China Student Visa Funds Transfer Scheme (FTS) – FAQ 中国学生签证留学专用账户方案 – 常见问题解答
Why did Immigration New Zealand (INZ) introduce this scheme? | 新西兰移民局为什么要推出这项方案? |
The aim of the FTS is to help facilitate the processing of student visa applications from Chinese people who want to go to New Zealand to study for 12 months or more.
| 推出新西兰留学专用帐户的目地是为了方便审理中国公民赴新西兰留学12个月或以上的学生签证申请。此方案的优势在于:
How does the FTS work? | 新西兰留学专用帐户方案如何运作? |
For a student visa application, a sum of money is deposited into a remittance account in China for the purpose of studying in New Zealand. If the application is approved the funds will then be transferred to the New Zealand education provider to cover the tuition payment and to a New Zealand bank to cover the living costs of the student. The bank in New Zealand will then manage the students’ bank account by allowing a limited amount of money to be withdrawn each month to cover living costs. | 学生签证申请人将留学费用存入设在中国的专用帐户。如果申请获得批准,该帐户下的部分资金将被汇往特定的新西兰教育机构用以支付学费,部分将被汇至学生在新西兰银行开设的个人账户作为生活费。新西兰银行通过每个月定额放款来管理该帐户以供学生支付在新西兰的生活费用。 |
Who can apply for this scheme? | 新西兰留学专用帐户方案如何运作? |
Any applicant in the Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong branch catchment areas of China is eligible. | 包括北京、上海及香港办公室领区的所有申请人都具备资格。 |
Which immigration offices accept the FTS? | 哪个移民办公室接受新西兰留学专用帐户? |
All three Immigration New Zealand branches in China─ Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong ─ accept the FTS as evidence of the student’s financial standing. | 新西兰移民局在中国设立的三个办公室,包括北京、上海和香港,都可以接受新西兰留学专用帐户作为学生的经济能力证明。 |
Where can I apply for the remittance account in China? | 在哪里可以申请中国的新西兰留学专用帐户? |
Chinese students can apply for FTS accounts at approved banks in China. A list of the approved FTS accepting branches is available under the introduction of each FTS scheme. | 符合要求的申请人可以经由批准银行申请留学专用账户。批准银行及网点清单在各专用账户介绍下分别提供。 |
Which banks in New Zealand can I withdraw my money from? | 在新西兰哪家银行可以取款? |
Only the ANZ bank at this stage, but we are open to considering other New Zealand banks with a base in China. | 目前只有澳新银行。但是我们正在考虑与其他新西兰银行中国分行进行合作。 |
What are the minimum and maximum amounts of money required for the remittance account? | 新西兰留学专用帐户的最低和最高汇款额是多少? |
RMB 150,000 or NZ$30,000 is the minimum amount required to open a remittance account for one year of planned study in New Zealand. The account balance should be maintained proportionately (on a pro-rata basis) to the original FTS deposit amount and length of time planned to be covered by FTS deposit. For example, a three-year FTS deposit of 450,000 RMB should have a minimum of 300,000 RMB in the first year, and 150,000 RMB in the second year, held with the bank in China. Those applicants whose intended study plan in New Zealand is fully covered financially by the amount deposited in the FTS will not be required to provide additional banking documentation, although certain conditions apply. Students with long-term study plans may be asked to provide evidence of their family’s on-going ability to cover international education costs in New Zealand. Those applications partially covered by the FTS may be required to provide additional financial documentation. | 计划在新西兰学习一年时间需要至少存入人民币15万元或者纽币3万元。 以此为标准,留学专用账户的余额应和最初存入账户的总额以及计划用其支付在新西兰学习的年限维持相应的比例。比如,一笔期限为3年、金额为45万人民币的留学专用账户,在汇过第一年的学费和生活费后,其账户余额应有至少30万人民币,在第二年应有至少15万人民币。 尽管有某些条件需要满足,但是使用留学专用帐户支付全部留学费用的申请人无须提交其他银行材料。 有长期留学计划的学生需要提供家庭持续经济能力的证明。使用留学专用帐户支付部分留学费用的申请, 仍需提交其他资金材料。 |
