Deciding Match; State of Origin. Tonight at The Arthouse!

2017年07月12日 OZDAD澳洲老爸美食材

This State of Origin series has been one of the best contested in recent years. The final deciding match is on tonight, after NSW won the first match and QLD won the second. Tensions will be high and the contest will be fierce! Make sure you don't miss this bone crunching, action packed final match. 

The Arthouse will be showing it live from the kick-off at 6pm with full sound. We'll have Tooheys Extra Dry for 28RMB, Bundy Dark & Stormies for 40RMB on all night. 

If you love watching the footy with a pie or sausage roll, we'll have those on offer too (limited, get your order in early).

Match Start Time: Wednesday 6pm 7月12日星期三晚上6点开始

Location: Shop 5, 1 Tangba Jie, Jinjiang District, Chengdu. 成都市锦江区镗钯街1号附5号(国家电网对面)

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