Hotspot 悉尼近CBD小区华丽逆袭

2015年10月24日 ACCESSHOME澳诚


Beaconsfield以及周边地区由于地处内城区的绝佳位置,近年来已经发生了天翻地覆的变化。“市区南面的整块区域,Alexandria,Surry Hills,Beaconsfield以及Zetland——以上城区曾经都是轻工业区,30年前都是制造业的中心区。该地区的再开发和进步是显而易见的。每过一年,你都能发现这里的轻工业痕迹在逐渐淡化。由于该地区靠近市区,新住房的强大需求已经让其旧貌换新颜。这些城区目前已经是买家购房的热点地区。因为就目前来看,这里的房价还是比较实惠的,而且升值潜力巨大。”

Once quite industrial, Beaconsfield is at the centre of a whirlwind of new residential development.

ONLY 5km from the CBD, with a population of 906 and a total area of 20ha, the suburb of Beaconsfield has often been lost among its surrounding suburbs. But a new development in Queen St has the potential to put the suburb on the map.

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