2015.12.05 A类大作文范文
Many people today believe that there is a general increase of anti-social behaviour and a lack of respect for others. What are the reasons of this issue? What can be done to improve this?
【现在反社会行为越来越多,并且人与人之间的互相尊重也在逐渐消失。你认为这个问题的原因在哪?什么能改善这个现象呢?其实这篇文章的结构很好构思,主体段由三段组成,anti-social behaviour的原因一段,lack of respect的原因一段,最后解决方案一段。可是光有结构没有词汇也是不行的哦!~ 来看看都用了哪些高大上的词汇吧~】
在动笔写文章之前,先来科普一下 what is anti-social behaviour?
Anti-social behaviours are actions that harm or lack consideration for the well-being of others. Many people label behaviour which is deemed contrary to prevailing norms for social conduct as anti-social behaviour.
可能大多数小伙伴会觉得anti-social behaviour,反社会行为,就是打砸抢杀,破坏社会秩序。其实不然!有些生活中社会中的“小”情况,也能被称作Anti-social behaviour!
弄清了到底什么是anti-social behaviour,那么我们来看一下,这篇高分的范文到底是如何address这个考题的:
A hot button issue in contemporary society is the growing belief that anti-social behaviour has increased, while mutual respect and courtesy for others has decreased. I believe anti-social behaviour stems from technological advances, while impolite behaviour is a product of wealth disparity, and to address both of these issues, families should set aside time for meals together.
【开头段用hot button issue轻松引出话题,同时也别忘记把题目中的词汇替换一下哦,把a lack of respect换成mutual respect and courtesy很不错有木有~ 最后别忘记给出自己的观点,反社会行为是由于科技的进步,缺少尊重是因为财富的差距,而家庭聚餐能很好的解决这个问题哦~】
When considering the rise of anti-social behaviour, increased technology has diminished the need for face-to-face interaction. With the Internet, computers, and smartphones have come modern conveniences, but it has also reduced the need for people to interact with one another. A popular viral video discusses how people are glued to their phones, with the average person spending 4 years of their life looking at their mobile, focusing on a virtual reality while losing touch with the physical reality in front of them. Melbourne trams are a case in point, as I have personally noticed that the vast majority of passengers interact with their phone and not another person. This disconnect with the real world leads to less interaction with others and consequentially anti-social behaviours.
【科技的进步使得人与人面对面的交流的需要越来越小,人们整天都粘着自己的手机去看一个虚拟的现实,而不是自己亲身去感受这个世界,这种与真实世界的失联会导致less interaction with others, 最终会引起反社会的行为。这一段中Virtual reality和physical reality用的很贴切,值得烤鸭们好好学习~】
Meanwhile, broader wealth disparity leaves parents less time to instil proper values in their children. When both parents need to work to provide a decent standard of living for their kids, as is commonly the case for middle and working class families in today’s economy, kids are left to their own devices. As a result of this distracted or absent parenting, kids do not learn how to treat others with respect. This is something I see commonly in the streets of Melbourne, where young students do not wait for people to exit an elevator or tram before boarding, which is a simple act of courtesy that was instilled by my mother.
【同时,越来越大的贫富差距使得家长对孩子教育的时间越来越少,因为为了保证家庭良好的生活质量,父母都要出去工作,孩子们有的只是电子设备,学不到如何去尊重他人~ 这一段里有很多非常实用的雅思词汇哦,比如:broader wealth disparity, instil proper values in their children, distracted or absent parenting这类词,完全可以摘抄入你的摘抄本,日积月累,词汇表达是真的可以提高的哦~】
In order to address these issues, family meals could act as a single solution. Setting aside time to eat dinner, without the distraction of technology or entertainment, can allow children to have the face-to-face communication they lack when staring at a screen, but can also give parents the time to pass on their values and teach kids how to behave properly.
In conclusion, technological advances have led to anti-socialism because people lose touch with reality, while a widening gap between the rich and poor has increased the need for both parents to work, leaving fewer opportunities for parents to teacher proper behaviours to their kids. In order to address these issues, regular family meals could be the proverbial stone that kills two birds.
【结尾段总结并重申上文的观点,这里又是一个体现我们词汇广度的好地方哦~ anti-social behaviour与anti-socialism相互替换,broader wealth disparity与widening gap相互替换,让我们的结尾段显得简洁又漂亮~】
Hot button issue
Contemporary society
Mutual respect and courtesy
Stem from…=result from something
Wealth disparity
Set aside time
Viral video
Glue to
Virtual reality
Physical reality
Losing touch with the physical reality
Instil proper values in their children
A decent standard of living
Middle and working class family’s
distracted or absent parenting
without the distraction of technology or entertainment
staring at a screen
pass on their values
proverbial stone that kills two birds
墨尔本无忧小雅哥 mr_51ielts
悉尼无忧雅思姐 mrs_51ielts