【内部资料】9分范文学起来 过7分妥妥的~

2015年05月22日 无忧小雅哥

2015.05.16 Academic Task 2 Sample Essay

Nowadays, people walk less and less in their daily life. What are the reasons of this situation? And what kind of methods can be used to solve this problem?

Contemporary lifestyles have become much more convenient and efficient, but this trend has also brought some problems as well. As a result of these modern amenities and conveniences, people walk less than ever before. Two reasons for this are the improvement of public transportation and the advancement of technology, but activity monitors and step counters can act as motivation for people to start walking again.

The first reason people walk less nowadays is the development of public transportation. In cities across the world, trams, trains, buses, trolleys and subways are more extensive than ever, offering the ability to get from one place to another quickly and cheaply. For instance, Melbourne offers a free tram zone in the city, where people can now travel multiple city blocks in less than a minute and at no cost whatsoever. Due to higher costs and slower trams, people may have chosen to walk across the Melbourne CBD in the past.

Another reason walking has diminished is the advancement of technology. Computers and smart phones have made information and products readily available without the need to move. In the past, if someone needed to find information, like a phone number, they would need to access the relevant resource, an

action that would require at least some movement, whereas people can now simply use Google on their mobile. Shopping can be similarly static nowadays, where people used to walk through stores, but now simply browse website pages. Even though the instances above might only save a few steps, each example can add up to a sizable difference in the amount of walking the normal person does.

In response to this problem, I have personally found that a step counter has motivated me to walk more. A step counter, or activity monitor, is a simple band, worn like a wristwatch that counts the amount of steps a person takes; it can even calculate the distance walked or calories burned throughout the day. I was given this type of device as a gift, and wearing it actually motivates me to be more active, where I even get off the tram two stops early to increase the amount I walk each day. Simple devices like this could help motivate others to move more as well.

In conclusion, modern advancements in public transportation and technology have made life easier, which has also led people to walk less. While people may not need to walk as much, simple devices that count steps could motivate people to actually start walking more again.


无忧小雅哥想说,不切实际的梦想可以先搁置一边,但是如果计划年内考过雅思之类的,但是希望大大滴有!~ 15年最后一场考试是12月12日,距离现在还有7个月不到的时间。7个月,对于学习语言而言,能做的实在太多了。毫不客气的说,如果从今天开始努力,到12月份,不需要每天埋头八九个小时苦苦钻研雅思(说白了,也没有人能做到整日整日的复习英语复习七八个月),只需要严守学习计划,例如有计划的每周花上5-6个小时积累学习,小雅哥相信,就算你现在是4个6的水平,年底之前,4个7也并非难事。对于那些本身程度不错的学生而言,或许根本不用七个月那么久。灭雅思,最重要的步骤是 发现自身问题 + 解决问题 + 鼓足劲,冲向4个7。

截止至15年4月,15年 已经有考了12场考试了。这12场考试,无忧小雅哥欣喜的发现,每一场考试,都有3-5个无忧学员顺利通过4个7!~最甚者,2月7日那场考试,有超过6名无忧学员通过4个7;4月18日的考试,也有5名学员考过4个7。 他们中,有的一次性考过7,也有的,在经历了 “今天写作7,明天口语7” 或者 “今天听力不过7,明天阅读不过7”的痛苦之后,终于将4个7同时收入囊中!~ 帮助学生单项过7并没什么值得夸耀赞扬,往往留下的都是听力阅读意外跌下7,或者口语没过的忧伤。无忧小雅哥希望能帮到更多的学生,成功做到四项同时破7破8!~


今天又是一个出分日,希望大家都能考到自己梦寐以求的成绩!~同时,也恭喜墨尔本无忧雅思学员Gaga 在5月9日的考试中取得听力7,阅读8.5,写作7,口语7,总分7.5的好成绩!~成为5.9日首位通过4个7的无忧学员!~


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