鉴于网上流传关于毕业后工作(post-study-work visa)签证的信息,多有出入。有些信息甚至令人有骇人听闻之感,澳洲德诚移民联思留学服务中心特别贴上官方原文信息,以正视听。
Post-Study-Work Arrangements — (Recommendation 4)
The following information provides further detail on theplanned Knight Review changes to the student visa program.
Frequently asked questions
New post-study work visa arrangements are proposed forintroduction in early 2013. Under Australia’s legislative system, regulationsmust be approved by the Governor-General. The information provided belowexplains how the Department of Immigration and Citizenship intends thepost-study work arrangements to operate. This should be read as a proposed setof arrangements for the Governor-General’s consideration in due course.
More detailed advice about eligibility requirements willbe made available as legislation to support the visa is put in place.
Who will be able to access the post-study work visa?
Certain graduates of an Australian Bachelor degree,Masters by coursework degree, Masters by research degree or Doctoral degreewill have access to the post-study work visa.
Will there be a requirement for applicants to havepreviously held a student visa?
Yes. To be eligible for the post-study work visa, studentsmust have completed their studies in Australia while on a student visa.Applicants who have undertaken studies while on other visas which allow study,such as dependents of Temporary Business (Long Stay) – Standard BusinessSponsorship (Subclass 457) visa holders, would not be eligible for thepost-study work visa.
What will the visa eligibility requirements be?
In the last six months before applying for the visa, theapplicant must have completed a Bachelor degree (or a higher level course suchas a Masters or Doctoral degree) obtained in Australia.
Graduates must also meet the Australian study requirement.The Australian study requirement is defined as study in Australia in a courseregistered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses forOverseas Students (CRICOS) for a period of at least 2 academic years (92weeks). The course itself should be conducted in English and should becompleted in no less than 16 calendar months. The level of study must be ateither Bachelor degree, Masters by coursework degree, Masters by researchdegree or Doctoral degree – courses packaged together with a GraduateCertificate or Graduate Diploma will not be eligible, even if the totalduration of study equals 92 weeks.
English language, health, character and securityrequirements will need to be met and evidence of adequate health insurance forthe duration of the visa will need to be provided.
What level of English language will be required?
The English language requirement will be competentEnglish, which is a minimum score of 6 in each of the four components of theInternational English Language Testing System (IELTS) test or the equivalentscore in another English language test that may be specified by the Ministerfor Immigration and Citizenship for use with this visa.
Do applicants need to nominate an occupation on theSkilled Occupation List when applying for this visa?
No. Applicants eligible to apply for this visa would notbe required to nominate an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List orundertake a skills assessment.
How long will the post-study work visa be valid?
Graduates who have completed a Bachelor degree or Mastersby coursework degree in Australia will be eligible to apply for a two yearpost-study work visa.
Graduates who have completed a Masters by research degreeor a Doctoral degree in Australia will be eligible to apply for a post-studywork visa for three or four years respectively.
When will the post-study work visa be available tograduating students?
These new arrangements will be ready for students who madetheir student visa applications after 5 November 2011, the date on which thefirst Knight Review measures were implemented. These students will begin tograduate from early 2013 onwards, so the post-study work visa arrangements aredesigned to be ready for them in 2013.
Does this change affect existing student visa holders?
No. Students currently studying in Australia are stillentitled to apply for the existing Temporary Skilled Graduate visa (subclass485). The subclass 485 visa allows students to remain temporarily in Australiawith work rights at the completion of their studies. Information about thecurrent subclass 485 visa can be found on the department’s website.
Will the post-study work visa be available to someone whoalready holds or has ever held a Skilled – Graduate (subclass 485) visa?
No. Students will only be able to access post-study workrights once.
Will there be similar arrangements in place for studentsnot studying a degree?
No, this arrangement would only be for graduates whoobtain a Bachelor degree or higher qualification. Existing arrangements forother students would continue to apply in line with the government’s commitmentto the current transitional arrangements in place until the end of 2012.
Other students would continue to have access to theTemporary Skilled Graduate (subclass 485) visa. The subclass 485 visa is atemporary visa that allows an 18 month stay to work in Australia. The existingsubclass 485 visa is available to eligible students provided they satisfy thecriteria for the grant of that visa, including that they:
haverecently completed an eligible qualification(s) as a result of at least twoyears study in Australia
have askills assessment for an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL)
meet theEnglish language requirement of competent English (equivalent to IELTS 6 in allfour components)
are under50 years of age.
Information about the current subclass 485 visa isavailable.
Will there be consultation with the internationaleducation sector on this proposed recommendation?
Yes. The department will work with key stakeholders todevelop this recommendation.
Where do I go for more information?
More information will be provided on the department’swebsite as it becomes available.
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