AEMS恭喜路女士457工作签证顺利获批! ---03/10/2015 Congratulations to Ms. Lu successfully got 457 working visa approval! ---03/10/2015 Congratulations to Mr. Lai successfully got 457 working visa approval! ---22/09/2015 AEMS恭喜谭女士457工作签证顺利获批! ---01/10/2015 Congratulations to Ms. Tan successfully got 457 working visa approval! ---03/10/2015 Congratulations to Ms. Tsang successfully got 457 working visa approval! ---23/09/2015 AEMS恭喜高先生457工作签证顺利获批! ---21/09/2015 Congratulations to Mr. Gao successfully got 457 working visa approval! ---21/09/2015 Congratulations to Mr. Chong successfully got 457 working visa approval! ---30/09/2015 Congratulations to Mr. Di Girolamo successfully got 186 Permanent visa approval! ---18/09/2015 AEMS恭喜陈女士457工作签证顺利获批! ---22/09/2015 Congratulations to Ms. Chen successfully got 457 working visa approval! ---22/09/2015 AEMS恭喜王女士186永居签证顺利获批! --18/09/2015 Congratulations to Ms. Wang successfully got 186 Permanent visa approval! ---18/09/2015 AEMS恭喜王女士187永居签证顺利获批! --22/09/2015 Congratulations to Ms. Wang successfully got 187 Permanent visa approval! ---22/09/2015 AEMS恭喜翁女士485工作签证顺利获批! ---29/09/2015 Congratulations to Ms. Weng successfully got 485 working visa approval! ---29/09/2015 Congratulations to Ms. Keter successfully got 573 student visa approval! ---29/07/2015 AEMS恭喜陈女士573学生签证顺利获批! ---08/09/2015 Congratulations to Ms. Chen successfully got 573 student visa approval! ---08/09/2015 AEMS恭喜许先生573学生签证顺利获批! ---08/09/2015 Congratulations to Mr. Xu successfully got 573 student visa approval! ---08/09/2015 AEMS恭喜刘先生573学生签证顺利获批! ---15/10/2015 Congratulations to Mr. Liu successfully got 573 student visa approval! ---15/10/2015