2016.01.30 A类大作文范文Prison is the most common way to deal with crime. However, some people believe a better education is more effective to prevent people from becoming criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?上周的考题是之前的老题,关于如何惩治罪犯。在这里要注意的是,这道题目其实只有一个需要讨论的点——education是否是一个预防犯罪更好的办法。大家千万不要花大篇幅去讨论prison的问题,因为题目并没有问到哦!Throughout history, preventing crime has been attempted in a variety of ways. One consistent method is the use of prison systems, but some now claim that education is a better means of lowering crime rates. Personally, I feel that prison is a necessary deterrent to violent crime, while education is an effective part of a comprehensive solution.开头段,作者介绍了题目的背景并提及了自己的观点——监狱是需要的,同时教育也是一种的解决办法。没有多余的词句和废话,只涵盖了introduction段落所需的背景以及观点。具体的论证就留待下文吧!First of all, the reality of this world is that some people are simply immoral. Many will acknowledge that good cannot exist without evil, right without wrong and just without unjust. Sad as it may be, violence does exist, and some people enjoy causing pain to others, not due to a lack of education, but that it is just in their nature. While prison may not deter every crime, it does serve as a negative consequence for, and ultimately a deterrent to, the unlawful and violent behaviour that education cannot prevent. Ted Kazinsky, a Harvard graduate and PhD, is also known as the “Unabomber”, an infamous serial killer in the United States, showing that even the best educated can be evil.这段作者想要表达的是什么呢?原来作者想要论证的,是有些罪犯会犯罪,并不是因为缺乏教育,而是因为本身就enjoy causing pain to others, 犯罪行为可以理解成他们的Nature本性。所以在这种情况之下,无论如何普及教育,都是效果不大的。这段从 “反面” 角度论证了education并不是对所有人都有用。However, education can act as means of deterring crimes committed out of desperation.More often than not, the communities and neighbourhoods with the highest crime rates are also poorest. Delinquency and substance abuse are some of the trends associated with poverty, and as it just so happens, poverty-stricken areas are also associated with poor education. Numerous studies have shown that education and crime rates are inversely correlated. Evidence of this is seen in the United States, where the federal government offers incentives to teachers who work in poor communities as an attempt to improve the quality of education in those areas. With better education, people get better jobs, earn more income, experience a higher standard of living, and thus, are less likely to commit a crime in order to meet their needs.前面论证了教育并非 “万能”,这段作者想要表达的是对于一部分人来说,教育是真的有用的。对于教育普及度低,较为贫穷的地区来说,犯罪率的确是相对的会较高.那么对于这些地区来说,普及教育,提高居民的教育程度,无疑会降低犯罪率。With better education ----- better jobs ----- more income ----- higher standard of living ----- less likely to commit a crime. In conclusion, I fully believe that education is a more effective means of preventing the type of crime the results from poverty, such as theft, but violent crimes require prison as a deterrent since immoral behaviour is still part of human nature. 虽说犯罪类的考题不算特别偏,但是由于平时考到的频率并不那么高,所以相对而言较好的范文也就屈指可数了。大家如果想要积累犯罪类的词汇、观点、句型,完全可以参考这篇高分范文哦! 每场考试,墨尔本无忧雅思都会提供一篇高分文章,供大家学习哦! 还不赶紧收藏了?!如果有不明白之处,欢迎大家随时练习我们无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐进行进一步的咨询哦~