第一轮的模考将在本周三举行,模考有2道readaloud +3道describe image。届时同学需要对describeimage进行现场作答,周三晚上以语音形式发给老师,老师将对同学们的作答做出点评,和纠正。 模考题目如下:
Analysts were impressed by the improvement in margins reported across allregions, apart from the United Kingdom, and said that this reflected a cleareffort to improve profitability across the business. Although the turnaround istill in its early stages and the valuation looks full, given the challenge ofturning around such a large and complex business, this is certainly animpressive start.
The Italian alphabet has fewer letters in comparison with the Englishalphabet. Italian does not use the letters J, K, W,X or Y – except in borrowed words. However, young Italiansare increasingly using the letter K in words that would be written with C or CHin standard Italian orthography.
30分钟 同学语音的点评+30分钟讲解题目的解题思路
点评同学 read aloud 的录音,纠正发音
如何在短时间完整表达出describe image 的内容