Will my deposit with the bank in China earn interest? How will it be calculated? | 我在中国境内银行的留学专用账户存款能够获得存款利息吗?如何计算? |
Yes, your deposit with the bank in China will earn interest, which will be calculated at the standard interest rate. | 可以,您在中国境内银行的留学专用帐户存款将产生利息,按标准存款利率计算。 |
How long must I keep my money in this account? | 我在该帐户的存款需要存多久? |
The money remains in the account for the period of time you intend to cover the costs of your study in New Zealand. You are not allowed to use this account for any other purpose other than to cover the tuition fees and living costs. You cannot withdraw money from this account while you are studying in New Zealand. | 与您计划在新西兰学习的时间相等。该帐户只用于支付学费和生活费,不用于任何其他目的,您也不可以在新西兰学习期间从该帐户取款。 |
How can I apply for a New Zealand bank account before I go to New Zealand? | 抵达新西兰之前如何申请一个在新西兰银行的留学专用帐户? |
When you open the remittance account with the bank in China, you will be provided with an ANZ Bank account opening form. You can also download the form from the INZ website and email it to ANZ directly after your student visa has been approved in principle by INZ. ANZ will then contact you directly to inform you of your account details. | 在您向已批准的中国境内银行申请开立新西兰留学专用帐户时,中国境内银行会提供您一份新西兰澳新银行的开户申请表。您也可以从新西兰移民局的网站上下载该表格,在学生签证原则批准后直接联系新西兰澳新银行。收到申请后,澳新银行会直接跟您联系确认您的帐户详细信息。 |
Can I withdraw the deposit from the bank in China if my application is unsuccessful? | 如果我的学生签证申请没有成功的话,我可以取出预存在留学专用帐户内的存款吗? |
Yes. You can withdraw your deposit from the bank in China by showing a decline or withdrawal letter issued by INZ. | 可以,您可以持由新西兰移民局签发的拒签信或撤签信,提取您的新西兰留学专用帐户存款。 |
At what stage should I transfer my funds to New Zealand? | 什么时候我需要将资金汇到新西兰? |
You do not need to transfer your funds to New Zealand until you have received an Approve-in-principle letter from INZ. | 在您收到新西兰移民局签发的原则批准信之前,您都不需要将资金汇到新西兰。 |
What’s the minimum amount of money required for my first remittance transfer? | 第一次汇款的最低限额是多少? |
The requirements are different depending on your age. Students aged 17 and under need to make two international funds transfers.
Depending on your needs, the amount to be transferred will range from $NZ4,800 to NZ$18,000. Students aged 18 and over also need to make two international funds transfers.
The amount to be transferred will usually range from NZ$15,000 to NZ$18,000. | 不同的年龄会有不同的要求. 17岁或以下学生需安排两笔国际转汇.
依个人需要,生活费的转款额度为每年4,800 – 18,000纽币。 18岁以上学生同样需要安排两笔国际转汇。
汇款额度一般每年在15,000到 18,000 纽币间浮动。 |
How often should I transfer my money from China to New Zealand? | 我需要多久从中国汇一次款到新西兰? |
