艺术巨匠太古里“斗马”大会 Eminent Artists’ “Horse” Artwork Challenge

2018年01月08日 OZDAD澳洲老爸美食材

中国 . 成都 . 2018年1月14日

太古里这个万人瞩目的地标又将在1月14日迎来一群著名艺术家搞事情! 东方神秘意象绘画创始人东方腾弘 、伤痕美术/四川画派创始人高小华、神韵派雕塑大师严永明,藏俗风格画派大师贺德华还有一位神秘的摩登电子派青年艺术家暗暗发着力……感觉,一场武林大会即将开始。

14th Jan, 2pm-5pm, Chengdu Taikooli, we will have a group of eminent artists put on a public exhibition!
Among the eminent artists include: Dong FangTeng Hong -The Founder of Chinese Oriental mystery intention painting ; Gao Xiao Hua - The founder of melancholy trace School of Painting and Sichuan School of Painting; Famous sculptor Yan YongMing; Famous Tibetan Style oli painter He DeHua. The artists are gathering together to exhibit their art, which are themed around the "Horse". 


东方腾弘 作品


高小华 作品



贺德华 作品


Of course, there will be a bit of fun and alcohol involved. You will be able to interact with the famous artists, let them show you and talk to you about their art. 

东方腾弘 作品


The year 2018, is a year of art, also a year where you can make art a part of your daily life. 2018 is also the year of foundation for “YUNYIART". YUNYIART is a online platform for everyone who loves art and wants to enjoy art in their daily life. It gathers a variety of artists, from upcoming through to famous artists, and also those within and from outside of China.

2018年,日新月异新老交替的艺术界生机勃勃,老艺术家们功力深厚、挥斥方遒,新生艺术家们锋芒毕露、跃跃欲试,老艺术家总给人遥不可及的感觉,但艺术家“爱玩”的天性都将在这一天,1月14日“芸艺优品”的线下体验馆中得到释放,新老携手,艺术不再遥不可及,想必我们每个人内心对美好事物的向往,都是止不住的吧?芸艺优品的联合创始人之一是ARTHOUSE的创始人,策展人 Bamboo(修竹),她与表妹代唯一起创建了一个贴近每个人生活的艺术平台,有梦想的人,都是一样的,就像每个ARTHOUSE的客人一样。

The Founder of “Arthouse", curator Bamboo YAN is holding this event, and has commenced expansion of the Arthouse idea to all over China. "Art should be part of everyone's life”, Bamboo says.

On January 14,we will bring to every friend who loves life and loves art, one of China's most valuable art collectors in nearly a hundred years, and you distinguished artists who are proud masters of their craft:Yan Yongming,
He Dehua, Dongfang Teng Hong, Gao xiaohua. The four Artists will exhibit in the 2018"Gunma New year" Ten million art exhibition. Each artist will portray their own style of man's loyal friend, the horse.

This event allows you to see the defferent artistic form of "horse",listen to the unknown story of the masters of art, and share the touching moments behind the creation of the art so that art is no longer out of reach.

严永明 作品


高小华 作品



Participants can vote for their favourite artwork and win a lunch voucher from "Foam ranger" .


After the event, YUNYIART modern and cutting edge artist LiRui will do the "wall take over " with his artwork "Absurd zoo” series, using digital and oil mediums to give his take on the theme of horse.




芸是众生 艺是创作



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