
2019年07月12日 文波英语

文波英语2019.7.13-7.26 PTE高频预测免费领取啦!



1.      Online shoppingenvironments (new)

A uniquecharacteristic of online shopping environments is that they allow vendors to createretail interfaces with highly interactive features. One desirable form ofinteractivity from a consumer perspective is the implementation ofsophisticated tools to assist shoppers in their purchase decisions bycustomizing the electronic shopping environment to their individualpreferences.


2.      Internal combustionengine

Internalcombustion engine, enabling the drive to decide which source of power isappropriate for the travel requirements of given journey. Major US automanufacturers are now developing feasible hybrid electric vehicles, and someare exploring fuel-cell technology for their electric cars.

3.      Hazard Assessment

A Hazard Assessment should be performed for work involvingdistillations of organic liquids and should thoroughly address issues relatingto residual water and possible decomposition of the solvent in question, aswell as the physical placement of the distillation apparatus and heatingequipment to be employed.

4.      Pluto

Pluto was one of nine planets recognised to our solarsystem. But in 2006, it was relegated to the official status of dwarf planet bythe International Astronomical Union. It will bring into clear focus once morewhat is, and what isn’t meant by the term ‘planet’.

5.      Blue

Blue is the most popular colour. Food researchers disagree–when humans searched for food, they learned to avoid toxic or spoiled objects,which were often blue, black, or purple. When food dyed blue is served to studysubjects, they lose their appetite. 

6.      The only family

Imagineliving all your life as the only family on your street. Then, one morning, youopen the front door and discover houses all around you. You see neighborstending their gardens and children walking to school. Where did all the peoplecome from? What if the answer turned out to be that they had always beenthere—you just hadn't seen them?

7.      Akimbo

Akimbo,this must be one of the odder-looking words in the languages. It puzzles us inpart because it doesn’t seem to have any relatives. What’s more, it is nowvirtually a fossil word, until recently almost invariably found in arms akimbo,a posture in which a person stands with hands on hips and elbows sharply bentoutward, one that signals impatience and hostility

8.      Australian English

Australiansdo speak English, however, for some tourists and travelers, it can be difficultto understand the slang. Also, the links between Australian and AmericanEnglish were seen to be very tenuous. At least some colloquialisms inAustralian English does not exist in other types of English.

Repeat sentence

1.        Sincethe problems we face are global, we need to find the relative solutions. (new)

2.        In1880, cycling became a major phenomenon in the United States. (new)

3.        Electriccars are the future of transportation as they promise a cleaner environment.(new)

4.        Expertisein particular areas distinguishes you from other graduates. (new)

5.        Careneeds to be taken for vulnerable groups during the periods of turmoil. (new)

6.        Johnwent rushing off down the corridor. (new)

7.        Pleasecarefully study the framework and complete the survey. (new)

8.        Thelecture tomorrow will discuss the educational policies in the United States.(new)

9.        Youcan have your laptop during the exam. (new)

10.    There is a prestigious program for our university.

11.    Many undergraduate students go back home to stay withtheir parents after graduation.

12.    In consultation with your supervisor, your thesis isapproved by the faculty committee.

13.    Once more under the pressure of economic necessity,practice outstripped theory.

14.    Students will not be given credits for assignmentsubmitted after the due date.

15.    Your enrollment information, results and fees will beavailable online.

16.    Our school of Arts and Technology accepts applications atall points throughout the year.

17.    The hypothesis needs to be tested in a more rigorous way.

18.    Today, we will be discussing the role of the governmentin preventing injustice.

19.    You should go to the reception to get your student card.

20.    We didn’t have any noticeable variance between the two orthree tasks.

21.    Number the beakers and put them away.

Write from dictation

1.      New materials andtechniques are changing the way of architecture. (new)

2.      Students should put theirbags on the table behind the door. (new)

3.      New developments inmanufacturing are constantly changing the way we live. (new)

4.      The course involves pureand applied mathematics. (new)

5.      You will be tested via quizand dissertation. (new)

6.      New media journalism is aninteresting area for study. (new)

7.      There are many differentstyles of business management. (new)

8.      The course coversarchitecture planning and construction on the international scale. (new)

9.      The rising of the sea levelindicates climate change. (new)

10.  We are rethinking thesolutions for the society. (new)

11.  Plagiarism in a test isvery severe. (new)

12.  Neuroscience is a compoundof completely separate parts. (new)

13.  There is an accountingassessment for finance students. (new)

14.  Marine environment has beendestroyed by pollution and unsustainable development. (new)

15.  Calculators allow us to addnumbers that we all made mistakes. (new)

16.  The bank is hoping to tapinto a fast growing market. (new)

17.  Practical experiments areessential parts of chemical classes. (new)

18.  We should neverunderestimate the power of creative design. (new)

19.  Many diseases on the listhave been irritated. (new)

20.  Scholarship applicationsmust be completed at the end of the month. (new)

21.  Many universities’ lecturescan now be reviewed on the Internet. (new)

22.  Air pollution is a seriousproblem all over the world. (new)

23.  The university providesdifferent facilities for students and staff. (new)

24.  Classical mechanism isconsidered as a branch of mathematics. (new)



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