雅思口语预测 ★★ - 2014/06/07
5月24日的口语部分几乎没有任何新题出现,之前无忧小雅哥总结的useful website, a stranger that helped you, favourite animal, an interesting job, TV program, an intelligent person等新题成为了5月24日雅思口语考试的考查重点,之前有准备过的小伙伴们这次是爽翻天了;此外,由于5月24日几乎没有什么新题的出现,无忧小雅哥大胆的预测5月份的官方换题已经基本结束,之后的几次考试,口语部分都会以老题为主,烤鸭小伙伴们只需要彻彻底底的复习《墨尔本无忧雅思口语机经2014冬季版》,归类并总结里面的每一道口语题即可。
通过无忧小雅哥对5月24日的口语话题整理来看,官方现在出题的范围更广了。之前口语考官会在10~15个Part 2话题中做出选择,现在一场考试的口语话题数都接近15~20个,因此同学们必须放弃投机取巧的心理,认认真真的准备每一个口语话题。
更多雅思口语话题9分答案请先关注灭雅思微信神器: mel51ielts
Part I
新题:Food;Happiness;Transportation; Photography; building; clock;
V51131013 (cooking)
V51131003/ V51131004 (Work/Study),
V51131006 (Sunshine) ,
V51131023 (Plants) ,
V51131029(Clothes) ,
V51131030(Birthdays) ,
V51131031(Accommodation) ,
V51141037 Language ,
V51141039(Housework) ,
V51131011 Patience
V51131014 Advertisement
V51131019 Leisure Time
V51131021 Being Busy
V51131032 Train
V51141038 Internet
Part II & Part III
Describe a thing helps you to learn another language;
Describe a stranger that helped you before;
Describe a product made in your country;
Describe a food street market;
Describe an important decision you have made;
Compare staying at home by yourself and staying with friends;
Describe a festival in your country;
Describe your favorite animal;
Describe an old thing/object your family keeps;
Describe a culture that you want to learn;
V51132002(A Disliked High School Subject) ,
V51132002(A Useful Website) ,
V51132008(family business) ,
V51132010(Sth. you cannot live without) ,
V51132013(A Foreign Language) ,
V51132014(A Decision) ,
V51132017(TV Program) ,
V51132021(An Interesting Speech) ,
V51132024(weather) ,
V51132033(historical event) ,
V51132036(outdoor activity) ,
V51132041(interesting person) ,
V51132043(tourist attraction),
V51132045(place near water) ,
V51132051(A Seaside Place) ,
V51142053(Sth. You saved money for),
V51142055(Ads) ,
V51142058(A Busy Time) ,
V51142059(friend you haven’t seen) ,
V51142061(a time you were helped),
V51142064(A Historic Building)
V51132005 (A Meal You Like),
V51132009 (Your Future Work Plans),
V51132019 (Your Favourite Season),
V51132022 (An Item of Clothing),
V51132038 (A Person U’d Like to Spend Time With),
V51132042 (An Old Person You Enjoy Talking To),
V51132044 (An Interesting Country),
V51142054 (A Gift You Would Like To Give),
V51142056 (An Old Thing in Your Family),
V51142057 (A Film You Dislike),
V51142063 (A Comic Actor),
V51142065 (Describe a course you studied in university)
写作预测 ★★★ - 2014/06/07
5月24日的A类写作部分,算是最近几次考试中难度最低的一次!~在之前一期的预测中,无忧小雅哥曾明确指出5月24日的A类小作文考Table题的概率会很高,同学们需要重点准备,果然,无忧小雅哥的预言又应验了!~5月24日的A类小作文具体考察的是澳大利亚5个physical activities在2001年,2005年及2009年三年间的变化,难度不算太高,具体请参见下图:
2001 | 2005 | 2009 | Change | |
Walking | 4.1 | 5.8 | 6.2 | +35% |
Aerobic | 1.2 | 2.8 | +158% | |
Swimming | 2.1 | 2 | 2.2 | +2% |
Tennis | 1.1 | 1 | 0.9 | -23% |
Running | 0.9 | 1.7 | +48% |
地图题及流程图在最近出现的几率几乎为零,这两种题型的防空警报彻底解除!!!6月7日有考试的童鞋们应重点关注Pie chart,Line chart,Bar chart等常规题型,此外,mixed chart也有可能会出现。
Task 1 题型预测如下:
Pie chart 30% | Line chart 30% | Bar chart 20% | Mixed chart 20%
5月24日的A类大作文是一道纯粹的教育类的题型,与2010.05.29的考题几乎是一模一样,在上一期的预测中,无忧小雅哥曾重点强调了教育类,可能会在24号的考试中成为重点考查的话题,果然命中了!~当然,无忧小雅哥还是要提醒各位烤鸭小伙伴们,预测不是神,只是为各位考生们在茫茫题海中尽可能的缩小范围,有时间呢还是瞄一眼,毕竟雅思官方出题还是有一定的规律可依的!~5月24日的大作文的具体题目回忆如下:”Many people have negative attitude towards learning. What are the reasons? What can be done to encourage them to have a positive attitude?”
