A Place Affected By PollutionDescribe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution When you visited this placeAnd explain what solutions should be suggested to improve the situation.【这个Part 2的考题好不好回答?其实要想一个被污染的地方其实并不难,难是难在之后的描述。】【Danesh老师口语Sample 完整文本版:】I went to Thailand a few years ago and I noticed lots of traffic jams and the weather in Bangkok was horrible. It was really polluted and I couldn’t even see the sky clearly. Bangkok is located in the central part of Thailand along the Bay of Bengal. I could be wrong so please don’t quote me on this!I believe the city has plenty of large industrial sites including manufacturing plants, chemical plants and other factories that produce petrochemical and food products. Also, there are lots of cars and motorbikes on the streets there and this is one major contributing factor.Unfortunately it appears that every household on average owns at least 2 vehicles and considering their population, this is not a good approach. It’s certainly not a green and sustainable way because air pollution has been getting worse over the last few years and having countless cars on major roads will only amplify current/existing problems that this city is facing.In terms of solutions, I believe the government should enforce new regulations and policies to reduce the number of cars on the streets in Bangkok. Also, tough sanctions must be introduced to deter factories that produce too much waste. I am not sure how this can work out but this is my best guess. Finally, educating the public regarding global warming and severe implications of air pollution can definitely help.从这段Sample中,大家不难发现,其实哪有什么特别难的表达?特别难学习的用法?相信大家只要做好积累和摘录学习的工作,假以时日,这段话也一样可以从你的口中流利的说出来。无忧小雅哥和悉尼雅思姐给大家Highlight了一些漂亮的表达,和一些非常实用的句型,大家完全可以用在自己的口语中。比如说,有些表达是关乎到collocation的问题,例如enforce new regulations and policies, 再比如说 introduce tough sanctions, amplify problems等等,换一个动词,立马上升了一个level。还有一些例如Petrochemical, sustainable等等,都是环境类话题中非常非常好用的词。希望大家都能从这段Sample中学到很多,在准备类似话题的时候,都可以套用上去,让自己的口语答案本身,也得更高分!![](https://rank.aoweibang.com/public/assets/img/blank.png)
无忧小雅哥 mr_51ielts
悉尼无忧雅思姐 mrs_51ielts