自2015年1月起,加拿大移民部引入了用于技术移民的优选邀请制度——Experss Entry,简称EE,适用于以下三类申请:技术类FSW、加拿大经验类CEC和技工类FST,其中技术类FSW需先通过语言、教育背景、工作经验、年龄、适应性,以及加拿大雇主共六项评估得出相应分数,得到67分以上才有资格和其他两类一样进入EE申请池。加拿大移民部使用EE-CRS评价体系,满分为1200分,按得分由高到低进行邀请,平均每月两次,受邀后大部分申请人在半年一年内能拿到移民枫叶卡。EE-CRS具体评分表细则如下:
I. 核心评分要素- | 有配偶,最高460 分 | 单身,最高500 分 |
年龄加分 | 已婚最高100分 | 单身最高110分 |
未超过17周岁 | 0 | 0 |
18周岁 | 90 | 99 |
19周岁 | 95 | 105 |
20 - 29周岁 | 100 | 110 |
30周岁 | 95 | 105 |
31周岁 | 90 | 99 |
32周岁 | 85 | 94 |
33周岁 | 80 | 88 |
34周岁 | 75 | 83 |
35周岁 | 70 | 77 |
36周岁 | 65 | 72 |
37周岁 | 60 | 66 |
38周岁 | 55 | 61 |
39周岁 | 50 | 55 |
40周岁 | 45 | 50 |
41周岁 | 35 | 39 |
42周岁 | 25 | 28 |
43周岁 | 15 | 17 |
44周岁 | 5 | 6 |
45周岁 or more | 0 | 0 |
教育加分 | 已婚最高140分 | 单身最高150分 |
初中以下 | 0 | 0 |
初高中 | 28 | 30 |
一年高等教育 | 84 | 90 |
二年高等教育 | 91 | 98 |
三年及以上高等教育 | 112 | 120 |
两个以上高等教育且其中一个为3年制及以上 | 119 | 128 |
硕士 | 126 | 135 |
博士 | 140 | 150 |
第一语言,单项 | 已婚最高128分 | 单身最高136分 |
Less than CLB 4, | 0分/项 | 0分/项 |
CLB 4 or 5 | 6分/项 | 6分/项 |
CLB 6 | 8分/项 | 9分/项 |
CLB 7 | 16分/项 | 17分/项 |
CLB 8 | 22分/项 | 23分/项 |
CLB 9 | 29分/项 | 31分/项 |
CLB 10 or more | 32分/项 | 34分/项 |
第二语言,单项 | 已婚最高22分 | 单身最高24分 |
CLB 4 or less | 0分/项 | 0分/项 |
CLB 5 or 6 | 1分/项 | 1分/项 |
CLB 7 or 8 | 3分/项 | 3分/项 |
CLB 9 or more | 6分/项 | 6分/项 |
加拿大工作经验加分 | 已婚最高70分 | 单身最高80分 |
不到一年 | 0 | 0 |
1 年 | 35 | 40 |
2 年 | 46 | 53 |
3 年 | 56 | 64 |
4 年 | 63 | 72 |
5 年及以上 | 70 | 80 |
II. 配偶加分 | 有配偶,最高40分 | 单身不适用 |
配偶教育加分 | 最高10分 | 0 |
初中以下 | 0 | |
初高中 | 2 | |
一年高等教育 | 6 | |
二年高等教育 | 7 | |
三年及以上高等教育 | 8 | |
两个以上高等教育且其中一个为3年制及以上 | 9 | |
硕士 | 10 | |
博士 | 10 | |
配偶第一语言加分- | 最高20分- | 0 |
CLB 4 or less | 0分/项 | |
CLB 5 or 6 | 1分/项 | |
CLB 7 or 8 | 3分/项 | |
CLB 9 or more | 5分/项 | |
配偶加拿大工作经验 | 最高10分 | 0 |
不到一年 | 0 | |
1 年 | 5 | |
2 年 | 7 | |
3 年 | 8 | |
4 年 | 9 | |
5 年及以上 | 10 | |
III. 加拿大技术移民适应分,最高100,对加拿大工作,学历,语言及海外学历综合评分 | ||
一、学历奖励分,基于语言,50 | 第一语言单项都达到CLB 7的学历奖励分 | 第一语言单项都达到CLB 9学历奖励分 |
中学 (levels 1&2) | 0 | 0 |
一年及以上高等教育(levels 3,4 & 5) | 13 | 25 |
两个及以上高等学历且一个学历年制超过3年(levels 6,7 & 8) | 25 | 50 |
二、学历奖励分,基于加拿大工作,50 | 有一年以上加拿大工作经验的学历奖励分 | 有二年以上加拿大工作经验的学历奖励分 |
中学 (levels 1&2) | 0 | 0 |
一年及以上高等教育(levels 3,4 & 5) | 13 | 25 |
两个及以上高等学历且一个学历年制超过3年(levels 6,7 & 8) | 25 | 50 |
三、工作分,基于语言,50 | 第一语言单项都达到 CLB 7 的海外工作经验加分 | 第一语言单项都达到 CLB 9 的海外工作经验加分 |
无加拿大外工作经验 | 0 | 0 |
1-2年加拿大外工作 | 13 | 25 |
3年以上加拿大外工作 | 25 | 50 |
四、工作分,有加拿大工作,50 | 有1年加拿大工作经验的海外工作奖励加分 | 有2年加拿大工作经验的海外工作奖励加分 |
无加拿大外工作经验 | 0 | 0 |
1-2年加拿大外工作 | 13 | 25 |
3年以上加拿大外工作 | 25 | 50 |
五、加拿大技工职业证书及官方语言 | 语言单项不低于 CLB 5 且有一项达到 7 | 语言单项都达到 CLB 7 |
持有加拿大技工 certificate of qualification | 25 | 50 |
IV. 其他加分 | Maximum 600 points | |
1) 雇主 offer | 600 | |
2) 省提名 | 600 |
曼省移民局在11月15日宣布,移民新政更新了海外技术工人移民类别(Skilled Workers Overseas Stream),该类别项目将于2018年1月开始实施,意图招募高技术人才,优先考虑申请人与曼省关联性/适应能力以及配偶的学历、英语和技能。这个海外技术移民EE快速通道项目,申请人需要满足下述条件:
1. 符合加拿大联邦EE项目要求
2. 申请人职业在曼省紧缺职业列表中
3. 有曼省亲属或朋友担保支持
海外技术工人(EE快速通道类) | |
评分标准 | 最低要求 |
快速通道 | 满足联邦EE申请要求,提供ID号 |
工作经验 | 至少六个月的工作经验(符合曼省紧职业列表),并提供就业计划 |
语言要求 | NOC0/A类——CLB7 NOCB类——CLB6 |
教育背景 | 完成一年制以上高等教育课程,特定职业需要有效执照 |
年龄 | 18周岁以上 |
适应能力 | 有能力和意愿定居曼省;有曼省亲属或朋友担保支持(在曼省定居一年或获得的曼省移民局申请要求)
担保资金 | 加拿大家庭最低收入标准(半年)的存款 |
1 - Business, finance and administration occupations
NOC | Occupation Title | Skill Level | Minimum CLB |
0111 | Financial managers * | 0 | 7 |
0112 | Human resources managers | 0 | 5 |
0114 | Other administrative services managers | 0 | 5 |
0121 | Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers | 0 | 5 |
0122 | Banking, credit and other investment managers | 0 | 5 |
0124 | Advertising, marketing and public relations managers | 0 | 5 |
1111 | Financial auditors and accountants * | A | 7 |
1112 | Financial and investment analysts | A | 5 |
1114 | Other financial officers | A | 5 |
1121 | Human resources professionals | A | 5 |
1122 | Professional occupations in business management consulting | A | 5 |
1123 | Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations | A | 5 |
