
2020年01月14日 Infinity澳洲职业咨询





  • What are your long-term goals? 

  • Where would you like to be in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? 

  • What is your end goal in your career? 

  • Where do you see yourself progressing in your job? 

  • What do you think will be your last job before retirement?


  • 看这个职位是否符合你中长期的目标

  • 看雇主能不能满足你的长期目标

  • 看你能否制定符合自己实际情况的长期目标,由此看你对自己是否有清晰的定位

  • 看你是否有职业志向


  • 如果面试官还没有问你近期的目标,你可以先从近期目标开始说起

  • 着重强调你的职业发展方向以及期望在应聘的职位取得成功

  • 也要说明你对于灵活的职位安排接受度很高

  • 表现出自己的志向,但不要不切实际


"My long term goal is to have your job. Actually, that's more my mid-term goal. My long term goal is to become the CEO. So I want to put myself on that path and continue to make course corrections along the way until I finally achieve that goal. So I'm pretty ambitious in what I want to do, I guess the real question is whether you can provide me with the roadmap for getting to the corner office?"



  • 没有工作经验的小白该如何回答

  • 工作经验丰富的职场老司机该如何回答




Why should I hire you?


"Because I'm the best person for the job. I know you are interviewing other students with similar qualifications in terms of my degree and my internship. Yet I was awarded the Employee of the Month award as an intern this past summer and was the first intern ever to receive that award. I was given that award over all other nominations of their full-time staff. That award was given due to my delivery on a project that no one else had been able to successfully complete. I not only delivered the project, but I did it while also working on two other projects, both of which were completed during job one summer as an intern. Let me tell you about the project where I won the award…"


"Because I'm the best person for the job. Here's why: I have all of the required qualifications that you are asking for in this job. The education, the experience, the industry experience. But I also bring a passion to the job that makes me the best person for the job. Why? Because that passion translates into results. I really love what I do. Let me give you an example…"

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