
2020年02月14日 中国驻澳大利亚大使馆





IMF has predicted a 6% growth for China'seconomy in 2020, amid the coronavirus outbreak.

International Monetary Fund Managing Director, Kristalina Georgieva, says the China-U.S. trade deal helped give the economy a boost.

CGTN's Yin Yue sat down with IMF ManagingDirector to talk about China's response to the outbreak and how it is impacting the local and global economy.

Chinese authorities are working on a strategy to kick the economy back into gear.

To better combat the epidemic, the country will increase funding and roll out targeted tax and fee reduction measures to ease strains on firms, while looking to offer discounted loan interest rates for producers of anti-virus materials.

Other parts of the government's strategy to boost the economy include state-owned enterprises cutting rents, banks keeping interest rates low and city governments making sure workers who went home on holiday can come back to their jobs.

俄外交部发言人:艰难时刻 俄罗斯与中国同在


On behalf of her country and people, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Wednesday delivered a message of support in Chinese.

"My dear friends, we hope that the Chinese people can fight against the epidemic in solidarity. Russia is here with China during this hard time," the official said during a regular briefing.

"We are also sending our sincere support to the people of China and wish them the ultimate success."


UzbekDeputy Foreign Minister Dilshod Akhatov (R) shakes hands with Chinese Ambassador to Uzbekistan Jiang Yan in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in front of the first plane carrying medical support to China, February 12, 2020. /Photo via Chinese Embassy to Uzbekistan


China is one of our closest friends and we will continue to stand with China firmly as always, said Uzbek Deputy ForeignMinister Dilshod Akhatov, as the first plane packed with emergency medical supplies took off from the country's capital to China on Wednesday.

The official spoke highly of China's solid measures in combating the novel coronavirus, which has claimed over 1,300lives. Uzbekistan will send out more medical goods soon, he added.




The Queen Mother of Cambodia, again, is supporting the country's fight against the epidemic, said Cambodia's ChineseAmbassador Wang Wentian.

The queen mother has been praying every day for China, hoping the Chinese government and people can defeat the virus sooner, said a Cambodian official.




Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former prime minister of France, has sent his best wishes for China's battle against the novel coronavirus by video. He believes that the Chinese government's strong mobilization capacity and the tremendous energy of the Chinese people will make Chinasucceed in fighting the coronavirus eventually.



Representatives from Europe's Confuciusinstitutes shared their sympathies and solidarity with the victims of COVID-19, sending out a special message of compassion to people around the world affected by the coronavirus.

Rune Ingebrigtsen, director of Norway'sConfucius Institute in Bergen, said: "To all those suffering from the virus, hold on and 'Jiayou'," which translates as "go strong" in English.

His colleague in Germany, ChristinaWerum-Wang, who is the executive director of the Confucius Institute in Frankfort, told those watching: "We wish our friends in China and our Chinese friends in Germany all the best, that the crisis can quickly be overcome, and we have you in our hearts."

Messages of support to coronavirus-strickenChina have been sent from all over the world as the epidemic continues to have an impact on the global community.

CGTN专访前世卫组织助理总干事福田敬二:中国科研能力世界一流 抗“疫”努力史无前例

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