
我很欣赏她的执着和勇气,很喜欢她里面的一句话,We don’t have to do everything on the same time, because we are different. 可能有人看了会想去旅行,这很正常,我脑袋里已经把世界各地翻来覆去走马观花旅游个遍了,但别着急冷静下来还是那句话这是你想要的生活吗?这是你追求的向往的奋斗的享受的生活吗?如果是,那就去吧,不要犹豫。如果不是,那就过好你现在的生活吧,说不定这正是世界某个角落的某群人正向往的生活。
1.Could you please tell me a bit about your life before travelling?
Ok so not everyone knows much about Israel,my country. Before travelling I served for two years in the Israeli navy, it’s mandatory. Imagine you are celebrating your 18th birthday and a week after , you find yourself with 50 other people that you never met before, wearing green unif uniforms and doing exactly what the commander is telling you, without asking qustions, because that is what you need to do.
So it took me some time to understand, same for you as a reader to know me who never met me before.

For me being in the navy was a great experience. I met people who became my best friends, I had to deal with so many things that in the end made me stronger and mature. A wonderfull lesson for life, sometimes you cannot choose everything but you always have the option to choose how to look and take the things coming into your life, kind of prespective. I learnd a lot about humanity, my society, about myself.

When I finished the military service, which is something that you wish for, maybe it was my wish come ture when I tried to blow air on my birthday cake candals..because you feel free again, be able to do what you want and how much you want. Freedom!

So usually Israelis go travelling aftrer the army, we call it “THE BIG TRIP”. I chose to wait a bit before saying goodbye to my family!
I moved to a speicial place in the desert, which is 4h drive from my house(Israel is realy small so 4h is alot!!!) and started to work in agriculture with 20 people. Why is it a speicial place do you ask? So in Israel we call it KIBBUTZ which is a small community, where everyone knows each other, around 150 familis.
There is a dinning room, 3 meals a day and all the people from the KIBBUTZ eating there together;there is a laundery room, you need to write your numer on the shirt, put it on the match color basket and after a few days you will find it ready in your place. We celebrate holidays and speicial days together, like a big family.
You will be in more shock after I tell you that - evreyone get the same salary here! No matter which kind of work you do in the KIBBUTZ you will get the same as others.
So after almost half a year there, I started my never ending trip.
通常以色列人结束兵役后会去旅行,我们叫做big trip。我决定多跟家里人待一段时间再去旅游,于是我搬到了离家4h车程的位于沙漠里的一个很特殊的地方,开始跟其他20个人一起在农业里工作。
2. Which countries have been to untill now?
Greece,India,Vietnam,Philippine,France,Holland,Germany,Spain,Portugal,Cyprus and Turkey- by the sea with a yacht, Morrocco, Austria, Srilanka, Singapore and now- Australia.

2. 到目前为止你去过哪些国家?
3. How the idea that I want to travel around the world came to your mind?
After I finished my first trip which was to India,Vietnam and Philippine, I got a chance to fly to France.I had a job in one of the ski resorts with a group of Israeli people. After a week of work I thought “oh I’m already here, so I can stay and keep going wherever I want.” (first ski resort)
Then I went by myself to another ski resort which is in a different town. I took train and bus and after a few hours I was there..I knew a friend from the trip to india that stayed there, he told me that I can come and stay with them, and do snowboarding together. After I arrived he said, so many people told me “yea we are coming” but no one really came except you. (second ski resort)
After almost two weeks, I talked with another friend who stayed in an apartmant in another ski resort, so I moved there with a train and hiched hike all the way to the pick of the mountain. (third ski resort)
It’s easy if you make it so.

But wait..I didnt finish my advanture. I found two French familis to stay with, and did some woofing. It’s the perfect way to travel around the world, meet pepole, be a guest with an option to see from a close look diffrent lifestyle, connection between family members, routine of life that are not mine but I can be a part of, for a short time.
Someone on my travels told me- Travelling make options. Everything is open.To reach that I chose to put myself in a spontaneous place, so I have the option to say YES.
For the whole year I did’t try to look for long term jobs, so i had to find my own way to still make money and be the manager of myself..must say -you have to be creative.
I had so many places I want to see, so why not? There are always excuses. The right time is NOW!
3. 你是怎么产生我要去环游世界的想法的?
4. What were you doing during travelling? Visiting some hot tourist attractions or ?
Usually every my travelling has a theme, which will be connected to one of my hobbies.
Snowbording--my trip to France,Alps,Austria.

Surfing--to Philippine,Morrcco, SriLanka,Portugal.

Intresting cultures and traditions to India,Morrocco.

