【PTE机经 第17期】Retell Lecture- Deceptive Drug Ads | 7月23号

2017年07月23日 环球雅思墨尔本分校







Deceptive Drug Ads (药物广告)


1)    有点像电视新闻,有主持人有连线釆访的模式。说现在有大量的钱都花在了处方药的广告上,在黄金时段反复播出,对这个现在提出质疑;

2)    The drug compa ny has doubled the amount of money spent in ads;

3)    关于药物的广告促销越来越多人去看广告服用药物,而不是去见医生

4)    然后连线釆访,说广告中的信息没有问题,是准确的,但是广告中的语调会误导人们去买

5)    The information of the drug ads is accurate but the tone is misleading, the consumers to see doctor and ask for prescription to buy these drugs.

6)    这样做有好处, 能control, 坏处是change lifestyle

7)    Also the change in the life style also contributes to this trend

8)    最后一句说毕竟买处方药和买肥皂不一样

参考回忆答案 1

1)   The lecture is about advertisement of drug in TV.

2) The drug company has doubled the amount of money spent in advertisement in TV in prime time.

3)   The information of the drug ads is accurate but the tone is misleading.

4)   Some consumers will go to see doctor and ask for prescription to buy these drugs.

5)   The change in the life style also contributes to this trend.

6)  People should be careful because buying a prescription and buying soap are different.

参考回忆答案 2

Drug advertisement are shown frequently on TV; they spent on advertisement is doubled than several years ago. Although those advertisements are technically accurate, but it could mislead. The patients recovered once they have the drug, but it’s not the truth. We should let drug buying easy like buying a soap. But if it is well used, it can cure 38 allergies, help depressed patients, and change their life.

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