从题型的方面来看,5月24日考查的是reason & solution类的话题,无忧小雅哥并没有预测命中,该题型是雅思考试中的传统题型,但是每年考查的比例却不是特别高,一般在4~5次左右,在2014年的考试中这是第2次出现。就5月24日的考题来举例分析,同学们可以说many students are overloaded with their homework, thus they have formed a negative attitude towards learning. 当然,同学们也可以说the proliferation of various social medias is another reason leads to the formation of a negative learning attitude among the youth. 对于reason & solution的题型,同学们经常会犯的一个错误就是将好几个原因写在一段中,并把所有的solution也放在一起。无忧小雅哥题型各位烤鸭小伙伴们,尤其是需要7分以上的同学们,one central topic in each paragraph是非常重要的,会直接影响到CC的分数!~
针对于6月7日的考试,小伙伴们需要重点关注“discuss both views and give your opinion“这类题型!~此外,冷门题型“is it a positive or negative development”以及answer the question类的题型也需要适当关注哦!
从2014年已经进行的16场考试情况来看,无忧小雅哥判断,2014年6月7日的考试,A类同学们应该重点关注. 社会现象及发展类,旅游及文化类,教育类,也需要适当关注科技类。
Task 2 题型预测如下:
社会现象及发展类30% | 旅游及文化类30% | 教育类20% | 科技类 20%
5月24日并没有G类考试,上一次的G类考试还是2014年5月17日的G类考试延续了小雅哥之前的猜测,小作文果然考了informal的邀请信,大作文则考了教育类,无忧小雅哥100%命中;此外,无忧小雅哥整理了2014年所有9场G类考试的小作文,informal居多,因此无忧小雅哥大胆预测,2014年6月7日,G类小作文重新考formal letter的可能性非常非常高!G类的烤鸭们应该重点准备抱怨信,求助信,感谢信,道歉信,推荐信等!
G类雅思考试时间 | 小作文类别 | 小作文格式 |
2014.01.11 | 推荐信 | Informal |
2014.01.18 | 求助信 | Semi-formal |
2014.02.01 | 邀请信 | Informal |
2014.02.15 | 邀请信/感谢信 | Informal |
2014.03.08 | 求助信 | Formal |
2014.03.15 | 求职信 | Formal |
2014.04.05 | 申请信 | Formal |
2014.04.12 | 邀请信 | Informal |
2014.05.10 | 求助信 | Formal |
2014.05.17 | 邀请信 | Informal |
从2014年的11场已经进行的G类考试来看,大作文无论是题型还是类别,均考得比较分散,Discuss both views and give your opinion出现了5次,reason and solution出现了3次, agree or disagree出现了2次,answer the question的题型也有一次出现;在上一期G类的预测中,无忧小雅哥曾大胆的预测5月17日G类大作文考Discuss both views and give your opinion的概率很大,需要重点准备!~果然,100%命中!
对于6月7日的G类大作文,无忧小雅哥预计考“To what extent do you agree or disagree?”的概率会非常非常高,此外“Discuss both views and give your opinion”连续出现的可能性也会存在哦,烤鸭们千万不能忽视哦!~
政府投资类30% | 老人与育儿类 30% |社会现象及发展类20% | 环境类20%
G类雅思考试时间 | 大作文类别 | 大作文题型 |
2014.01.11 | 老人与育儿类 | Discuss both views and give your opinion |
2014.01.18 | 社会现象及发展类 | Agree or disagree |
2014.02.01 | 旅游及文化类 | Reason & Solution |
2014.02.15 | 政府投资类 | Discuss both views and give your opinion |
2014.03.08 | 社会现象及发展类 | Reason & Solution |
2014.03.15 | 教育类 | Answer the question |
2014.04.05 | 旅游及文化类 | Discuss both views and give your opinion |
2014.04.12 | 工作与职业类 | Discuss both views and give your opinion |
2014.04.24 | 旅游及文化 | Agree or Disagree |
2014.05.10 | 社会现象及发展类 | Reason & Solution |
2014.05.17 | 教育类 | Discuss both views and give your opinion |
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