1. Some people are concerned with young people’s overuse of computers and mobile phones for communicating purposes as this behavior may negatively affect their reading and writing skills.
√正确表达学起来:for the purpose of或者for communication就可以了。
2. I think these young people may lose some of these skills if they use these devices improperly.
×槽点:英文当中代词使用很要小心,一不小心老师也会犯错呢~ 文中出现了“these skills”请问老师是是指哪些技能?哦,你说的是那个能做那个什么的技能吧?
本段综合:作者用了improperly替换overuse;用lose替换negatively affect。中国老师会告诉你:“同学们记住啦,这叫词汇替换。”BUT实质上用意思相近的词互相解释,就好比用“我”解释“自己”。而√正确的展开方式是,“我”解释为“那个背了范文还没有考过的学渣”OK?所以,再声明一下!这位老师的用法叫做同义句转换,也叫做车轱辘话。是街坊大妈聊天利器。eg:“姑娘,你都这么大了,怎么还不嫁人啊?再不嫁人你就老了,你就嫁不出去了!”
1. Being addicted with phones and computers for casual chatting is time-consuming, which results in less time for reading.
2. Some young addicts spend hours chatting with their friends, which takes up their reading time and gradually leads to the loss of interest in reading.
×槽点:some young addicts = 瘾君子,老师,您不出本字典我们还真不知道您在讲什么啊!真让人猜不透啊!
3. Then, their reading skills will be degraded.
√正确用法学起来:同学们请注意skills 不可以被degraded,environment可以——environment is degraded;如果说skills叫做“lose skills”
1. Another negative effect is on writing skills.
2. As some young people have become used to a kind of lazy language which consists of inaccurate spelling and wrong grammar, they might use this casual-communication-based language for formal writing unconsciously.
×槽点:有道字典落伍了,lazy language根本查不出来。wrong grammar=错误的语法,呃,您是要改语法书是么?其实我一直觉得不要语法会更好。“consist of”用的不对,√本意应该是指构成,eg:“This national flag consists of a variety of elements representing the rich culture of the country.”举个栗子解释一下,人的嘴里有一口白牙,有牙床,有舌头,可以用consist of;您牙上有一片韭菜叶,就不要用构成了,回去刷刷牙就没了。另外,“unconsciously”指的是昏迷,请自行脑补中国大学生认真学习毛邓三的样子。
3. As a result, their writing appears unacceptable and unprofessional in many formal settings.
1. Of course, for those who know how to take advantage of these kinds of communication tools, there might be fewer negative effects.
2. Some young users smartly use the devices to work with their teams on their school projects.
×槽点:smartly use,用的漂亮,请大家记住这句万用的话:一些年轻人smartly use别人的论文,一些罪犯smartly use系统上的漏洞,一些工人smartly use身边的工具。如果你不想回答别人的提问,就告诉他们万事万物皆可以smartly use,你用不好是因为你不够smart。
3. During the process, they share and discuss useful reading materials for their essays or proofread one another’s writings.
×槽点:process的定义是:A series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result。明白了吧?任何一个process都要有行为、改变,或是各种不同的功能构成,用手机给别人发一篇文章就叫过程,这有点过了哈。
4. The communication tools in this case can contribute to better literacy skills.
整段点评:good for nothing 已无力吐槽
1. To conclude, if computers and mobile phones are heavily used for activities like chatting, it is possible that the overuse will adversely affect young people’s reading and writing skills.
×槽点:很多用法的错误,会教坏小朋友的。heavily used是指耗材,比如公路,眼睛什么的,用得多了会导致物件磨损。而这种耗损和过度使用所带来的后果是不相关的。一个是对物件的损害,一个是对使用者的损害。
2. On the other hand, the proper use of these communication tools may present a positive effect.
×槽点:positive effect可以是所有好的影响,这里应该总结说对哪些方面带来了好的影响。
名师原文 3.28 A类大作文
Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has had a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people are concerned with young people’s overuse of computers and mobile phones for communicating purposes as this behavior may negatively affect their reading and writing skills. I think these young people may lose some of these skills if they use these devices improperly.
Being addicted with phones and computers for casual chatting is time-consuming, which results in less time for reading. Some young addicts spend hours chatting with their friends, which takes up their reading time and gradually leads to the loss of interest in reading. Then, their reading skills will be degraded.
Another negative effect is on writing skills. As some young people have become used to a kind of lazy language which consists of inaccurate spelling and wrong grammar, they might use this casual-communication-based language for formal writing unconsciously. As a result, their writing appears unacceptable and unprofessional in many formal settings.
Of course, for those who know how to take advantage of these kinds of communication tools, there might be fewer negative effects. Some young users smartly use the devices to work with their teams on their school projects. During the process, they share and discuss useful reading materials for their essays or proofread one another’s writings. The communication tools in this case can contribute to better literacy skills.
To conclude, if computers and mobile phones are heavily used for activities like chatting, it is possible that the overuse will adversely affect young people’s reading and writing skills. On the other hand, the proper use of these communication tools may present a positive effect.
总而言之:跟“名师”学雅思 包您热恋一万年!