1212 | Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers | B | 5 |
1215 | Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations | B | 5 |
1221 | Administrative officers | B | 5 |
1223 | Human resources and recruitment officers | B | 5 |
1224 | Property administrators | B | 5 |
1241 | Administrative assistants | B | 5 |
1242 | Legal administrative assistants | B | 5 |
1251 | Court reporters, medical transcriptionists and related occupations | B | 5 |
1311 | Accounting technicians and bookkeepers | B | 5 |
* Regulated Occupation
2 - Natural and applied sciences and related occupations
NOC | Occupation Title | Skill Level | Minimum CLB |
0211 | Engineering managers | 0 | 5 |
0212 | Architecture and science managers | 0 | 5 |
0213 | Computer and information systems managers | 0 | 5 |
2121 | Biologists and related scientists | A | 5 |
2123 | Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists * | A | 7 |
2131 | Civil engineers * | A | 7 |
2132 | Mechanical engineers * | A | 7 |
2133 | Electrical and electronics engineers * | A | 7 |
2141 | Industrial and manufacturing engineers * | A | 7 |
2147 | Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) * | A | 7 |
2151 | Architects * | A | 7 |
2154 | Land surveyors * | A | 7 |
2161 | Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries | A | 5 |
2171 | Information systems analysts and consultants | A | 5 |
2172 | Database analysts and data administrators | A | 5 |
2173 | Software engineers and designers * | A | 7 |
2174 | Computer programmers and interactive media developers | A | 5 |
2175 | Web designers and developers | A | 5 |
2211 | Chemical technologists and technicians | B | 5 |
2212 | Geological and mineral technologists and technicians * | B | 7 |
2221 | Biological technologists and technicians * | B | 7 |
2222 | Agricultural and fish products inspectors | B | 5 |
2231 | Civil engineering technologists and technicians * | B | 7 |
2232 | Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians * | B | 7 |
2233 | Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians * | B | 7 |
2234 | Construction estimators | B | 5 |
2241 | Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians * | B | 7 |
2242 | Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment) * | B | 7 |
2244 | Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors * | B | 7 |
2253 | Drafting technologists and technicians * | B | 7 |
2271 | Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors | B | 5 |
2281 | Computer network technicians * | B | 7 |
2282 | User support technicians | B | 5 |
* Regulated Occupation
3 - Health occupations
NOC | Occupation Title | Skill Level | Minimum CLB |
0311 | Managers in Health Care | A | 7 |
3131 | Pharmacists * | A | 7 |
3132 | Dietitians and nutritionists * | A | 7 |
3141 | Audiologists and speech-language pathologists * | A | 7 |
3142 | Physiotherapists * | A | 7 |
3143 | Occupational therapists * | A | 7 |
3211 | Medical laboratory technologists * | B | 7 |
3212 | Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists’ assistants | B | 5 |
3213 | Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians | B | 5 |
3214 | Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists * | B | 7 |
3215 | Medical radiation technologists | B | 5 |
3219 | Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health) | B | 5 |
3222 | Dental hygienists and dental therapists * | B | 7 |
3236 | Massage therapists | B | 5 |
* Regulated Occupation
4 - Occupations in social science, education, government service and religion
NOC | Occupation Title | Skill Level | Minimum CLB |
0423 | Managers in social, community and correctional services | 0 | 5 |
4112 | Lawyers and Quebec notaries * | A | 7 |
4151 | Psychologists * | A | 7 |
4152 | Social workers * | A | 7 |
4153 | Family, marriage and other related counsellors | A | 5 |
4161 | Natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officers | A | 5 |
