柏斯那么澳洲的公寓质量该由谁来保卫? 澳洲最大建筑商之一Hickory总裁今天发布声明,提出对澳洲公寓市场质量的积极监督管理方案,并呼吁整个行业携手制定解决方案,率先在维州建立更加完善的监管框架,以防范类似事件的发生。 Michael Argyrou,Hickory总裁 正式声明如下: Hickory 希望与政府配合,用行业力量来解决建筑外墙覆层危机。我们必须制定解决方案,在维多利亚州建立更加完善的监管框架,以防范类似事件的发生。 建筑行业监管不力和不合规覆层材料的使用反映出的,是监管和政策制定机构的工作不足,而非施工方的问题。我方将配合政府工作,防范类似事件的发生。 监管环境 国家工程规范标准(NationalConstruction Code and Standards)属于联邦政府的责任。 但是,标准的执行属于各州和地区政府的职责。 目前的情况表明,该监管框架效果不理想。 启用VBA 监管的私人测量师的方式在事实上将监管职责转移到了私营部门。 政府在向私营部门外包风险和责任的同时,也放弃了对消费者与社区安全的监管能力。 一直以来,我方均积极遵守相关的标准和法规,其中包括涉及铝制覆层使用的法规。 我方是在得到相关部门的批准后使用的铝制覆层,且建筑后期也通过了合规审核。 易燃覆层 过去20 年间,将铝塑复合板材料用于多层建筑外墙已成为业界惯例。 全球各地数以万计的建筑均有采用,甚至政府机构也明确授意施工机构使用铝塑复合板材料。 在这些建筑竣工并通过入住验收后多年,施工机构被要求使用另一种新材料重建建筑外立面,本行业被告知该优级材料比原来材料具有更高的安全性,虽然原材料之前也是经过测试、认证,表明其符合入住标准的。 我方目前也被要求进行相关升级工程,该工程花费甚多,且既往批准相关材料使用的政府部门不提供任何支持。 Hickory 目前在维多利亚州负责15 栋大型建筑的施工工程,造价为15 亿澳元。 我公司共有1000 名员工,并外聘有2500 名专业工匠参与上述建筑的施工作业。 面临危机时,最简单的处理方式就是把责任推卸到施工方,把经济和声誉方面的责任推卸给我方。 但此种处理方式会威胁到全行业的存续,乃至依靠行业谋求生计的员工们。英文原文:From MichaelArgyrou, Joint Managing DirectorHickory looks forward to working with the Governmentto involve industry in developing a response to the cladding crisis. It'simportant that we find solutions and build a better regulatory framework inVictoria to prevent similar occurrences in the future. The key failings in the oversight of the constructionsector and use of non-compliant cladding are those of regulators and policymakers – not builders – and we will work with the Government to prevent itoccurring in the future. The regulatory environment The National Construction Code and Standards are aFederal responsibility however, enforcement falls to the States andTerritories. It seems apparent that this framework is failing. A shift ofresponsibility to the private sector has occurred through the use of privatesurveyors who are regulated by the VBA. Government has outsourced riskand responsibility to the private sector and with it, consumer and communitysafety. We have always complied with standards andregulations, including the use of aluminium cladding. It was usedfollowing approval by relevant authorities and the buildings were later deemedcompliant. Combustible cladding During the last 20 years, the use of aluminiumcomposite panel façade material on multi-storey buildings became a conventionalpractice. It was specified and used on tens-of-thousands of buildings aroundthe world. Even government authorities instructed builders to use aluminiumcomposite panel. Years after these buildings were built and certifiedas fit for occupation, builders are now being asked to re-build the façadesusing new material that the industry is being told is better material –material that is safer than the material that was once specified, tested andcertified as being fit for occupation. We are being asked to do so atconsiderable cost, without support from the government that had sanctioned theuse of these materials. Hickory is currently constructing 15 large towers inVictoria at a cost of $1.5b. We employ 1,000 employees and have a further2,500 specialist tradespeople engaged in constructing thesebuildings. The easy response to this crisis is to blame thebuilder and shift financial and reputational responsibility to us. Thisapproach threatens the entire industry, its viability and the workforce whichrelies on it for its livelihood. 更多资讯请点击阅读更多。阅读更多:https://www.hickory.com.au/news/cladding/cladding/