loss of opportunity elsewhere, such as business endeavors, relationships, investments you could be making elsewhere that would serve you better.




1. attribute 写作词汇

to say or believe that something is the result of a particular thing

“to say or believe that somebody is responsible for doing something, especially for saying, writing or painting something”

eg:This play is usually attributed to Shakespeare.

2. associated 和...相关 可以用于替换related 写作词汇


· Obviously, education systems are based on the belief that all childrencan effectively be taught to acquire different skills, including those associated with sport, art or music.

3. 经济词汇:macro economics/ international trade

4. 写作词汇be applied to Sth 表示Sth被使用在哪方面的时候


· They believe that if their children apply themselves and work hard atschool, then they will increase their opportunities for going to highereducation and eventually getting a good job.

Step 6: Sum up your understanding and start over.


If a certain decision you made is now holding you back in life, just be ruthless, use the Knowing What I Know Now Q&A technique to give yourself the chance to start over. There is no honor, no dignity and no purpose in pursuing something that no longer inspires you or serves you. From a wealth creation perspective, Zero-Based Thinking is an excellent way of doing a quick back-of-an-envelope analysis on whether an “investment” you made is still worth keeping or not.

All your problems started out as opportunities or good ideas at one stage but that could have been a long time ago. It’s very possible that your life, your needs and your knowledge has evolved and what was once a good idea, opportunity or investment may not be so now. Remember, it’s never too late to do the right thing. No matter how long you have been going down the wrong road, you can always stop and turn back.

1. hold you back in life 在生活中拖你后腿/sth让你停滞不前

2. honor、dignity 在本文中意思相近,可用于排比句式

3. sth inspire you or serve you 可用于描述一个对你有用的人或产品服务

4. evolve “develop gradually.




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Every Student Is A New Adventure



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