2015.11.07 A类大作文范文
Some people believe news media today is more influential and this is a negative development. Do you agree or disagree?
【其实媒体类的话题,可能大部分学生都会觉得有点恐惧。不少学生反映说,媒体类的比较难构思Idea,也有较少的topic-related vocabulary。此外,关于这道news media的题目,审题也有些许的陷阱。大家如果不小心掉下去了,那么TR的分数就很难上7 了哦!~SO,我们今天来看看这篇有关Media的话题,如何审题,有什么好的观点,有什么值得摘抄的词句吧!】
As technology has changed, so too has the way people get news, transitioning from the morning paper to blogs and podcasts. Many have argued that the influence of the media has grown, causing negative effects on society. Personally, I mostly disagree with this view, because even though news spreads faster today, I believe more media channels lessens the influence of the media, which is a positive influence.
【Introduction部分该怎么写,其实和话题本身没有太大的关系。大家只需要写好这篇文章的主题,给出观点,那么就是一个结构上足够好的开头段了。从Sentence Structure来说,so too has the way people get news 以及 I mostly disagree with this view这类都是非常值得大家摘录的哦~做好摘抄工作,这样自己的词句能力一定会有所提升!】
Granted, news stories can spread faster nowadays. With the growth of the Internet, information can span the globe faster than ever. An illustration of this is evidenced by a social experiment by a college student in the United States. The student published incorrect information on Wikipedia, an online publicly edited encyclopaedia, and news stations across the globe began reporting the false information within hours.
【第一段,作者提到的是他非常同意现在这个时代,信息的转播是非常快的。大家不要忘记,其实关于这个argument,也是需要提及的。因为这也是这道题目的一部分。用Wikipedia这个例子很好的说明了the news stations across the globe began reporting the false information within hours. 在本段中,span the globe faster than ever/across the globe都是可以收入摘抄本的哦~】
However, when considering the media’s influence, more news sources make a single story less influential. In the past, people often relied on a single source for most of their news. With a limited number of news sources, opinions and perspectives could skew the story presented. Today, people can read about differing views and opinions on an event, lessening the influence that a single news story can have. For instance, events that happened in Ferguson, Missouri incited riots in the United States, after stories surfaced about an unarmed young man being shot by a police officer. However, after the full story was released, it has been reported that the young man robbed a store and attacked an officer before being shot, helping to quell the urge to riot.
【但是,另一方面,more news sources make a single story less influential. 怎么说?因为过去,大家基本都依赖同一个新闻的来源,观点也好,看法也好,基本都是基于同一个新闻播报。如今,大家可以看到不同的新闻,不同的观点,不同的看法,那么显然就lessening the influence that a single news story can have. 所以说,作者并不同意news media是negative development. 】
As a result of increased news sources, a more informed general public improves decision-making. When people can read about the differing views and opinions on a topic, they can gather more information and make more informed decisions, and when it comes to voting, public opinion and the economy, more informed decision making means society is better off.
In conclusion, it is certainly true that information is obtained faster than ever, but this has led to more news sources, which lessons the impact of a single media outlet and creates more informed individuals.
350 words – 40 minutes
看完这篇文章,大家是不是突然觉得,好像媒体类的文章也并没有想象的难呢?的确,小雅哥建议大家不要刻意的追求所谓的新颖的Idea,考官在乎的并不是你的观点有多突出,而是你对于你的观点的解释有多合理,以及对于观点的诠释有多地道。雅思是一个语言考试,考的是你的英语能力。所以,大家平时可以多摘抄一些范文中的好词好句,积累自己的topic-related vocabulary,词汇占分,但是重要的是accuracy。在追求大词难词的同时,烤鸭们更要注意的是用词的准确性。
无忧雅思每场考试都会发布高分的Task 2范文~不会落下的哦!~