A: Good evening. My name is Fabio, I'll be your waiter for tonight. May I take your order?
waiter 服务生
May I take your order? 我可以拿你的菜了吗?就是问,我可以为您点餐了吗?
B: No, I'm still working on it. This menu is not even in English. What's good here?
I’m still working on it.我正在做着什么事情,就是说,我还在看菜单呢,我还没有决定。
menu 菜单
What’s good here? 这有什么好吃的?
A: For you sir, I would recommend spaghetti and meatballs.
recommend 推荐
spaghetti 意大利面
meatballs 肉丸子
B: Does it come with coke and fries?
Does it come with 有,推荐的这个菜里面有可乐和炸薯条吗?
coke 可乐,fries 薯条
A: It comes with either soup or salad and a complimentary glass of wine, Sir.
soup 汤,salad沙拉
It comes with either soup or salad. 这个饭里面有汤,或者沙拉。
wine红酒,a glass of wine 一杯红酒
complimentary = free 免费的
a complimentary glass of wine 一杯免费的红酒
B: I'll go with the spaghetti and meatballs, salad and the wine.
I’ll go with 我要点什么菜
A: Excellent choice, your order will be ready soon.
your order will be ready soon 您点的餐马上就来
B: How soon is soon?
A: Twenty minutes?
B: You know what? I'll just go grab a burger across the street.
grab 抓
burger 汉堡
I’ll just go grab a burger 我还是走吧,去买个汉堡。
across the street 街对面