Special Czech Art Exhibit this Sunday

2017年05月24日 OZDAD澳洲老爸美食材

Join us this Sunday (28 June) for a special art exhibit from a locally living Czech artist. On this occassion, her inspiration derives from the Daci Temple in Chengdu. Be sure to come on time to get some insights into the background of the paintings. 

Time 活动时间: 2pm - 5pm, 2:30pm Helena Doležalová will introduce herself and her artwork

Address 地址: 

The Arthouse Meat & Wine Bar 艺术澳州.酒肉馆

- Shop 5, 1 Tangba Jie, Jinjiang District (across the river from LKF).

- 锦江区镗钯街1号附5号(兰桂坊桥国家电网对面)

Exhibit Introduction 画展介绍

This painting series concentrates on the Daci Temple, which sits amongst Taigooli. Helena is most attracted to subjects that she regards as ones that people are normally not noticing or paying minimal attention to. Daci Temple contrasts with Taigooli and the surrounding areas with regards to consumption. The temple is like a place of refuge, at least for Helena, and there are many sources of inspiration in the obscure details. 

For example, the candles that are burnt as an offering are one particular subject used in the paintings. Once the candles have completely burnt out, they leave a smokey shadow. One can ponder whether the wishes laid upon the candles are still embedded in the shadows that remain. 

Painter's Introduction 画手介绍

Helena is from Czech Republic and has been living in Chengdu for over a year. From as early as high school, she studied ceramic painting and subsequently completed a Bachelor of Arts focussing on textiles. She has previously exhibited in Jakarta, Indonesia as well as in her home country of Czech Republic. 

The series of paintings will be on display at The Arthouse Meat & Wine Bar from 28 June to 4 July. 

Those that RSVP prior to Saturday are able to recieve the free snacks and beverages available in the first hour. 

RSVP 预定热线: 028-81474530

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