面 试 | 各种稀奇古怪Personal Opinion Questions,你应该这么回答

2016年04月07日 DNC澳洲求职


但是,如果面试官突然问及了Personal Opinion类型的问题呢?面试官会不会希望你以某种方式表达出某些观点呢?你是该老老实实回答,还是运用小技巧呢?
Are not you overqualified for this position?
Why are you applying for a position that is beneath your qualifications?

• 讨论到你过去的工作经验中有类似经历,使你能够应对这个岗位即将遇到的问题;
• 展示自己的个人能力,说明自己能够胜任这份工作,具备足够技能。

• 表明自己能力足够找到工资更高的工作;
• 不需要刻意贬低自己过去的经历;
• 避免在回答这个问题中过于紧张或者偏激。

Sample answers:
This opportunity is very attractive to me, and although some might look at my past experience and think I am over-qualified, I think I am perfectly qualified. You can rest assured that I will dedicate the same amount of effort to this position as I would dedicate to any higher-ranking position.

What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the last year?

• 清楚表述出自己选择这部电影的原因,是从哪些角度、在哪些地方喜欢并享受这部电影;
• 可以谈谈你对这个类型电影的见解,或者与其他类型电影作比较;
• 在做比较时,不要故意贬低或轻视其他作品

Sample answers:
I watched an independent English film called Driving Lessons. It was a coming of age story about a boy who gains his independence after working for an elderly actress. They have a hilarious and unconventional relationship that is at once endearing and chaotic. It was one of the most well written scripts I encountered last year.

What’s the most important thing you learned in school?

• 不要长篇大论描述学校的学习环境;
• 不要讲到自己在学生时代做过的一些不道德、不合适的行为(不要学习某韩姓明星):
• 不要过多提出负面的事情;
• 不要过分强调个人成就而忽视了与职位的相关性。

Sample answers:
During my years in college, I think the most valuable lesson I learned came from my Social Justice in Minority Communities class. It was equal parts internship and traditional classroom instruction. I worked extensively with local organizations and within the community and I learned a lot about how to relate to anyone and any story. I had to balance the social demands of the class with the real world realties of effective time management and producing quality academic work.

How did you respond to critique from your manager or collegue in your last position?

• 谈论这番批评对你的启示,以及它是如何帮助你改善自己的工作
• 表明上级的工作中本来就包括对下级工作的评估,只有通过评估才能客观地反映工作成果;
• 说明批评不是坏事,而是为我们提供了学习和成长的机会
• 不要贬低批评你的人,不要表现得过于激动。

Sample answers:
I had been at the job for a few years. I felt like I knew what I was doing. One day one of my managers came to me and said that I had been entering in some information incorrectly. At first, I felt taken aback. I am a competent worker. Thankfully, I took a second to review my work. They were right. I had performed sloppily. I apologized to them for letting my work get so messy. After that, I never made that mistake again.

How did you handle conflict with your supervisor?

• 告诉面试官你运用了何种方式和技巧解决了这个问题
• 讲述你从这些经历中学习到了什么经验和教训;
• 如果现在遇到此类问题,你会如何解决;
• 不要讲述由你引发问题的经历;
• 不要传递对上级和过去经历的负面消息和情绪。

Sample answers:
When I started working for one manager, she gave me less feedback than I was used to, which made it hard for me to meet her expectations. We had a few disagreements because each of us misunderstood what the other one wanted. Then, I met with her and asked for more specific, honest input. Once we were on the same page, we worked together successfully for two years. Now, when I begin working with a new manager, I take time to discuss our styles and expectations.

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