【澳洲留学生涯】Auburn Sakura Festival

2017年07月19日 ACIC悉尼




As the chilly winter comes to an end, blossoms of Sakura are filling the bare branches and gardens are once again brought back to life. The Auburn Botanic Gardens will again host the annual spectacular Sakura Blossom Festival. The Sakura festival blooms once a year for two weeks in total, so along with a group of friends, I witnessed Sakura in Australia for the first time.

A combination of Japanese cultural, performance, cuisines, and musical performances at the botanic garden. I cannot begin to express the authenticity of this botanical garden. There were many times where I felt like I was in Japan due to the atmosphere. The lake, forest, and languages spoken bring back my memories when I visited Japan last year. Except for this time, everyone was speaking Chinese and English, and the lack of Japanese-made reminded me that I was actually in Australia. It was truly an authentic experience, as the multi languages spoken at the time and place made us all felt like tourists on foreign soil.

Besides cherry blossoms, the Botanic Garden featured landscape garden, lakes, and a waterfall.

After a couple of hours of walking, we decided to grab some lunch. There were numerous booths to choose from, but I settled for Takoyaki, which is a Japanese dish that has diced octopus in a ball. The combination of cheese and dried bonito (a type of fish) melted the cheese in my mouth, adding a level of flavor that was both creamy in texture and chewy at the same time. This booth made Takoyaki that was comparable to local Japanese Takoyaki. It was only later that I realized those in charge of preparing and serving the Takoyaki were local Japanese people that immigrated to Australia, which explained why it tasted so good.

At the end of the botanic garden, was a platform that set up musical performances for the audiences. There were a few rows of seats for us to sit down and relax our weekend while watching Japanese entertainment. The actors wore traditional customs, also known as kimonos, and sang songs in Japanese. Although most of the songs were traditional songs, or at least not J-Pop, so I couldn’t sing along. However, listening to them singing was relaxing under the sun was a magnificent way to spend my weekend.



姓名:Edmund CHIN


就读专业:Bachelor of Business

- 在澳洲遇到最奇葩的事是什么?

Waiting 40 minutes to catch the next train ride, the number of times public transportation goes on strike and the amount of litter on the streets in the city.

- 在澳洲吃过最好吃的东西是什么?

The night market in Chinatown every Friday. It reminds me of home.

- 在澳洲给我最大帮助的人是谁?

There isn’t one person that helped me throughout my time in Australia. Its more like a group of friends from various universities that lend me their helping hands whenever I was in need.

- 出国留学VS国内上学,最大的不同在哪里?

The level of comfort. Back home, I could easily make myself comfortable. I can lay on the couch and watch TV. However, once I leave my comfort zone, it is much harder to replicate the same cozy feeling like home overseas due to the difference in culture, people, and environment.

- 给新生的建议和忠告是什么?

Ask questions, don’t be shy and talk to people. Chances are other people are just as shy as you.

- 为什么要参加ACIC实习生项目/SISE志愿者?

Joining a volunteer experience allows me to give something back to the society. In our generation, I believe it is equally important to give something back to the society as it is to receive a something from the society. (EX: this volunteer experience)


At the same time, I want to test my limit and see whether I can withstand the pressure of what it takes to work in the industry. I know it will not be easy, but I am ready for it.


Sydney International Student Expo(悉尼国际学生展)是由ACIC主办的年度大型留学·移民·职业展,今年的展会将会有超过36家的澳洲名校参加,包括所有八大、TAFE及私校。展会当天,学生不仅可以免费申请大学,还可以参加各类移民及就业讲座,更有机会获得精美礼品。2016年的展会成功吸引了800多名国际学生参加,并获得一致好评。心动不如行动,马上扫描参加2017 SISE。





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