2017澳洲社交之夜圣诞大餐 Aussie Xmas Bar Night

2017年12月13日 OZDAD澳洲老爸美食材

2018年的钟声就要敲响了!一月一度的澳洲社交之夜12月大戏也要开场了!12月15日周五晚,让我们一起度过澳洲风格的BBQ圣诞之夜吧!感谢Mori Seafood的澳洲海鲜,还有ARTHOUSE招牌战斧牛排恭候您的大驾!

The monthly Aussie drinks is coming up this Friday 15 December. We're giving you the opportunity to experience Christmass with an Aussie flavour....by offering you high quality Australian seafood. We have sourced Yellowtail Kingfish, Wild Baby Octopus and Red Crab from Mori Seafood in South Australia. We'll also have King Prawns and Sea Snails.


All those people interested in further developing a relationship with Australia are invited to come. We already have representatives attending from the Australian Consulate in Chengdu, AustCham West China, Australia-China Youth Association Chengdu Chapter (ACYA), Australian Alumni, Australian business people and Australian Expats. 

We'll also have awesome deals on Little Creatures, Tooheys Extra Dry and Mulled Wine.

Address 地址:

Shop 5, 1 Tangba Jie, Jinjiang District (across the river from LKF).



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