Some people think teachers have a greater influence than parents in the development of a child’s intelligence and social skills. Do you agree or disagree?
Whether teachers or parents dominate the education and cultivation of children’s intelligence and social skills has become a contentious recently [1]. I believe teachers have more influence on children’s development and shall [2] discuss in more detail in the following essay.
[1]: (This sentence needs re-wording.)
[2]: and this opinion shall be
Parents, as children’s custodians have the predominant control over children’s early childhood. However, it does not necessarily means [3] their ability to help children learn and interact is superior to [4] professional trained teachers. A recent published paper by University [5] of Queensland shows that over two thirds of the first-child parents [6] are lack of [7] proper manners [8] to recognize and rectify their children’s wrong concept and behaviours. Interestingly, situation [9] improves when parents have more than two children, partly because the increased interaction between children magnifies the mistakes so they can be easily perceived by parents. Sadly, the lack of group play blunts children’s social skills as they “respond less and act less” compare [10] to those [11] in childcare centres and schools, reported [12] a research team in [13] National Childcare Association.
[3]: mean
[4]: to that of
[5]: the University
[6]: of first time parents lack
[7]: (delete)
[8]: (I don’t thing manners is the appropriate word here. Do you mean ‘awareness’?)
[9]: the
[10]: compared
[11]: those children
[12]: according to a report by
[13]: from
By [14] contrast, professional [15] trained teachers understand children’s needs better and have sufficient resources to support children’s development. Specifically, kindergartens and schools have plenty of toys, books and meaningful classes for children to choose from and expand their knowledge and ability systematically, yet their mistakes are observed and corrected by teachers promptly during the same period. [16] Moreover, not surprisingly, children are able to meet many more peers and make friends much easier in such [17] environment, beefing up their social networking skills rapidly and healthily when guided and supervised by teachers. Therefore, once children start learning at kindergarten and continue when they become teenagers [18] , major cultivation task [19] has been handed over from parents to teachers.
[14]: In contrast
[15]: professionally
[16]: (This sentence is very long – needs to be broken up with the two ideas)
[17]: such as
[18]: (awkward expression – needs re-wording)
[19]: (awkward expression – needs re-wording)
In conclusion, I believe teachers, as this career initially designed [20], have a greater influence on children’s development especially in terms of intelligence and social skills.
[20]: (needs re-wording)
Word Count is appropriate.
Task Achievement – Very Good to Well Done Band 7.5
This response addresses all parts of the task and presents a clear position throughout the response however your conclusion is weak compared to the body of the essay. (Did you run out of time?) You need to mention that teachers have a greater influence over parents….
You have expressed some very good ideas with supporting statements.
Coherence & Cohesion – Well Done Band 8
The introduction is the first part that is read so it needs to be accurate to give a strong impact to the examiner/reader.
Suggestion: “Recently, there has been a contentious issue surrounding whether it is the teachers or the parents who dominate the education and cultivation of children’s intelligence and social skills.”
Information is logically organised and there is a clear progression throughout. Cohesive devices have been managed very well however some expressions/ideas need re-wording.
Lexical Resource – Well Done Band 8
The vocabulary used is sufficient and demonstrates flexibility and precision for the task and topic. Only some high level errors have occurred. Please see comments.
Grammar & Accuracy – Very Good to Well Done Band 7.5
A good variety of structures is shown and complex sentences are produced however too many systematic errors are evident to award higher. See comments
雅思写作批改殿堂级名师 【Selena】
Hi, my name is Selena and I’m one of the 51IELTS writing markers. I have an over 20 years experience in the education area, particularly in IELTS. Writing curriculum and preparation courses for students to improve. The majority of my experience has been working with Asian students, so I am very familiar with the problems that are faced in trying to achieve a higher score. Let’s work together in improving your score to achieve your dream.
写作introduction其实对于Task Response(TR)和coherence and cohesion(CC)有很大影响。一个高分的introduction,应该包含三个部分:
第一部分,paraphrase topic。用自己的语句,把题目的题干和argument复数一遍。
第二部分,提出自己观点。简洁明了的写明自己的观点,例如,是argue or disagree
第三部分,总结主要观点,在introduction里简洁的写明。例如,I partially agree with the statement because……
Topic Sentence
每一段必须要用一句topic sentence,写明这一段的主要观点。Topic sentence之后再用2~3句话来further explain your idea. 让考官一目了然,你每一段的中心思想是什么。
Task 1要求150字,最好控制在160~170字左右,也就是答题纸Task 1部分第二页的一半左右。
Task 2要求250字,最好控制在260~280字左右,差不多是答题纸Task 2部分第二页的一半以下。
A类Task 1图表题不需要Conclusion
A类小作文是不需要写conclusion,但是overview却是需要的。图表题是要求考生描述图表,并不需要考生做出主观性的总结和概括。所以A类的烤鸭们注意,Task 1不用写conclusion,但是却可以用overview来描述一些主要数据特征,例如maximum, minimum,或者总体的趋势。
Task 2需要花2~3时间来做planning
所以,考生们需要在看好题目之后,花2~3分钟做一个planning,至少列出自己的main idea,还有example或者key words,来帮助自己在写作过程中紧扣题目。
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5001 - Clare
5002 - Selena
5003 - Jeffrey
5004 - Douglas
5005 - Christy
5006 - Ming
5007 - Sean
5008 - Yuki
5009 - Jeffrey Wang
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