The New Zealand education provider will send you an invoice for your tuition and accommodation payment, if applicable. We suggest that you make one transfer to ANZ to cover living expenses for the year. | 如果适用,新西兰教育机构会向您发送学费和住宿费的发票。关于生活费,我们建议您每年汇一次当年份生活费。 |
How much can I withdraw from my account each month while I am in New Zealand? | 当我在新西兰时,每个月我可以从我的留学专用帐户取多少钱? |
Every month you can withdraw NZ$1,250 – NZ$1,500 from your remittance account to cover your living costs. | 每个月您可以从您在新西兰的帐户提取纽币1,250 ~ 1,500元作为生活费。 |
Does it mean that I can only access NZ$1,500 per month for my living costs in New Zealand? | 这样是否意味着每个月我只能有纽币1, 500元的生活费? |
Although you are only allowed to withdraw up to NZ$1,500 from your remittance account per month, you can still have other personal bank accounts in New Zealand. | 尽管您每个月只能从新西兰的留学专用帐户提取最多纽币 1,500元作为生活费,但是您仍然可以在新西兰开立其他个人帐户。 |
What payments can my remittance account cover? | 我可以使用留学专用帐户支付其他费用吗? |
Your remittance account can only cover your tuition fees and standard living costs of up to NZ$1,500 per month. | 您的留学专用帐户只用来支付您的学费和每月最多纽币1,500元的生活费。 |
Can I withdraw money from my remittance account for use in an emergency? | 紧急情况下,我可以从我的新西兰留学专用帐户取款吗? |
No, you can’t withdraw money from your remittance account for other purposes. You may want to have a separate bank account for use in an emergency. | 不可以。您不能从留学专用帐户取款用于其他目的。您可以另外开立一个帐户以备不时之需。 |
If I decide to leave New Zealand, how can I arrange to withdraw money in my remittance account without closing it? | 如果我决定离开新西兰,如何在不取消我的留学专用帐户的情况下取出该帐户内的余款? |
You can withdraw all the money in your remittance account if you have completed or ceased your study in New Zealand. You need a certificate confirming this, which you must apply for from the INZ branch that issued your visa. You can then take the certificate to the bank in China to arrange a refund. | 如果您已完成或结束在新西兰的学习,您可以将留学专用帐户内的余款取出。您须向给您签发签证的新西兰移民局办公室申请毕业或结业确认函,然后持移民局签发的确认函到中国的留学专用账户申请银行办理取款。 |
Are there any other financial documents that I need to provide for my visa application, if an FTS is used? | 如果我使用留学专用帐户,我还需要提交什么资金证明材料? |
Please note that INZ is able to request any further documentation they deem necessary when processing the application. INZ still requires evidence of your parent’s employment and earnings. Participation in the FTS does not mean that the application will be automatically approved. | 请注意:新西兰移民局可以在审理过程中要求学生提供任何必要的材料。除留学专用账户外,新西兰移民局还要求学生提供父母的职业及收入证明。选择新西兰留学专用帐户并不意味着签证申请可以自动获得批准。 |
目前FTS 在中国境内支持的银行有中信银行(国内大部分省会城市的支行出国金融部都已开通此业务),澳新银行 (在北京,上海,广州设有分行网点,可以前往办理)
中信银行开办赴新西兰留学专用帐户业务新增网点及查询联系人, 请浏览:
CITIC Bank: step by step 中信银行
Step 1. Student -> CITIC Bank | 第 1 步:学生 -> 中信银行 |
Student applies for a transfer account, deposits funds and signs transfer management agreement with CITIC (minimum deposit of RMB150k per annum). | 学生申请转账账户,存入款项,并与中信银行 (CITIC) 签订转账管理协议(最低存款额为每年 15 万人民币)。 |
Step 2. Student -> INZ | 第 2 步:学生 -> 新西兰移民局 |
Student submits completed student visa application including CITIC FTS registration certificate to INZ. | 学生向新西兰移民局递交完整的学生签证申请,包括中信银行留学专用账户 (CITIC FTS) 登记证明。 |
