【2014.7.19 A类小作文】
对不起,我们也真的没想到!!!雅思这是要逆天的节奏吗?2014年21场A类考试,10次流程图或者地图题 具体考题是:是把车上的旧电池Recycle成新电池和Other Product 据学员回忆,这次的流程图不是常规的一步一步的flow chart,而是几个步骤同时进行,比较难区分每一个具体的step,只能希望今天的烤鸭们好运了
【2014.7.19 A类大作文】
Some people believe governments should make people go on a diet and others believe it’s individuals responsibility to diet or stay healthy. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
如今的雅思A类G类考试联动性非常强,不单单是题型互换的考,就连话题都有联动性,上周G类刚考了一道healthy diet的题,今天A类立马出现了!~A类的小伙伴们也可以适当的练习一下G类的考题,至少积累一些idea和argument
【2014.7.19 G类小作文】
You just had a holiday with your friend. Write a letter to state what are you doing now and invite him to visit here. 又是informal 的letter哦,小伙伴们一定要注意Tone哦!~
【2014.7.19 G类大作文】
Many people spend a lot of time using communications technology. What are the reasons for this? What effects on family and friends?
经典的reasons & effects的题型,大家一定要注意题目问得是reasons和effects,因此必须要写2个以上的reasons和对于family和friends的影响哦,不然Task Response会失分哦!~
【雅思流程图范文及解题 无忧雅思内部资料】
The Flow chart shows how waste paper is recycled(第一句一定要交待出整个图内容,让考官一眼就明白你读懂题了,The flow chart shows how… 可以作为一个万能的流程图开头套句).
It is clear that (和写别的A类小作文一样,流程图也需要overview,It is clear that…是一个很不错的句式童鞋们可以大胆使用) there are six distinct stages in this process(图标一共有几个流程也一定需要再第一段内表明), from the initial collection of waste paper to the eventual production of usable paper(然后烤鸭们把第一个以及最后一个流程写进去就好啦,这样,一个完美的流程图题introduction就写完啦).
At the first stage(body段需要从第一个stage写到最后一个stage哦,但是切记,千万不要简单的重复,要不然就成流水账了)in the paper recycling process, waste paper is collected either from paper banks, where members of the public leave their used paper, or directly from businesses. This paper is then(悄悄的进入下一个阶段了)sorted by hand and separated according to its grade, with any paper that is not suitable for recycling being removed. Next, (又进入一个新阶段了哦)the graded paper is transported to a paper mill.
Stages four and five(很巧妙的将两个阶段统一描述,高效,简洁) of the process both involve cleaning. The paper is cleaned and pulped, and foreign objects such as staples are taken out. Following this (很不错的一个连接词), all remnants of ink and glue are removed from the paper at the de-inking stage. Finally,(进入最后一个阶段)the pulp can be processed in a paper making machine, which makes the end product: usable paper.
(159 words, Band 9)
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