When you have more than just tourist attractions, you can do what you love in addition to exploring a new place, meeting new people, searching for historical places and more.
I believe there is a reason why a touristic place becomes touristic and it’s maybe a thing you don’t want to miss. I’ll try to search before and to see if there is something else that can be intresting for me, more than just “you must go there”, especially if I had short time.
One thing for sure- it will be hard to find me doing shopping in the big mall.
4. 你旅行的时候一般做什么,去旅游景点吗还是?
我相信旅游景点之所以成为热点是有原因的,我或许不想错过。去之前我会先查找是否那里有我感兴趣的东西,而不仅仅是 --“因为是旅游景点,我必须去那里”。
5. Where do you live,what do you eat? Does it cost a lot? What is the most expense during your travelling?
Depens on the country but usually I will try to look for hostels or Airbnb.I have friends from the world so I can always go to their places and stay for free.
Kitchen is one of the most importat things for me when I’m looking for a place to stay, so I can cook for myself and my friends,choose all the things I wish to make and just buy what I want.You can save soooo much money.
Once in a while I’ll go to a resturant but better to keep it special, or if there are things that you realLy like and don’t want to skip in, you can afford it. For example I realy like good coffee, love it. So I know and feel okay to spend on a great coffee place. It’s important to find the small things that makes you feel good.
The most expense it’s the flight and it depends on which kind of trip is it..
Number two is the accommodation and after the food. For exmple I made a roadtrip in Europe from Germany to Portugal via France and Spain so actually more then half of the trip I slept in the car and the rest in hostels..we cooked in the car and sometimes we ate outside.

5. 旅行的时候你住在哪里,吃什么,需要很多钱吗,什么花费最大?
6. How do you earn your money for travelling? Is it a problem for you?
Earn more- Spend less.
I never took money from my parents for my travels.
During the military service I got a premission to work on weekends so I could save some money for my first trip. Most of my jobs were temporary or short term that’s how I could manage to have more than two flights a year.
It’s easy to spend your money more than earn it..I always have in my mind the idea or the fact that I want to travel more,see more and explore more. I don’t need much, just enough for living and enjoy the place I’m staying at.

I work hard, I can guess most of you.. I belive in a way of waiting for the big things like my travels, new surfboard or guitar, somthing meaningfull that can be useful for the present and the future.
No malls or shopping.I’m really into second hand cloths and products.. I don’t eat outside so much, but once in a while, yes, its a way of life I chose to myself.
if you know how to save your money you can live and travel for many years with an amount of money..after I understood this I’ll say it’s not a problem for me.
6. 你旅行的钱哪来的?钱困扰过你旅行吗?
7. Do you feel safe outside?
Yes, feel safe -when I’m not thinking about scenes from scary movies.
As a person who travels by herself ,I must say that I have found myself in some situations where fear and bad thoughts couldn’t help me.
Sometimes you must listen to the voices inside, use all your senses for important decisions. Because you are the only one in the situation, you need do find the right solutions.
Does this person look dangerous for me? Am I in a safe place? Don’t fall into social pressure. Don’t do things that you don’t want to. I’m trying to put myself with people I trust and make me feel good in a good environment.

Some tips- Search for flights in a daytime landing, don’t walk in the night alone, take care of your personal stuff, take a lock with you, if you go out always take with you valuble stuff. Try to use public transportation which is cheaper and you have more people aroud you, ask questions when you need- communicate.
Think positive but don’t be naive.
8. What is the biggest change to you after these travellings?
Independent feeling, the fact that I can be anywhere in the world with enough skills to get along.
Everytime I’m going to a new place, my traveling bag becomes bigger not because of more cloths and products but more experience ,more skills, knowledge, stories from people around me, mistakes, love, friendships, new ideas ,challenges, dreams which all make me feel stronger.
With this bag I’ll continue to next trip with more power.

9. What makes you keep going ? Will you keep doing it for next few years? What do you plan for your future?
I’m addicted.It’s always exciting to start a new trip, see things I never saw before.I hope I’ll never get tired travelling around the world. I still have a list of places I want to travel in the next few years, So yes I belive I’ll keep doing it.
The most important thing I wish to myself is to keep doing what I want to do. I feel in the last two years I followed myself and tried to reach my goals by traveling while keep improving myself with hobbies and small things I want to learn.

My plan for future? Maybe the future has a plan for me..I hope I’ll find the way to travel as much as I want, maybe I’ll be a writer and I’ll travel around the world and share my pictures and articles, maybe I’ll start copywriting or designing courses,maybe I will have a second hand shop with really cool stuff and coffee machine inside.
I’m staying right now in a farm in Australia, writing under the coronavirus days, picking mandarines for living. I have so much time with myself, to think, so much time that sometime I think I’m crazy. But I’m not.
I remembered one day I was thinking about the present and the future and I was asking myself- should I put a limit to my trips? Should I stop when I’ll reach 25 or 26? I can guess even if put a limit, life is changeable, so better to live and see. I have so many ideas for the future, I’m planing to follow myself.
10. How do your parents and friends think about your traveling? Do you care about how they think what you are doing?
They are not surprised when I’m telling them about an upcoming trip. I can guess they can see how good it is for me and how I can do the things in my way.
Part of my friends already study in university, while others are working in permanent or short time jobs. We are not all the same and this is one of the most beautiful things.We don’t have to do everything on the same time, because we are different.

