By 1984, the internet had grown to include 1,000 host computers. The National Science Foundation was one of the first outside institutions hoping to connect to this body of information. Other government, non-profit, and educational institutions followed. Initial attempts to catalogue this rapidly expanding system of networks were simple. Among the first was Archie, a list of FTP information created by Peter Deutsch at McGill University in Montreal. However, the greatest innovation in the Internet was still to come, brewing in an MIT laboratory in Cambridge, Mass. The World Wide Web, or the Web, is often confused with the Internet. In fact, it is just one part of the Internet, along with email, video conferencing, and streaming audio channels. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, now a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, introduced a new system of communication on the Internet which used hyperlinks and a user-friendly graphical interface. His slice of the Internet pie camera to be known as the World Wide Web. Berners- Lee says, “The Web is an abstract (imaginary) space of information. On the Net, you find computers –on the Web, you find documents, sounds, videos, …information. On the Net, the connections are cables between computers; on the web, connections are hypertext links. The Web exists because of programs which communicate between computers on the Net. The Web could not be without the Net. The Web made the Net useful because people are really interested in information (not to mention knowledge and wisdom!) and don’t really want to know about computers and cables.”
这篇关于world wide web 和另外一篇万维网的swt在文体上略有不同,我们看到,文章刚开始是讲述了Internet发展的大背景,然后由此带出world web wibe是internet 时期最伟大的发明,以及后续一系列对它的阐释说明。基于这个理由,我们可以现在however, the greatest innovation这边进行第一个段落划分,在Tim Berners-Lee的一长段对web的解释这里再进行另一个分段。这篇文章难点在于内容像对来说信息点比较多,所以在分析文章的时候对于新出现的新信息点一定要分清主次。
By 1984, the internet had grown to include1,000 host computers. The National Science Foundation was one of the firstoutside institutions hoping to connect to this body of information. Othergovernment, non-profit, and educational institutions followed. Initial attemptsto catalogue this rapidly expanding system of networks were simple. Among thefirst was Archie, a list of FTP information created by Peter Deutsch at McGillUniversity in Montreal. However, the greatest innovation in the Internet wasstill to come, brewing in an MIT laboratory in Cambridge, Mass.
到1984年,英特网已经发展到可以包含1000台主机。国家科学基金会是希望加入这个信息团体的最早的外延机构之一,其它政府,非盈利教育机构也随之而来。最早对把这个网络系统编入目录的尝试是简单的。其中最早的是archi, 一个由peter dutsch 在蒙特利尔的大学里发明的FPT的信息列表。但因特网最伟大的发明还未到来,它正在一个MIT的实验室里酝酿。
这一段刚开始第一句话就交代了1984年时因特网发展的大背景。可以放在我们的总结里作为一个总起,但之后提到的各种组织机构,只是在这个大背景下顺带提到的对它们的影响,和我们主线的www关系并不紧密。接下来提到的对于编入目录的尝试(initial attempts to catalogue…were simple)起到了一个承上启下的作用,后面又加入了具体例子进行说明,那我们可以把总结性的语句放入我们的summary,省略掉例子。最后however是一个关键的信号词,带出greatest innovation这个点,同时总起下面的文章。
The World Wide Web, or the Web, is oftenconfused with the Internet. In fact, it is just one part of the Internet, alongwith email, video conferencing, and streaming audio channels. In 1989, TimBerners-Lee, now a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,introduced a new system of communication on the Internet which used hyperlinksand a user-friendly graphical interface. His slice of the Internet pie camerato be known as the World Wide Web.
万维网,或者叫web,经常和因特网混淆。事实上,它只是因特网的一部分,和email, 视频会议,流音频通道一样。在1989年,Tim Berners-Lee,现在是马塞诸塞科技学院的科学家,提出了一个英特网上的交流新系统,这个系统运用了超链接和用户友好的视觉界面。他的发明被称作万维网。
这一段开始正式说到www,我们要做的是抓住www最本质的定义,或者说,可以和greatinnovation所对应的点。所以,这一段开始说万维网和因特网的关系,只是作者岔开来说的一个小点,在引出重点前先排除一个人们普遍的误解。接下来 a system of communication…graphical interface 才是这一段最主要的一点。
Berners- Lee says, “The Web is an abstract(imaginary) space of information. On the Net, you find computers –on the Web,you find documents, sounds, videos, …information. On the Net, the connectionsare cables between computers; on the web, connections are hypertext links. TheWeb exists because of programs which communicate between computers on the Net.The Web could not be without the Net. The Web made the Net useful becausepeople are really interested in information (not to mention knowledge andwisdom!) and don’t really want to know about computers and cables.”
Berners- Lee 说,万维网是一个信息的虚拟的空间。在因特网上,你可以找到电脑。在万维网上,你可以找到文件,声音,影像和信息。在因特网上,链接是电脑之间线路,在万维网上,链接的是超链接。万维网之所以能存在是因为用因特网的电脑拥有交流程序,万维网不能独立于因特网存在。万维网让因特网更有用,因为人们对信息更感兴趣,但并不想了解电脑和线路。
这一段开始,Berners- Lee就说了万维网的本质是abstract space for information。在接下来的段落中,虽然看上去是把万维网和因特网不停比较,但说到万维网web的时候有些信息点是与前文重复的,比如find documents, sounds, videos…information和前面的space for information 是重合的,只是在后面更解释得更详细。下面一句的connections are hyperlinks在第二段中的的对万维网的定义中也提到了。所以这些信息点都可以省略。下面两句都是讲万维网依赖因特网而存在,相对全文来说没有那么重要。在这一段的最后作者又给出一个新的信息点,说万维网使因特网有用,并且在之后的解释里又扣住了information, 这个和万维网本质以及本段开始的信息点都息息相关,所以最后一个信息点 ‘The Web made the Net useful because…’需要放在我们最后的summary中。
While in 1984, the Internet had grown to hold 1000 host computers, theinitial attempts to catalogue this system of networks were simple, but Tim Berners-Lee made the greatest innovation, World Wide Web in 1989, which was a new system of communication on the internet using hyperlinks anda user-friendly graphical interface, and it is an abstract space of informationthat interests people,which means the Web makes the Net useful. (73 words)