Step 3. Student -> ANZ Bank (account opening) | 第 3 步:学生 -> 澳新银行(开户) |
If student visa is Approved-in-principle (AIP), applicant will email completed ANZ AOF, copy of passport biopage/signature page and copy of AIP letter to: [email protected] New Zealand-based ANZ branch will open account within two working days and send welcome email to student. | 如果学生签证已获原则批准 (AIP),申请人可通过电子邮件寄送完整填妥的澳新银行开户申请表 (ANZ AOF)、护照个人信息页/签名页复印件和原则批准信复印件至: [email protected] 。 新西兰澳新银行将在两个工作日内办理开户,并向学生发送欢迎邮件。 |
Step 4. Student -> CITIC (funds remittance) | 第 4 步:学生 -> 中信银行(汇款) |
Student contacts CITIC to complete international TT payments to ANZ in New Zealand, and New Zealand education provider. Note the different payment components are required for aged 17 and under, and aged 18 or above. Refer to the frequently asked questions for more information. | 学生联系中信银行 (CITIC),以国际电汇形式向新西兰澳新银行和新西兰教育机构完成付款。 请注意,17 岁及以下和 18 岁及以上两种年龄阶段的付款方式不同。 请参阅新西兰移民局网站上的常见问题解答,了解更多信息。 |
Step 5. Student -> ANZ | 第 5 步:学生 -> 澳新银行 |
Student emails New Zealand-based ANZcontact ([email protected] ) to confirm remittance made to their newly opened New Zealand account with the ANZ bank. | 学生向新西兰澳新银行联系人 ([email protected] ) 发送电子邮件,确认已向其新开户的新西兰澳新银行账户汇款。 |
Step 6. ANZ -> INZ | 第 6 步:澳新银行 -> 新西兰移民局 |
Following funds transfer from China to student’s new New Zealand-based account,ANZ email funds confirmation to INZ processing officer and sends a copy to the applicant. Student visa is then issued and returned to student, pending receipt of all AIP documentation. | 从中国转款至学生新开的新西兰账户后,澳新银行向新西兰移民局受理官员发送电子邮件确认转款,并抄送给申请人。 然后,发放学生签证并退还给学生所有等待领取原则批准 (AIP)的 材料。 |
Step 7.Student -> ANZ (after arrival in New Zealand) | 第 7 步:学生 -> 澳新银行(抵达新西兰后) |
Following arrival in New Zealand, student presents original passport to ANZ and activates bank account. An Automatic Payment (AP) is established, debit card is issued to student and other ANZ-related banking information provided. | 抵达新西兰后,学生向澳新银行出示护照原件并激活银行账户、创建自动付款 (AP)、澳新银行会向学生发放借记卡以及提供与澳新银行相关的其他银行信息。 |
ANZ Bank: step by step 澳新中国(开户)
Step 1. Student -> ANZ China (China account opening) | 第一步. 学生-> 澳新中国(开户) |
Student applies for the ANZ FTS account, deposits funds, signs account management agreement with ANZ China (deposit of NZD 30k ANZ China distributes an ANZ NZ Account Opening Form (AOF) and / or refers to Immigration New Zealand (INZ) website link to AOF | 学生前往澳新中国分支行开立澳新海外留学专用账户,签署账户管理协议并存入足额资金(每学年需存入三万新西兰元) 学生可以从新西兰移民局的网站或从澳新中国得到澳新新西兰的账户申请表 |
Step 2. Student -> Immigration New Zealand (INZ) | 第二步. 学生-> 新西兰移民局(申请签证) |
Student submits completed student visa application including ANZ CN FTS registration certificate to INZ. | 学生携带移民局所要求的材料(包括澳新海外留学账户开户申请表以及管理协议)前往移民局申请留学签证 |
Step 3. Student -> ANZ NZ (NZ account opening) | 第三步. 学生-> 澳新新西兰(开户) |
If student visa is Approved-in-principle (AIP) applicant will email completed ANZ AOF, copy of passport biopage/signature page and New Zealand-based ANZ branch will receive and open account within two working days and send welcome email to student. | 学生在取得预签资格后将开户所需材料(包含新西兰账户申请表/护照复印页/个人签名/预签资格证明文件)电邮至 [email protected]. 澳新新西兰会在收到这些材料后两个工作日内开立账户并在开立成功后发送成功开户的邮件给学生 |
