
Part One
What is your favorite wildlife? Why?
Do you think wildlife should be in the zoo?
Have you ever raised an animal?
Do you think it is necessary to teach children to protect animals?
High school
Did you enjoy high school life?
How was your first day in high school?
Who was your favorite teacher in high school?
Do you currently contact your high school friends?
What do teenagers usually do in your country?
How much time you spend with teenagers?
Do you pay attention to the teenagers’ fashion?
What is your opinion of advertising?
Did you buy something due to its advertisement?
Do you like to watch advertisement?
What is your favorite type of advertisement?
Do you like to receive gifts?
What is the latest gift that you have received and made you happy?
Do you like to pick gifts for others?
Part Two & Three
P2: Describe a good service that a shop or a company provided for you.
You should say:
what is the name of shop/company
what is the service type
why do you think it is an impressive one.
P3: Do you think those expensive companies provide better services? Do you have any terrible experience? What was that? What do you think is the most important factor for a company providing good service? Do you think employers are happy in service industry?
P2: Describe a successful businessman you know.
You should say:
who is the person?
what business is he/she doing?
how she/he became successful?
and explain why you consider him/her as a successful business person.
P3: How do young people do business in your country? In order to seek commercial success, do you think people should become cold hearted?
P2: Describe an important event in your life.
You should say:
what is the event
What did people do in this event
And explain why do you think it is important.
P3: Could you please describe some traditionally important events in your country? Why do you think marriage is an important event? How can you feel reactions from guests that your events doing well? Do you think countries hold national events waste money?
How do people celebrity the National holiday? Is it important to celebrate National holidays? How do people celebrate public holidays in China?