【PTE机经 第14期】Read Aloud- Swinging Bridge| 7月09号

2017年07月09日 环球雅思墨尔本分校







PTE机经 第14期】Read Aloud| 7月09号

Swinging Bridge


        This is a photo of a modern suspension bridge. The bridge seems to be carefully designed with natural materials so that it matches the surrounding environment. It is made of thin wooden boards connected by steel suspension rods and cables. The style is very elegant and unobtrusive. The location seems to be some kind of nature reserve since there is a dirt trail visible on the left side of the image. The rest of the image shows a dense, green forest.


The picture gives information about a swinging bridge. As we can see from the picture, the structure of the bridge is quite simple. Wooden boards form the deck of the bridge and connected with the cables form one end to the other. The width of the bridge is neither too wide nor too narrow, but it has enough space for 4-5 people walking side by side. It seems like the bridge is located in a national park as the background is a clear view of a green forest, and undoubtedly it is a great place for excursion. It will be really excited walking on this bridge while it starts swinging horizontally in windy days.




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