Of course my parents are asking me about my studying and a proper job,but I don’t feel so much pressure..maybe beacuse I’m quite sure in my way. Usually I’ll reply to the questions that it’s still not my time and I still want to travel and there are so many things I want to do.
I can also say that they can see how hard I’m working,I know how to manage myself and be independant, control my money I have, so they trust me, they can see I’m a responsible person, there is nothing to worry about. Most of the people I know always look at me and kind of proud of what I’m doing what.
I care about what my parents think ,because I belive they have more experience than me, they are older and went through many things during the years. It’s important to listen and from their advises to choose what to take with me without ignoring my own voice.
11. Most people have a dream to travel around the world but most of them say they have to wait untill they were rich and had enough time. How do you think about it?
I’ll say you don’t have to be rich, what is rich? And How much money do I need to have to be called rich? It’s all depend on you, how do you plan your trip.
Let’s start from:
--flight-usually direct flights are the most expensive, you can find flights with transition at a cheaper price, you can also make a long transition for 2-3 nights and enjoy another country on your way.For example my flight from Sri Lanka to Australia was through Singapore.I was thinking to myself, hey its a nice opportunity to check Singapore so I spent 2 days in town, looking for interesting activities.
--budget- it’s goood to know how much you want to provide for your trip, but remember, you don’t have to spend all..even if you meant to do it.
-accommodation- fancy hotel? 5 stars? If you are planning to be more outside than inside, skip it. Find something good that suits to your standard. Usually I look for accommodation at AIRBNB\ hostels.
On airbnb I can choose any house I want, I can see pictures, recommendations,I can cook, make a special recipe, colorful breakfast or romantic dinners ,even takeaway from a resturant and eat at home!
Hotels is a wonderfull way to meet new people, there are always people from all around the world..I met amazing people who became my friends, from France, Germany, Canada..and now china(:
-transport- public transportation can be a cheap and intresting way to reach your place..somtime the train can take you through an amazing road, maybe accros the forest or the river. You must check before you choose the Taxi.
-food- try to search for local resturants, cook yourself, go to the market, you can always find someting you didn’t see or never tasted before.

-activities- you don’t have to do everything.
Somtimes there are expensive activities, you can choose from the list which one you like the most.
Go out, have a walk, it’s nice to find things by yourself, let the phone rest in your bag, it’s nice to check your communication skills, ask people around where they can reccomend you to go.
Try at least once. There are so many things to see outside, any amount of money cannot replace the experiences I had in my trips.
11.很多人都有环游世界梦,但是大部分都说 等我有钱了等我有时间了再去,你怎样看待这种想法?
12. Israel is a remote coutry filled with mystery and conflict to me. Could you please describe a bit true Israel for me?
Israel is a small country in the middle east, we are 8 million citizens, our languge is Hebrew, a Jews country.I’m not sure how small it is for Chinese people, so lets say I can drive from the northest point to the southest point by 7-8 hours. This is small.

Snow in the north, green hills and forests, medditerian sea in the west with nice waves.Dead sea which is the lowest place in the whole world(!!!), desert, yellow-brown sandy mountains, road in the middle of nowhere.

Israel is mysterious, sometimes for me as well. It’s about history and about territory and who was here first. There is a conflict with Arabs who are living inside Israel and with Arabs outside around Israel, that’s why we have a strong army since Israel established (1948) Enermies all around, we need to be ready for defence at any time.
About religion,in Israel most of the citizens are Jews, among whom just 30% are religeous, some are traditionals and others can say they belive in nothing.
Let’s say that people who are religeous cannot live together in harmony with those non-religeous, we are all Israelis but the religion and how people see their lives make a big gap between us.
For example,public- transportation is shut down on weekend, why? - because in the Bible it says you must rest on Saturday(weekend is Friday and Saturday) So we all need to accept it even though not everyone belive in Bible.
There are towns known as places with a high population of religion, usually they walk in the streets with covered body, long skirts\pants, hat or kerchief, woman will be sperate from men.
As a non- religeous woman,I believe I can choose what to wear and how I want to dress, so it doesn’t fit their rules. Even if it’s in my country I cannot go there, walk in the steet.
It’s the hardest question here!
13. Is there something else you want to share with me?
Make your wishes and dreams come true.
If you like my stories, sentences and words, if I made someone think a litte differently and maybe change something, more than happy to hear.
Feel free to email me---- weitzbar@gmail.com
13. 你有其他想跟我们分享的吗?
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