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Request for submissions: Shaping the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations
On 29 March 2019, the Government announced the establishment of the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations a high profile platform with a broader capacity to promote Australia-China ties.
With $44 million of funding over the next five years, the Foundation will harness efforts of the private sector, peak bodies, NGOs, cultural organisations, state and federal agencies and the Chinese-Australian community to turbo-charge our national effort in engaging China.
The Foundation will build upon the pioneering work of the Australia-China Council (ACC), moving beyond the Council's current focus on education, culture and the arts, to promote Australian excellence in areas such as agriculture, infrastructure, health and ageing and the environment and energy.
The Government will formally establish the Foundation in late 2019, with key activities, including grants programs to commence in 2020. It will report to a high-profile and representative Board, under the auspices of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). The current chair of the ACC, the Hon Warwick Smith AO, has agreed to be the inaugural Chair of the Foundation. The Government will make an announcement about Board members in due course.
Public submissions
DFAT welcomes submissions from local government, business, NGOs and other individuals and groups. The closing date for submissions is 5pm AEST 30 June 2019. Submissions may wish to address the following questions:
What additional activities would aid in promoting practical cooperation with China?
What events would you propose that would enhance leadership exchange?
What activities could help to showcase the best of Australia?
How might the Foundation best engage the Chinese-Australian community?
Whilst submissions will contribute to a broader consultation process, there will not be an individual response to each submission.
Submissions should be no longer than three pages, submitted in PDF format. Submissions should be directed to nfacr@dfat.gov.au.
Click "Read More" for details.