4163 | Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants | A | 5 |
4164 | Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers | A | 5 |
4165 | Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers | A | 5 |
4166 | Education policy researchers, consultants and program officers | A | 5 |
4167 | Recreation, sports and fitness policy researchers, consultants and program officers | A | 5 |
4168 | Program officers unique to government | A | 5 |
4211 | Paralegal and related occupations | B | 5 |
4212 | Social and community service workers | B | 5 |
4214 | Early childhood educators and assistants * | B | 7 |
4215 | Instructors of persons with disabilities | B | 5 |
5 - Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
NOC | Occupation Title | Skill Level | Minimum CLB |
0513 | Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors | 0 | 5 |
5131 | Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations | A | 5 |
5225 | Audio and video recording technicians | B | 5 |
5241 | Graphic designers and illustrators | B | 5 |
5242 | Interior designers and interior decorators | B | 5 |
5243 | Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers | B | 5 |
5254 | Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness | B | 5 |
6 - Sales and service occupations
NOC | Occupation Title | Skill Level | Minimum CLB |
0601 | Corporate sales managers | 0 | 5 |
0621 | Retail and wholesale trade managers | 0 | 5 |
0651 | Managers in customer and personal services, n.e.c. | 0 | 5 |
6221 | Technical sales specialists – wholesale trade | B | 5 |
6222 | Retail and wholesale buyers | B | 5 |
6232 | Real estate agents and salespersons | B | 5 |
6235 | Financial sales representatives | B | 5 |
6311 | Food service supervisors | B | 5 |
6322 | Cooks | B | 5 |
6332 | Bakers | B | 5 |
7 - Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
NOC | Occupation Title | Skill Level | Minimum CLB |
0711 | Construction managers | 0 | 5 |
0712 | Home building and renovation managers | 0 | 5 |
0714 | Facility operation and maintenance managers | 0 | 5 |
0731 | Managers in transportation | 0 | 5 |
7231 | Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors | B | 5 |
7232 | Tool and die makers | B | 5 |
7233 | Sheet metal workers | B | 5 |
7237 | Welders and related machine operators | B | 5 |
7241 | Electricians (except industrial and power system) ** | B | 6 |
7242 | Industrial electricians ** | B | 6 |
7244 | Electrical power line and cable workers | B | 5 |
7245 | Telecommunications line and cable workers * | B | 7 |
7246 | Telecommunications installation and repair workers * | B | 7 |
7251 | Plumbers | B | 5 |
7271 | Carpenters | B | 5 |
7282 | Concrete finishers | B | 5 |
7284 | Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers | B | 5 |
7294 | Painters and decorators (except interior decorators) | B | 5 |
7295 | Floor covering installers | B | 5 |
7311 | Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics | B | 5 |
7312 | Heavy-duty equipment mechanics | B | 5 |
7313 | Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics ** | B | 6 |
7315 | Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors | B | 5 |
7316 | Machine fitters | B | 5 |
7321 | Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers | B | 5 |
7322 | Motor vehicle body repairers | B | 5 |
7361 | Railway and yard locomotive engineers | B | 5 |
7362 | Railway conductors and brakemen/women | B | 5 |
7371 | Crane operators ** | B | 6 |
8 - Occupations unique to primary industry
NOC | Occupation Title | Skill Level | Minimum CLB |
0821 | Managers in agriculture | 0 | 5 |
9 - Occupations unique to processing, manufacturing and utilities
NOC | Occupation Title | Skill Level | Minimum CLB |
0911 | Manufacturing managers | 0 | 5 |
0912 | Utilities managers | 0 | 5 |
9241 | Power engineers and power systems operators | B |
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