(录音从4:19到5:29 )
You can see from the relatively crooked and narrow streets of the city of Rome as they look from above today. You can see that again, the city grew in a fairly ad hocway, as I mentioned. It wasn't planned all at once. It just grew up over time,beginning in the eighth century B.C. // Now this is interesting because what we know about the Romans is when they were left to own devices and they could build the city from scratch, they didn’t let it grow in an adhoc way. They structure it in a, in a very care, very methodical way. That was basically based on military strategy, military planning. The Romans they couldn't have conquered the world without obviously having a masterful military enterprise and everywhere they went ontheir various campaigns, their various military campaigns, they would build camps. And those camps were always laid out in a very geometric plan along agrid, usually square or rectangular. So, when we begin to see the Romans building their ideal Roman city,they turn to that so call castrum or military camp design.
这道题目是一篇online course,摘录于coursera这个公开课的网站。这一篇是Yale University(耶鲁大学)的一个关于Roman Urbanism的课程的一个introduction的部分。整体来看这一篇lecture可以大致分成两大段:第一大段是在说这些crookedand narrow streets (扭曲和狭窄的街道)不像是规划好的;第二大段是在说罗马人通常计划的是很有策略的,而且是按照军用营地的设计来规划城市的。
具体来看,前半部分到eighthcentury,重点如上文所高光标注的一样,我们选择了一些大部分同学们能捕捉到,并且相对重要的信息组在了一起:You can see narrow streets of the Roman city that grew in a fairly ad hoc way, and the city grew up over time rfrom eighth century B.C. “ad hoc”是英文从拉丁文借鉴来的一个词组,意思是随机的、即兴的。也就是在说这个罗马城市是看起来很随意的设计出来的。
后半部分的前面一开始引起我们注意的地方就是“Now this is interesting”,这意味着后面的部分应该会出现一个重点。我们再仔细听下去的时候就会发现,女教授说罗马人如果一开始设计城市的时候是不会随便设计的。总结下来的话,我们可以写成:Romans didn’t let a city grow in an ad hoc way when they could build one from scratch.“from scratch” 的意思是指“从一开始”。已经否定了罗马人不随意设计城市,那么他们通常是设计和规划的非常有策略性的,原文体现在“They structure it in a, in a very care, very methodical way. That was basically based on military strategy, military planning. ” 这句话可以简写成“They structure in a very methodical way, which is based on military strategy and planning.”
有能力的同学如果听到了“they couldn't have conquered the world without obviously having a masterful military enterprise”那么建议大家把这部分写在自己的答案中。正是因为罗马人是有策略性的,所以他们才能征服世界。
最后,女教授用“So”后面的部分总结了一下罗马人对于一个理想的城市的规划一定是根据古罗马兵营(castrum)或者说是militarycamp design。这两个关键词和词组选择一个写在答案当中即可。
Narrow streets of the Roman city grew in an ad hoc way, and the city grew up over time. However, Romans didn’t let a city grow this way from scratch. Rather, they structure in a very methodical way that is based on military strategy and planning, without which the Romans could not conquer the world. So an ideal Roman city follows a military camp design.
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