离报税截止期10月31日只有2周了,澳洲税务局ATO鼓励那些尚未递交税表的自行报税的人查看自己是否有资格使myTax. myTax是设计让那些税务情况简单的纳税人使用的。
助理署长Karen Anstis说已经有约80万人使用了myTax,反响非常积极。
“一名纳税人申报了将近55000元的电话,上网,家庭办公室,美发以及服装费用,但是没有提供足够的信息来证明这些申报”。 Anstis女士说。
- 你必须花了这笔钱(而且没有地方可报销)
- 花费必须和工作相关
- 你有相关纪录来证明这个花费
- 错误地申报来往于家和工作之间的交通费
Get it right and get in quick with myTax
With just two weeks until the 31 October deadline the ATO is encouraging self-lodgers who haven’t completed their tax return to check if they are eligible to use myTax, designed for people with more straightforward tax affairs.
Assistant Commissioner Karen Anstis says feedback from the almost 800,000 people who’ve used myTax has been overwhelmingly positive.
“What we’re hearing is that myTax has made lodging online so much easier and people are completing their tax much faster.”
“Some people have told us that they've lodge in as little as five to 10 minutes with myTax.” said Ms Anstis.
MyTax has 10 main screens to review and uses prefilling to automatically include information from employers, banks and government agencies, making it even quicker and easier to complete your return.
myTax only asks the questions relevant to your circumstances and is available on smartphones, tablets and computers.
“For example, a 20 year old just entering the workforce shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not they qualify for the seniors and pensioners tax offset,” said Ms Anstis.
People will still have to enter any deductions, including work-related expenses.
Already this tax time, four million people have claimed work-related expenses worth around ten billion dollars.
For people with more complex tax affairs, e-tax is still available to download from the ATO website.
The ATO is also reminding people to ensure they are claiming expenses correctly. This will reduce the risk of being asked to provide extra evidence of expenses if our data analysis identifies unusual patterns or errors made by those claiming deductions.
“One taxpayer claimed nearly $55,000 in phone and internet, home office, hairdressing and clothing expenses without providing sufficient information to support their claims,” said Ms Anstis.
The taxpayer’s claims were rejected in full and they were required to pay additional tax, penalties and interest charges totalling $30,000.
There are three basic rules for claiming work-related expenses:
You must have spent the money (it cannot be reimbursed).
The expense must be related to your job.
You must have a record to prove it.
We often see people making the same easily avoidable mistakes when it comes to claiming deductions, these include:
Incorrectly claiming travel between home and work as a work-related expense.
Making claims for home office, mobile phone and computer expenses without any evidence supporting how the claims were apportioned between private expenses and work-related expenses.
Receiving a travel allowance and claiming the full amount without actually having spent that much.
Find out more:
The ATO has produced a series of YouTube videos to help you understand the basic rules before claiming certain work-related expenses:https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Income-and-deductions/In-detail/Deductions-for-work-related-expenses/Work-related-expenses-videos/
More information is available on our website athttps://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Income-and-deductions/Deductions-you-can-claim/
You can visit ato.gov.au/deductions or call 13 28 61 to ensure you get it right.