【PTE机经 第2期】Describe image | 6月16号

2017年06月16日 环球雅思墨尔本分校







【PTE机经 第2期】Describe image |  6月16号

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

This is a diagram illustrating the formation oftwo huge “garbage patches” in the Pacific Ocean. All the rubbish that humanshave dumped into the ocean has been collected by the North Pacific Gyrecurrents. The Eastern Patch is located to the south of Russia and east ofJapan. The Western Patch lies off the west coast of Canada, Mexico and theUnited States, very close to Hawaii. The result is two continent-sized vortexesof degrading plastic waste which have been described as “garbage soup”. Itseems that very few people know or care about this issue, hence the title “Outof sight, Out of mind”.

2)The picture is about out of sight, out of mind,which thoroughly describes the continent-sized vortex of plastic wasteblighting the pacific. From the picture we can see that there are two mainareas of the rubbish soup, Western garbage patch and eastern garbage patch. Thedrifting soup has crossed the northern pacific, past Hawaii and almost as faras Japan. The translucent soup of the degrading plastic waste have alreadyaccumulated to a depth of 10 meters garbage patch. Furthermore, the rotationpattern created by the north pacific gyre current is streaming clockwise andcounterclockwise around the two garbage patches.  In summary, plastic thatbeen dumped into the sea are causing a severe damage to the marine-ecosystem.

【生词】Vortex旋风,漩涡            blighting 损害        

translucent半透明的        Marine-ecosystem 海洋生态系统    






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