
原创 2018年03月27日 文波英语

转眼间,3月底,快到4月,澳洲马上要从夏令时进入冬令时,这两天小编早上起床,就已经感觉到阵阵寒意。 在墨尔本,一天四季也是家常便饭,比如今天还是冷飕飕,明天最高温度将会高达30 所以深爱夏天的小伙伴赶紧抓紧夏天的尾巴,tmr燥起来~~


标题为“Australia set to have its coldest winter on record”

set to此处可以理解为“准备好”。看到这里,小编的已经凉了一半~~whatCOLDEST???

While we've all been freezing our arses off in the Northern hemisphere over the past few months, folk in Australia have been busy enjoying the summer sun and sticking shrimp on the barbie.


David Taylor, who runs the East Coast Weather Facebook page, has said that temperatures and snowfall may be worse thanprevious years and impact huge swathes of the country, the Daily Mail has reported.

swathe本身是带子,绷带的意思,这里impact huge swathes of the country可以理解为影响澳洲大部分地区。


"It will be slightly cooler than normal in the north but the real cold will be in the southern states and southeast Queensland," Taylor told the Cairns Post.

哎呦喂,在墨尔本的各位请注意接下来的the real cold!!!

If you're wondering why you should listen to the advice of some bloke off Facebook,Taylor has been right about meteorological events in the recent past - putting his success down to his sunspottracking.

Taylor was the only person to correctly predict the massive weather event that hit Townsville last week which saw the north-east coast hit with 600m of rain on 28 February.

Healso predicted that this week a 'decent cyclone' will cross the Queensland coast between Cairns and Gladstone, backing his assertion up by pointing toother forecasters who are saying the same thing.


backup: 此处解释为“support”

这个Taylor小哥还是有来头的,号称澳洲天气预测第一人,已经成功预测了各种meteorological events气象事件。

好吧,看到这里,小编也已经心灰意冷了,之前不是一直还说全球变暖,但是现在砖家改口了,其实全球在逐渐变冷。。。so,砖家的话嘛,咳咳,大家听听就好~~Don’t take it seriously.


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