
2015年03月18日 AEMS澳大利亚教育与移民服务






TrainingBenchmarks A and B will be replaced with an annual training fund contributionbased on the number of 457 sponsored and with the contributions scaledaccording to the size of the sponsoring organisation (6.1). These contributionswill be made to the Department ofIndustry and directed to areas of identified training need (6.2/3).

TheGovernment will undertake further consultation with stakeholders on how thiswill be implemented. It is believed that this will increase the integrity ofthe way these funds are used and remove the payment of commissions. Trainingexpenditure cost may decrease for sponsors under this new arrangement.


Labourmarket testing will not be abolished, however, the Department will examine waysto reduce the burden to employers and red tape in this process (2.0)


TheEnglish language level will be altered to an IELTS average of 5 overall, withno less than 4.5 in any band (7.1)


AlternateEnglish language test providers are likely to be announced next month (7.3)


Theexemption for demonstrating English language competency will not be extended tofurther countries, although the current exemption for 5 years continuous studyin English will be changed to 5 years cumulative study (7.5)


SBSapprovals will be extended from 3 to 5 years and from 12 to 18 months forstart-up businesses. These new approvaltime frames will commence from the time of renewal or new applications for SBS.Current approvals will not be extended to these time frames (10.1)


TheATO and the Department have signed an MOU which allows information to be sharedon 457 visa holder salaries. The MOUallows the Department to request salary compliance checks across a broaderrange of the sponsored employees and businesses, without increasing the numberof work site visits (18.1)


Visacharges are being reviewed as part of the Joint Review of Border Fees, Chargesand Taxes (11.0)

年龄限制(转186或187PR - 现在是50岁)可能会被重新审查

Theage limitations and the TRT time frames for transition to ENS are beingreviewed as part of the Skilled Migration and 400 Visa Series Review, but therecommendations on these from the 457 review are supported (15.1/2)


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