如果有意向给自己的父母办理澳大利亚103 免费父母移民的同学,请抓紧时间办理。我们来看看移民中介协会发布的原文:
"Readers will be aware that the passing of a disallowance motion in the Senate on 25 September 2014 restored the following visas:
Parent visa (subclass 103)
Aged Parent visa (subclass 804)
Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclass 114)
Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclass 838)
Remaining Relative visa (subclass 115)
Remaining Relative visa (subclass 835)
Carer visa (subclass 116)
Carer visa (subclass 836).
However it is possible for the government to re-introduce the disallowed instrument after 6 months.
No-one knows whether the government plans to do this but the safest option for people intending to apply for one of these visas would be to do so before 25 March 2015."
当然了,除了排队父母移民,其实大部分人办理的还是付费父母移民-143类别。那么到底应该办理103不付费等个15-20年还是143付费移民2年就下签证呢?Monkey King特提供几个Tips供参考:
1. 付费143移民不需要拿到PR后2年,留学生期间的时间也可以计算;
2. 付费143移民要18个月才审理到,不要担心没有够工作2年,只要18个月后可以拿到centerlink的AOS就可以;
3. AOS经济担保可以是自己,也可以是各种毫无关系的朋友,甚至可以几个人一起拼凑
4. 如果资金不是问题的同学,如果直接办理143付费移民,好处还是大于坏处,比如家庭信托Family Trust避税、以父母名义买房可以避CGR税等;
5. 早点递交移民,18个月获签在,10年内享受政府医疗medicare,10年后还可以享受养老金pension,而且可以帮助带孩子,(澳洲托儿所一天的费用就100多澳元),经济效益也不错;
6. 最关键是父母团圆,阖家欢乐,在他们花甲之年享受澳洲的清洁空气和水资源,也算是一种孝顺;