Step 4. Student -> ANZ CN (funds remittance) | 第四步. 学生-> 澳新中国(汇款) |
Student receives ANZ welcome letter (incl. account details) via email. Note the different payment components required for aged 17 and under & aged 18 or above. Refer to FAQ on INZ website for more information. | 学生在收到澳新新西兰发送的开户成功邮件(包含了账户号码)后,即可前往澳新中国分支行汇付留学所需的学费给学校以及汇付生活费给学生在澳新新西 请注意:十八周岁以下的学生的生活费标准与十八周岁以上(含十八周岁)的学生是不同的,具体请参见移民局网站上公布的留学资金转移计划“常见问题” |
Step 5. ANZ NZ -> INZ (issue of visa) | 第五步. 澳新新西兰-> 新西兰移民局(发证) |
Following funds transfer from China to student’s new, New Zealand-based account, ANZ New Zealand issue funds confirmation email to INZ processing Student visa is then issued and returned to student pending receipt of all AIP documentation. | 澳新新西兰会在收到学生的汇款后通知新西兰移民局,新西兰移民局会在收到确认信息后将签证发放给学生 |
Step 6.Student -> ANZ NZ (after arrival in NZ) | 第六步. 学生->澳新新西兰(抵达新西兰,开始学习生活) |
Following arrival in New Zealand, student presents original passport to ANZ NZ and activates bank account. An Automatic Payment (AP) is established, debit card is collected and other ANZ related banking information provided. Issued by Australia and New Zealand Bank (China) Company Limited (“ANZ China”). An investment or facility with ANZ China is neither a deposit with nor liability of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited. | 到达新西兰后,学生可凭护照原件前往澳新新西兰分支行激活其在澳新新西兰开立的账户以取得澳新新西兰提供的公众金融服务(自动汇款/借计卡以及其 本文件由澳大利亚和新西兰银行(中国)有限公司(“澳新中国”)分发。您在澳新中国进行的投资或融资,并非澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团有限公司的存款或责任。 |
前往办理之前,最好提前电话预并确定好联系人。带上将要就读院校的录取通知书(可以是语言课加专业课有条件录取的offer), 身份证,户口本到有办理此业务的出国金融部(一般为省会城市的最大支行,以湖北武汉为例,目前开通此业务仅有位于武汉汉口解放路,香格里拉酒店斜对面中信银行武汉支行),并与之签订协议,开设新西兰留学生专用账户。以学生本人名字开通账户或以父母名字开通账户均可。
办理成功之后,一式三份,银行留一份,学生本人留一份,另外一份需要随后办理签证时递交给移民局,部分中信网点同时发放ANZ 澳新银行开户申请表 (部分银行需要等到学生签证原则性批准之后发放)。澳新银行申请开户申请表,需要本人或中介联系澳新银行递交相关材料后方可开通,随后才能进一步把留学新西兰的生活费汇到学生本人在澳新银行的个人生活费账户 (一般又称“88”账户)。若有其他进一步的相关问题,欢迎联系我们。
Cheson Chai - 微信: chaisu, Mob: 02108333030
(Business Development Manager, 业务发展经理,来自北京,原新东方澳新部留学咨询顾问,澳洲卧龙岗大学研究生文凭,James Cook大学MBA工商管理硕士)
Aaron Jiang - 微信: 675906449,Mob: 02108445899
(Marketing Manager, 来自江苏南京,美国亚利桑那大学心理学本科,梅西大学管理学硕士)
Mike Hsu - 微信: erwike,Mob: 0223897806
(Assistant Director/ Marketing Officer, 来自台湾台南,台湾中正大学硕士,奥克兰大学市场营销学硕士)
Fang Li (Lee) - 微信: lifangsaga
Rae Wang - 微信: 412861639
Kris Zhang - 微信: 675904452; Mob:021 1415918
(Managing Director, 原新航道澳新部留学咨询顾问,来自湖北,中国地质大学本科,SIT南方理工研究生文凭,梅西大学硕士)
Vienna Yang-微信:771808967;Mob:021 0838 4854
(Branch Manager,基督城分公司经理, 雅思8.5分获得者,来自江苏苏州,毕业于南京大学)
Gene Liao-微信:825256; Mob:021 02511023;
(Marketing Representative, 来自广东,基督城百事通)
John Jiang-微信:j1779985086;Mob:022 3430078
(Marketing Representative, 来自河南,坎特伯雷大学学生会主席,坎特伯雷大学学生)
Winston Zhang-微信:nzpeanut, Mob:027 354 3639
(Marketing Representative, 来自广东,热衷于基督城公益事业及华人社团活动)
Tel: 09 3501135 ; Mob: 021 1415918
Email: [email protected]
奥克兰:G Floor, 87-93 Queen Street, Auckland
基督城:48 Hare Street, Ilam, Christchurch
Opening Hours: 10:30am-5:30pm, Mon-Fri