1. 澳洲政府已经确认,对于受疫情影响的学生,如果是上网课的话可以满足PSW签证的要求。具体可参考: the Australian Department of Home Affairs website.
2. 政府将重新开始签发在澳洲以外学生的签证。UNSW鼓励学生递交签证申请,这样边境一旦重开,就可以来到悉尼,建议学生提前做准备。
We are delighted to share some good news about updates to international student visas which were announced by the Australian Government on 20 July 2020.
We know that post-study work rights is an important consideration for many students. The Government has confirmed that online studies will count towards the Australian study requirement for a post-study work visa (for students who are affected by COVID-19). For detailed information about Student Visas, please visit the Australian Department of Home Affairs website. |
Additionally, the Government will recommence granting student visas lodged outside of Australia. We encourage students to apply for their visa so that they will be able to travel to Sydney as soon as borders re-open. While we don’t know exactly when travel restrictions will be lifted, it’s important that students are prepared in advance.
For announcements and more information please read the update from the Australian Government Minister. The Australian Department of Home Affairs has also released additional clarification on the updates, this information is correct as at 21 July 2020.
We look forward to receiving your students’ applications and enrolments. If you need any help or support, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes, UNSW Sydney


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