教你一招至少能抓3个重点,高频SST新题Identity Theory详解。

原创 2019年03月19日 7PLUS英语

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3月份是新学期开始之后也该渐渐进入了努力学习的时刻了。这个时间点不仅是学校进入状态的时候,更是每年PTE预备要加题的时候。所以大家趁还没有连环due due due的中枪之前,在PTE变得越来越难之前,抓紧时间把PTE成绩拿到手。千万不要把备考PTE忘记。各位小主们,还得继续翻PTE的牌子呀 !



Identity Theory


And then in the 1950s, philosophers had this novel idea that perhaps themind is just identical with the brain. OK? And this had occurred tophilosophers before, and so happen, it happened around the same time the first departmentof neuroscience started forming like MIT in Sandford so forth. But basically,there is a couple of philosophers both educated here in Oxford Place (1956) andSmart (1959), and they made the claim that the mind just is the brain. So thatis the identity theory and with identity, identity in logic is the strongestrelation. When you have identity between A and B, you don't have two things,you have one thing. Alright? So now when you talk about mental events, you aretalking about brain events. Maybe when you talk about brain events, you aretalking about mental events. So that's the identity theory. The identity theoryis very popular, and the basic idea is that mental properties are justproperties of the brain.



大家不难发现这一篇Lecture所说的主题跟哲学有关,这样的主题通常都比较难懂。而且这一篇听力里面的演讲者有些语无伦次,这使得我们听起来更容易在风中凌乱。 但是到底懂还是没懂这个理论,这个演讲者思路乱还是不乱本身来说对于我们解题并不重要,我们的重点是在于听出来lecturer在这篇演讲当中的重点。



对于这一篇SST来说,第一个重点就是lecturer所说的理论到底是什么名字,即identity theory。这个关键词并不是在lecture一开篇说的,而是在末了所提到的“So that’s the identity theory.”好在SST是给了我们时间去分析和总结的,那这样即使关键词出现在后面,依然我们要“聪明的”把这个identity theory放去答案的开头。除了上述这句话表示了主题以外,同学们也不难发现lecturer所说的第一句话也包含了类似的信息:“perhaps the mind is just identical with the brain.”我们也因此可以把这两者结合起来,总结成一句话:Identity theory was a novelidea in 1950s, which means the mind is just identical with the brain.


第二个重点可以按照lecturer所提到的顺序去整理重点。如果你去仔细研究一下,你会发现其实这个演讲者一直说到“so that is …” 之前都在来回解释identity theory。既然如此,我们就不必要在答案里面一样像他来回绕这个定义,我们可以关注下面的重点,也就是: identity in logic is the strongest relation。接下来后面他提到了一种假设性的解释。那我们可以写出来第二句话:Next, the lecturer furtherexplained that identity in logic is the strongest relation.


第三个重点就是他绕来绕去说的brain events和mental events。说白了他就是在说这两者是等同的(所以才叫identity theory嘛)。既然如此我们就可以写出第三句话:According to him, brain events are identical tomental events and they are interchangeable.


最后一句话我们可以按照他的最后一句话照抄下来即可:Identity theory is verypopular, and the basic idea is that mental properties are just properties ofthe brain.



Identity theory was a novel idea in 1950s, which means the mind is just identical with the brain. Next, the lecturer further explained that identity in logic is the strongest relation. According to him, brain events are identical to mental events and they are interchangeable. Identity theory is very popular, and the basic ideais that mental properties are just properties of the brain.

(64 words)



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